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Quack O'Neill

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Everything posted by Quack O'Neill

  1. Quack O'Neill

    How do i loop custom sounds forever?

    no nothing played after using this. Miller_alive = true; [] spawn { while {Miller_alive} do { if (!alive Miller) then { tor1 say3D ["Music1", 1000, 3]; sleep 21; Miller_alive = true; }else{ Miller_alive = false; }; }; };
  2. Quack O'Neill

    How do i loop custom sounds forever?

    thanks :) , yeah he is called miller for now but it will be easier to change this. so by putting this in my init.sqf i wont even need a trigger ? and it will allways play out of the object named tor1 ?
  3. Quack O'Neill

    How do i loop custom sounds forever?

    yes i have a civilian stood inside a trigger. if he moves out of it he gets shot. but because he is stood inside it the music file is played, but only once. and i need it to play for ever. i used - as a way of saying x, 21, 25, 3600 and its immersion breaking if the rescue team can hear the sounds around the hostage when they are at the airport. so it has to 3d. it can take a long time for players to set up and get the drones out and then transport the units to the ao. so the player playing as hostage will be in there for way over an hour. 1-4 hour game play. no there arnt any other scripts in this mission. not 3rd party scripts. i have things like !Alive; or what ever it is to trigger way points and tasks. but thats it. yeah i get the black and white error messages on run or with some of my examples i get an error when the sound stops. but that was only when i was using sleep with out the. while {true} do part.
  4. Quack O'Neill

    How do i loop custom sounds forever?

    do you think it crashed because the doppler value is on 3 instead of 1 ? or if i changed the sleep to 7 ? anyway i dont like the way the computer performs when i run this. while {true} do { tor1 say3D ["Music1", 1000, 3]; sleep -; }; my sound is loopable.
  5. Quack O'Neill

    How do i loop custom sounds forever?

    why dont replay = true work ? it looks like it used to work.
  6. Quack O'Neill

    How do i loop custom sounds forever?

    while {true} do { tor1 say3D ["Music1", 1000, 3]; sleep 21; }; i just tried this and it crashed the game again.
  7. Quack O'Neill

    How do i loop custom sounds forever?

    yes the MB and time to render and convert it compared to just looping a small file. yeah sorry. ill try to keep the posts cleaner.
  8. Quack O'Neill

    How do i loop custom sounds forever?

    i could make a 2 hour ogg file but thats got to cost more ?
  9. Quack O'Neill

    How do i loop custom sounds forever?

    x as a sleep value crashed the game and so did a value like 25 & a value like 3600
  10. Quack O'Neill

    How do i loop custom sounds forever?

    yes forever. i dont need it to stop.
  11. Quack O'Neill

    How do i loop custom sounds forever?

    right so this would work while {true} do { tor1 say3D ["Music1", 1000, 3]; sleep 21; } the audio is 21 seconds
  12. Quack O'Neill

    How do i loop custom sounds forever?

    oh the the second example sorry george.
  13. Quack O'Neill

    How do i loop custom sounds forever?

    it don't really make sense to me haz j. playSound "Music1"; if i type this in the On Act it just plays once and its 2D. I had it working as a 3D sound but it wouldnt loop for ever. repleay = true; didnt work. now iv the code you both wrote for me in the right place but why cant i hear the sound. how do i trigger it in the trigger ? like i was before with the cfg
  14. Quack O'Neill

    How do i loop custom sounds forever?

    the sound isnt playing after putting that code in my description file and my init.sqf and i cant work out how to write or rephrase the right code into the OnActivation because thats how the sound was being triggered. what second "ex" ? there is only 1 x in that script and i imagine it means forever or something.
  15. Quack O'Neill

    How do i loop custom sounds forever?

    sorry for being an idiot. so what goes in my onActivation ? every time i change tor1 say3D ["Music1", 1000, 3]; to tor1 playSound3D ["Music1", 1000, 3]; i get errors tor1 playSound3D "Music1"; didnt work either. tor1 playSound3D _sound = _root + "music\ee3.ogg"; also not working.
  16. Quack O'Neill

    How do i loop custom sounds forever?

    I pasted your code into my description file but i got and error when i ran the mission file .if: (encountered instead of '=' I tried just the first lin in the description and the code part in my onActivtion but that didnt work either.
  17. Quack O'Neill

    How do i loop custom sounds forever?

    thank you daviddoss i will try that out.
  18. Quack O'Neill

    Round based ambush setup?

    How can i set up round based gameplay similar to Insurgency Ambush ? Im having trouble with end scenario states It needs to be able to display what side wins or loses when the conditions are met opfor wins or your team wins if they kill a specific unit (VIP) !alive vip1; and if they kill everyone but the vip and the time runs out (higher ratio than the other teams kills blufor wins or your team wins if the vip gets to the destinations A or B and if they kill all of the opposition. or a majority of the opposition before the time runs out. iv set all of this up, but i cant get it to display that the other team lost at the end, at the moment it just says the same state for both sides no matter who won or lost. Are there any modules that i can use to make what i want ?
  19. Quack O'Neill

    EDEN Editor BUGS

    set random start is even worse after the new update. now, nothing randomly spawns, all units just spawn at the default placement location.
  20. Thanks Hallyg I pasted what the code you sent last night , but it still didnt work. so, I removed the semicolon and replaced it with a comma. I also had to replace the semicolon at the end of call BIS_fnc_showSubtitle. Im not sure why, but its working now. WORKING: /* 6 code executed on start */ {["Satphone", "Dialing!"] call BIS_fnc_showSubtitle, playSound3D [format ["%1%2", [(str missionConfigFile), 0, -15] call BIS_fnc_trimString, "music\sound1.ogg"],player]},
  21. Error, no sound /* 6 code executed on start */ {["Satphone", "Dialing!"] call BIS_fnc_showSubtitle; playSound3D format ["%1%2", [(str missionConfigFile), 0, -15] call BIS_fnc_trimString, "music\sound1.ogg"]; playMusic "RadioAmbient1"; }, No Error, no sound. /* 6 code executed on start */ {["Satphone", "Dialing!"] call BIS_fnc_showSubtitle; format ["%1%2", [(str missionConfigFile), 0, -15] call BIS_fnc_trimString, "music\sound1.ogg"]; playMusic "RadioAmbient1"; }, I separated my lines with semi-colons and got this error so iv switched back.
  22. oh yeah sorry, i never looked that far up :) thanks hallyg
  23. I just tested it, and im still not hearing the audio. The file is being found i just cant hear it. earlier i was using Cfg Music etc, playsound "sound1" and it was failing to find the sound. eventually i found out about playsound3d and playMusic. I tried those and it stopped the missing file error, but like i say the audio isnt hearable.