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Kirill Shidenko

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About Kirill Shidenko

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  1. Kirill Shidenko

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    Regarding "shooter" error Looks like spawner scrip spawn incorrect units (for example if I tried to use SA20 for BLUFOR) and then site script cant find proper units for assign targets That error exist on Russian side with RHS addons. Script work just good when exacly SA20 launchers spawned (in editor it under Russian Federation Army). In other cases it spawn SA10 launchers with SA20 radar SA10 work just good
  2. Kirill Shidenko

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    Same problem here But I got that errors when placing SA-20 and in line 94 Addons: CBA, POOK, ACE, RHS Also, about manual palcing parts of SAM sites. Is it possible to make "spawner" unit which will actually spawn parts of SAM site in editor so we can drag it? Cose starteging placing of each part of site important too. Or for it you also need to rewrite all things? And other question: if i'll put manually radar+ SAM launchers +other parts, make radar unit commander will the site act like one unit or each part will act separetly (and yes I have read manual=)