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Everything posted by Devastator_cm

  1. @firewill if I make the FCS setup like described in your manual will I be able to use the magaizines and ammo which AWR is providing? I didn't understand the benefit of making the FCS integration to the plane which I want to use...
  2. Devastator_cm

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Is there any guideline how to add USAF air refuling functionality to an airlplane?
  3. Devastator_cm

    Devas Turkish Armed Forces (TAF)

    v.2.0 released! I would like to thank to @Aplion for the F-4 and @da12thMonkey for the hints with textures.
  4. Devastator_cm

    Questions about P drive

    ok after unmounting and restarting the computer the drive gets again letter and issue solved :)
  5. Devastator_cm

    Questions about P drive

    I think I made a terrible mistake.. I had already a drive with P: and I run the mountdrive from arma tools and now I do not see anymore what I had in my P: drive before I run the exe. How can I get my files back? P: drive shows it has several GBs of data inside but none of them are visible anymore...
  6. Names next to hud yes, but it still shows the names on the charachters with that diamond shape or am I mistaken?
  7. that is pitty :( I like the hud! But I just want the hud with symbols and thats it. I do not want compass, I do not want bearing and I do not want anything else like names (I set it via ACE3 which makes names visible only in 15 meters) etc. to keep the realism high :( Unfortunately current version is not delivering this
  8. cba settings does not have any option to disable compass overlay..
  9. I checked that wiki before and I am not able to see that parameter which you wrote. Am I blind? :/ That parameter should be set in init.sqf? Will it also turn of he compass directions for infantry?
  10. how can I turn off the compass directions and compass bearing (it shows up inside vehicle) ?
  11. hi guys, what is the script command to set the ace3 group colors? https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/assignTeam
  12. Devastator_cm

    ASR AI 3

    Hi Robalo, how is the skills for vehicle crews actually? They are not effected by this mod right? The technicals are godlike somehow with aim..
  13. Devastator_cm

    ASR AI 3

    Thanks for the update Robalo!
  14. Devastator_cm

    Devas Autopilot [RELEASE]

    Which script is it? Are you sure aircraft is local to player and not to server?
  15. Devastator_cm

    Devas Autopilot [RELEASE]

    it happens in some airplanes. Some of the airplanes do not like the default radius or the refresh rate and have such effect. Only solution is I provide a GUI where you can adjust the autopilot refresh rate and/or radius
  16. Devastator_cm

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    did you use apfsds or he? Maybe it has too thin body so apfsds pierce it through and nothing is happening excep some slight damage.
  17. Devastator_cm

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    for example you name your airplane c130 in the init field if(!isserver) exitwith {}; (c130 select 0) setVelocity [-180, 0, 0]; give a try
  18. Devastator_cm

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    what is the initial altitude? Above 200 meters should start the engines, if still not then you can use the command https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setVelocity to give the initial velocity
  19. does anybody have a description file which gives descriptions for all of the ace3 serverconfig classes? For instance, what is ace_overheating_unJamOnreload? I cannot find any document in internet which describes all of them..
  20. Devastator_cm

    Devas Autopilot [RELEASE]

    I made that version but didn't release yet :)
  21. and maybe a magic template for the helmets will be there? :)
  22. Looking for a clan with mature players who has nice balance with realism and fun to join :) Lots of Arma 3 hours spent, did scripting and a bit moding, have experience in mission making. European time zone prefered. Just to mentioned, I prefer clans who use ACE3 with high realism settings ;)
  23. Devastator_cm

    Devas Autopilot [RELEASE]

    yes that's correct. Give a try
  24. Devastator_cm

    Devas Autopilot [RELEASE]

    just delete the lefft/right rudder checks there. The rest you will need so do not delete whole line or do not adjust the output like you suggested above
  25. Devastator_cm

    Devas Autopilot [RELEASE]

    adjust line 25 in AutoPilotHeli.sqf and get rid of rudder check