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Everything posted by Awkarran

  1. Awkarran

    Combat Patrol

    This guy is right on with the need for civs. Also would love to see Syndikat as an enemy faction in the Tanoa premade version of the mission.
  2. Awkarran

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    So, I've done a little poking and prodding at all the various sqf's in the mission and haven't been able to quite figure this one out. Is there a way to set specific vehicles in the mission to be built with a particular texture? (ie. the Strider with the NATO variant texture)
  3. Awkarran

    Co-op Campaign: APEX PROTOCOL

    /\_______Million times this. Aside from a couple of awkward dialog timings in different parts of various missions, or dialogs that seemed to be triggered out of sequence (I can't think of any specifics at the moment), Other than that, I had a great first play, enjoyed the story (a little shorter than I was expecting), and I'm looking forward to having another go when everything is done next week.