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About killerwin

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  1. killerwin

    Make Vehicles despawn after they explode

    For those finding this thread in the future, since OP didn't say how he solved it: Add to Description.ext wreckLimit = 1; wreckRemovalMinTime = 60; //seconds wreckRemovalMaxTime = 60; //seconds wreckLimit: Limit of total wrecks at any time. wreckRemovalMinTime: Remove all wrecks that have existed longer than this when wreckLimit is breached. wreckRemovalMaxTime: Maximum time a wreck can remain on the ground even when wreckLimit has not been reached. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext
  2. killerwin

    removing runway- and other dirt after jet crash

    Here it is for easy copy-paste: Vehicle wreck limit before which ( <= ) wreckRemovalMaxTime applies and after which ( > ) wreckRemovalMinTime applies (see below). wreckLimit = 1; Default value: 15 Remove all wrecks that have existed longer than wreckRemovalMinTime when wreckLimit is breached. wreckRemovalMinTime = 60; //seconds Default value: 10 Maximum time a wreck can remain on the ground if total number of wrecks is equal or under wreckLimit. wreckRemovalMaxTime = 1200; //seconds Default value: 3600 from https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext