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Everything posted by RRyanward

  1. I think this doesn't work anymore on 1.58. The dialogs on screen about copying work but when I go to notepad or notepad++ to paste nothing was every copied so it's blank. Would love it if this was fixed. Mission is A3wasteland v1.2 dev.
  2. Iv'e tried to loop back to the spawn with preset numbers but the game doesn't like my format. Please if anyone could help much would be appreciated.
  3. I have a problem with the "restartwarnings.sqf" When the mission ends this script doesn't reset the timer it still thinks it's at 0 and mission ends which is a loop. I'm thinking its something to do with []spawn maybe there's a way to re-spawn the timer. restartwarnings.sqf restartWarningTxt = "== WARNING =="; warningSchedule = [60,30,20,15,10,5,3,2,1]; END_TIME = 400; if (isServer) then { [] spawn { ELAPSED_TIME = 0; START_TIME = diag_tickTime; while {ELAPSED_TIME < END_TIME} do { ELAPSED_TIME = diag_tickTime - START_TIME; publicVariable "ELAPSED_TIME"; sleep 1; }; }; }; if!(isDedicated) then { [] spawn { while{ELAPSED_TIME < END_TIME } do { timey = floor(END_TIME - ELAPSED_TIME); finish_time_minutes = floor(timey / 60); finish_time_seconds = floor(timey) - (60 * finish_time_minutes); finish_time_hours = floor(timey / 3600); if(finish_time_seconds < 10) then { finish_time_seconds = format ["0%1", finish_time_seconds]; }; if(finish_time_minutes < 10) then { finish_time_minutes = format ["0%1", finish_time_minutes]; }; formatted_time = format ["%1:%2", finish_time_hours, finish_time_minutes]; }; }; }; givewarning = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "addons\restart_warnings\givewarning.sqf"; timecheck = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "addons\restart_warnings\timecheck.sqf"; [warningSchedule] spawn timecheck; timecheck.sqf _END = 99; //_END = count warningSchedule; while { _END == 99 } do { if (timey == 60) then { playMusic "1min"; sleep 2; }; if (timey == 120) then { playMusic "2min"; sleep 2; }; if (timey == 180) then { playMusic "3min"; sleep 2; }; if (timey == 300) then { playMusic "5min"; sleep 2; }; if (timey == 30) then { playMusic "30sec"; sleep 2; }; if (timey == 10) then { playMusic "10sec"; sleep 2; }; if (timey <= 0) then { endMission "END1"; _END = 98; }; _find = warningSchedule find finish_time_minutes; if (_find > -1) then { [warningSchedule select _find, restartWarningTxt] spawn givewarning; warningSchedule = warningSchedule - [warningSchedule select _find]; //timey = timey -1 }; }; pawn BIS_fnc_typeText; givewarning.sqf _minutesLeft = _this select 0; _minuteOrMinutes = "s"; if(_minutesLeft == 1) then { _minuteOrMinutes = ""; }; _notif = [ [ [format["%1", restartWarningTxt],"<t align = 'center' shadow = '1' size = '1' color ='#E44646' font='PuristaBold'>%1</t><br />"], [format["Next restart in %1 minute%2....", _minutesLeft, _minuteOrMinutes],"<t align = 'center' shadow = '1' size = '0.8'>%1</t><br/>"] ] ] spawn BIS_fnc_typeText;
  4. There something I'm just over looking please anyone help me find out why the mission after restart just restarts again it's like the timer still thinks it's at 0. How would I go about fixing this problem? The last script is where the error is. sRestartWarnings.sqf Have a look at my Topic: If I can get this to work Linux user's may have a way to send warnings about a restart and execute with this all in one addon script.
  5. How do you do this I want to know?