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About lionheart1308

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. lionheart1308

    Memory Could Not Be Written

    That wasn't the case... also with 16GB RAM it shouldn't be a problem when the game barely uses any RAM.
  2. lionheart1308

    Memory could not be written Crash

  3. lionheart1308

    Memory could not be written?

    There was no arma updates when i started getting this error... but there has been an nvidea one or two.. updating my drivers now, hopefully its been fixed.
  4. Started getting this infamous error a few days ago. Any suggestions? I use GTX980ti Windows 7os 16GB RAM i7-6400 This happens even when launching in vanilla :/
  5. lionheart1308

    Memory could not be written Crash

    Started getting said error just a few days ago. Is there a fix available?
  6. i forgot to mention that I've tried installing a3s on different paths to see if that makes a difference, it didn't. The main ssd (reserved for OS) as well as a new hdd (reserved for media storage and games), gave the same error. Disk check revealed no problems with both drives.
  7. Yes i just did. Tried making a repo while in safe mode, nothing changed or behaved differently. Got the same error message.
  8. It creates a repo, but by clicking the 'sync' (the green check) it gives me that exact same error. I just checked arma3 steam files cache and it was 100% no issues there either. PS: I run as administrator in case you're thinking that.
  9. Hello... i've been getting this error http://prntscr.com/dbqmbu - reinstalling doesnt work - manual link takes some time to sync but then fails - my anti-virus being disabled doesn't change a thing what the hell is going on? This has been a problem for months and i'm running out of things to try.. (short of formatting the whole thing). It's probably worth mentioning that i was trying to edit the repo details when this first started happening... perhaps there is a cookie or something of that nature that i need to track and delete somewhere in the windows folder??
  10. Thanks for the suggestion but sadly disabling it didn't work. Reinstalling still doesn't solve anything... i have no clue what the problem is.
  11. Hello... i've been getting this error http://prntscr.com/dbqmbu what the hell is it?