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Everything posted by WilliamBUG

  1. WilliamBUG


    I finished 28 years mission and started a new playing through of this mission. I did not encounter this issue in new playing through so far. I fixed this issue by saving game and loading again which will make the aim centering again. I will try holstering weapon if I see this bug later.
  2. WilliamBUG


    Hello everyone: I encountered some bugs today which only occur in ravage missions. I tried other missions (Iron front missions, compainge and dynamic recon). The Aim is not at the center anymore. The aim will slightly shift to the side of the screen until cannot shift. Please check the pictures below: You can see, I was looking straight forward but the gun was pointing at the sky. This bug occur after "double clicking using items" and looting "I". Please help! Thanks a lot!
  3. WilliamBUG


    Looking forward to playing your mission!!! Maybe, you can set up some special gears and guns as rewards :D!! Especially the night vision goggles, I did not find one in original ravage loot although the wiki said I had one chance to get one in military area!!! For every playing through, I did not always encounter the traders. And, honestly, it is very hard to distinguish which group is traders and which group is bandits before shooting at them. :o
  4. WilliamBUG


    Yes. I also encountered this issue in "28 years" mission. I found a "bean can" inside a car wreck and I cannot get it!!!! :ph34r: I thought it should be the items spawning distance is too far to detect. I went closer and tried again, it was fine.
  5. WilliamBUG


    Hello everyone: Really enjoy the "28 years" mission. I also like the "Ravage- A mission" and coop mission "escape". I would like to ask which AI mod you guys using for now? I am using ASR AI3 which has a good performance in regular campaign and scenarios. However, in ravage, including "28 years" mission, ASR AI3 mod makes all AI shooting accuracy for zombies very very low, they cannot even hit zombies once in 50 meters.... but bandits can hit me 200 meters away in 2 shoots by the way.... Thanks a lot! :)
  6. WilliamBUG


    Really sorry :( and thanks for the help! NO SPOILER EXPOSURE NEXT TIME!!!! :ph34r:
  7. WilliamBUG


    Thanks for the help!!! New update is amazing!! My Apology!!! Really sorry about that!!
  8. WilliamBUG


  9. Tasks are missing (Can not see in map and 'J') after loading the game in some scenarios. At first, I can check the tasks as normal. However, when I exit and start again, I load the save games and the tasks are missing (Noting in the task column). I think this problem should be related to the Arma 3 Update because these missions were made by old version. Have any one got the solution for this issue? Thanks a lot.
  10. WilliamBUG

    [SP] Ravage - A Mission

    Hi, cosmic10r I would like to report some issues in this mission when it update to 1.60 with 0.1.36 Ravage. 1. Can not see the sign of the rescue mission on the map any more. 2. Ravage 0.1.36 has changed equipment and weapons pool for loot. So, the loot system in this scenario only includes the vanilla things. Can not loot CUP ,RHS and Thai. Looking forward to playing your new escape mission. :D I hope you get a chance to update this scenario because this is my favorite mission in arma 3. Thanks a lot!!!!
  11. WilliamBUG

    [SP] Ravage - A Mission

    I found this problem in Hunter-six mission (This is a really nice mission, dont understand why it is not win the "Make Arma Not war"): http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=310594159 We also discussed this issue in the "Popular Discussion". Some of new comments are also related to this issue. Maybe you can find solution at there.
  12. WilliamBUG

    MP - Ravage [COOP - 6] The Escape

    Cant be serious!!! Esseker with Escape mission of sp version!!!! Exciting!!! Really looking forward !!!
  13. WilliamBUG

    [SP] Ravage - A Mission

    Hello. I found the solution of "tasks missing" and "team information missing (just have a ';')" after you load the save games to continue single player scenarios. Please cancel the "skip intro" in launcher and remove the "-world=empty" in property. I believe BI has linked something together. If you use these parameters, game will not load the "world" as well as the "task information" at the beginning. So you can not see anything in the "task". I already report this problem to "trouble shooting " and gave out the solution at there. However, BI did not think this "issue" is a problem so they did not fix it in the 1.60.........
  14. WilliamBUG


    Nice! New Update! Tried 1 hr and found that my equipment pool is just including vanilla weapons and gears. I use RHS Thai and CUP. But did not find any mods gears and weapons during the sample mission. Just original gears and weapons. Really confusing. Have anyone got the same issue like this? Any solutions? Thanks a lot!!
  15. WilliamBUG

    [SP] Survive Altis - Open world survival

    A intresting mission. The idea is great. Already played 2 hr and I love the new "dog meat " MAX!! I also think some parts of this "open world" could be improved and make it better. 1. MAX just run around me.. So, "dog meat" get friendly fire sometimes... 2. Don't understand why the military just shooting at me without any disscusion. They did not shot any civilians except me! Please! I am also a poor civilian who want to see my families like others!!! If military want to kill everyone to prevent the virus spreading, please let military kill everyone! We are equal! (I was taking fire and other civilians just stand around me and check me out....) 3. Military, bandits and rebels, they are friends!! They will kill you together... (Surprise, **********) Why... This is a nice mission, please keeping update. Although the road is tough, I will find my families at the end!!! Thanks a lot!!
  16. Hello guys. I think I found the solution. Seems like BI 'link' something together. 1. Please cancel the 'Skip Intro' in the advanced parameter and start a new scenario to try. 2. If it is not working, please check whether you use TRYK mod or not. If yes, please download again from workshop because the old one was totally cancelled in workshop (not update). In recent times, I just change these two things and I found I can continue the tasks when I load the save games. I still think that BI should investigate this issue and modify the source cod.
  17. My dear developers, have you noticed this issue? I know you are busy in preparing the Apex which will release in the end of this mouth. But! How can we play your amazing co-op missions with this problem? ?
  18. This is a big issue which should be solved immediately. I also checked many scenarios in steam workshop. Many of them report this issue. I am also not playing arma 3 these days and waiting the new Update to solve this problem. Really don't understand why developers did not follow this troubleshooting.
  19. Have anyone found the solution for this issue. I am sure this issue is the new one after 1.58 release and occur in all arma 3 scenarios without any mods.
  20. WilliamBUG

    BIS_fnc_setTask problems

    Seems like the same issue when we continue from the save games. Hope BIS can take a look tomorrow.
  21. I think your investigating is correct. This issue should be related to the task function because I also encountered "crash when accessing non-exist tasks" bug which is fixed in previous hotfix. Seems like this "tasks" issue is not totally fixed.
  22. Everything is fine if you play without loading and go through until the mission completed. But, if you save game, end the game and start again, load the save games, you can not see anything in the 'tasks'. I think this is a new problem in 1.58.
  23. No. I tried to run arma 3 without any mods. but this problem is still there. Tasks are missing in some old scenarios but working in some new scenarios. Is there any method to remake the scenarios compatible with the new arma 3 version. Thanks!
  24. WilliamBUG

    [SP] Ravage - A Mission

    They are focusing on the MP version now. The building content was discussed before and I think it is on the road map of RAVAGE development. HAHA I am also a supper fun of this mission. I also edit the start gear to act as a special force soldier rather than a officer with a gun. :D However, I did not find all the intel until now.....
  25. This is a really nice mission. However, during the game play, I encountered one annoying problem. The tasks were disappeared in the save games. That means I can not continue the mission if I save and exit. This problem is also reported in steam worksop. Could you please help us to check this problem? Thanks a lot.