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About TheGeneral2899

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  1. @gc8 - Clearly I like to complicate things for myself... thanks bud!
  2. Hey everyone, The concept is as follows: 1) Multiple teams of 2 with objectives spread across map. 2) These objectives have an addAction attached 3) I want to catch the player who activated the addAction via (_this select 1) 4) Find out what group he is in (right now I have in the init of all the playable units something along the lines of ("this group alpha", "this group bravo") 5) Add a +1 to that groups score (currently a public variable defined already called "alphaScore". For the life of me I have not been successful in getting past steps 3/4. Here is the current block of code: moneyCrate addaction ["<t color='#f0ff00'>Collect Cash",{ _unitGroup = groupId (group (_this select 1)); hint format ["Unit group is : %1", _unitGroup]; deleteVehicle moneyCrate; deleteVehicle money1; deleteVehicle money2; deleteVehicle money3; hint parseText _moneyMissionEndText; } ]; The print out for the hint is "Alpha 1-5" for instance, however doesnt match up with what I set in the unit's init. The only solution I can think of would be to map out a table as such Alpha 1-5 is equal to my bravo and Alpha 2-1 is equal to my charlie etc. etc. Any thoughts / ideas would be greatly appreciated.
  3. TheGeneral2899

    Get Players Within X Distance of Object

    Right. I think the basic structure of it (which was the key here) is where I am struggling. I need to be able to catch once a player has left the area and stop running a script (i.e. delete the markers of player locations). If I were to use an If/Else block as you suggested, I could basically say if player is within the range of the radar, run function that shows players, else remove them ya? I'm going to set it on it a bit more tonight and will update here.
  4. TheGeneral2899

    Get Players Within X Distance of Object

    @Tajin - Super interesting concept... Didn't even think of spawning the trigger on top of the radar station and use that. More importantly though, in regards to the code you pasted above: 1) Once the player is no longer in range, the code will stop performing non them correct? It's basic purpose is to illustrate enemy players on map (via markers) once they are inside the range, however once they leave the range, remove the markers / end the code. 2) Didn't grasp the forEach radarStations part. I imagine radarStations is an array where I can populate radar1, radar2 etc. If I just wanted one though (which is the plan)? Appreciate the responses!
  5. Back for another question! I'm making a form of Radar system for a map I am working. Heres how it should work: 1) Player(s) walk within 4 meters of object to activate 2) Save the player / players into a variable. 3) Run code on this player WHILE they are within range. 4) Remove the players from code once they move away. Here is what I have so far: // Mission Timer (5 minutes) _radarEndTimer = 300; // Start of master while loop to end when timer runs out while {_radarEndTimer > 1} do { while {{player distance radarStation < 3} count allPlayers > 0} do { playersInRange = []; { playersInRange pushBack _x; } forEach nearestObjects [radarStation, [], 3]; sleep 0.5; while { Player is inside the array of players inside the range} do { // Run the code on this guy } }; _radarEndTimer = _radarEndTimer - 1; // hint format ["Time left : %1", _radarEndTimer]; sleep 1; }; Thanks for any help!
  6. Yea I basically overcomplicated the whole thing. Here is the solution: // SPAWNS VEHICLE IN AND SETS ITS DIRECTION gearVeh = "rhsusf_m1025_d" createVehicle getMarkerPos "weaponObjStart"; gearDriver moveInDriver gearVeh; _dirVeh = markerDir "weaponObjStart"; gearVeh setDir _dirVeh; // SPAWNS VEHICLE DRIVER WITH NAME "gearDriver" _gearGroup = Creategroup WEST; "B_RangeMaster_F" createUnit [getMarkerPos "weaponObjStart", _gearGroup, "gearDriver = this"]; Here is the check: // Notification of mission ended if (!alive gearDriver) then { // CODE };
  7. Afraid neither of those work. This is such a simple idea to check yet somehow not working no matter what method I'm using.
  8. I've searched on the forums and have tried several solutions with no avail. Have tried the fullCrew, count, !alive driver etc. Here is the code used to spawn in the vehicle / crew: // SPAWNS VEHICLE IN AND SETS ITS DIRECTION // CHANGE TO HUMMER MAYBE? _veh = "B_Quadbike_01_F" createVehicle getMarkerPos "weaponObjStart"; createVehicleCrew _veh; _dirVeh = markerDir "weaponObjStart"; _veh setDir _dirVeh; // SETS GROUP OF THE DRIVER _vehgrp = group driver _veh; Here is the if dead check (I would also be totally cool with checking if the driver is dead or the vehicle has been abandoned). Its an AI controlled vehicle and want to know if the players have disabled the wheels, thus forcing the AI to get out or if they just flat out shoot the guy. c if (count (fullCrew [_veh, "driver"]) == 0) then { //"vehObjective" setMarkerPos getPos debug; hint parseText _gearVehicleEndText; }; Any help would be appreciated. Can't seem to find a decent way to do this (that works). Thanks!
  9. TheGeneral2899

    [SOLVED]Gear Randomization Script

    @Larrow - Duuuuuuddeeee! First of all, thank you so much for taking the time to look and help. Second, appreciate you as a more experienced coder seeing and correcting with explanations. 1) I completely overlooked the forEach and used a while loop. Appreciate that. 2) I will be bisecting each line to understand as I have never used (more misunderstood) the BIS_fnc_itemType function. Again thank you, tested and works. EDIT: Full script here so others can see how it was done: // By TheGeneral // Script to spawn crates and a random weighted type of gear / ammo in each one. // Declaring which items are in each gear type and their relevant weights /////////////////// // GEAR TYPE # 1 // /////////////////// _rifles = [ ["rhs_weap_m16a4","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"], 0.18, ["rhs_weap_m4", "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"], 0.16, ["rhs_weap_ak74n_npz","rhs_30Rnd_545x39_AK_green"] ,0.19, ["rhs_weap_m24sws","rhsusf_5Rnd_762x51_m62_Mag"], 0.05, ["rhs_weap_sr25_d", "rhsusf_20Rnd_762x51_m62_Mag"] ,0.07, ["rhs_weap_ak74mr","rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm"], 0.17, ["rhs_weap_svdp", "rhs_10Rnd_762x54mmR_7N1"], 0.08, ["rhs_weap_aks74u", "rhs_45Rnd_545X39_7N10_AK"], 0.23, ["rhs_weap_m4a1_blockII_d", "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"], 0.14 ]; _mgs = [ ["rhsusf_weap_MP7A2_desert","rhsusf_mag_40Rnd_46x30_FMJ"] ,0.27, ["rhs_weap_pp2000", "rhs_mag_9x19mm_7n21_20"], 0.28, ["rhs_weap_m590_5RD", "rhsusf_5Rnd_00Buck"], 0.18, ["rhs_weap_m249", "rhsusf_100Rnd_556x45_M855_soft_pouch"], 0.08, ["smg_02_f", "30Rnd_9x21_Mag_SMG_02"], 0.23 ]; _vests = [ ["V_EOD_olive_F"] , 0.09, ["V_EOD_coyote_F"] , 0.09, ["V_Press_F"] , 0.15, ["V_TaCVest_brn"] , 0.2, ["V_Chestrig_khk"] , 0.25, ["V_Chestrig_oli"] , 0.25, ["V_PlateCarrier_Kerry"] , 0.12 ]; /////////////////// // GEAR TYPE # 2 // /////////////////// _backpacks = [ ["Rhsusf_assault_eagleaiii_ucp"] , 0.2, ["rhsusf_falconii_mc"] , 0.2, ["B_FieldPack_cbr"] , 0.1, ["B_LegStrapBag_black_F"] , 0.4 ]; _helmets = [ ["rhsusf_ach_bare_tan"] , 0.12, ["rhsusf_ach_helmet_ocp"] , 0.12, ["rhsusf_ach_helmet_camo_ocp"] , 0.12, ["H_PASGT_basic_white_f"] , 0.12, ["rhsusf_hgu56p_visor_mask_Empire_black"] , 0.12, ["H_HelmetB_light_desert"] , 0.12, ["rhsusf_mich_bar_alt_semi"] , 0.12, ["H_PASGT_neckprot_blue_press_F"] , 0.07, ["H_ShemagOpen_khk"] , 0.2, ["H_ShemagOpen_olive"] , 0.2, ["H_ShemagOpen_tan"] , 0.2, ["H_Booniehat_tan"] , 0.2, ["rhs_booniehat2_marpatd"] , 0.2 ]; _grenades = [ ["rhs_magazine_rhs_mag_m67"] , 0.10, ["SmokeShell"] , 0.15, ["SmokeShellRed"] , 0.16, ["SmokeShellGreen"] , 0.17, ["SmokeShellBlue"] , 0.18, ["SmokeShellYellow"] , 0.19 ]; /////////////////// // GEAR TYPE # 3 // /////////////////// _pistols = [ ["rhsusf_weap_m9","rhsusf_mag_15Rnd_9x19_FMJ"], 0.33, ["hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_F", "6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder"], 0.19, ["hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_F","11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"] ,0.19, ["hgun_Rook40_F","16Rnd_9x21_Mag"], 0.19 ]; _medical = [ ["ACE_morphineItem"] , 0.25, ["ACE_fieldDressing"] , 0.4, ["ACE_epinephrine"] , 0.15 ]; _accessories = [ ["rhsusf_acc_m8541_low_wd"] , 0.07, ["rhsusf_acc_EOTECH"] , 0.22, ["rhsusf_acc_ACOG"] , 0.16, ["rhs_acc_pso1m21"] , 0.1, ["optic_aco"] , 0.35, ["optic_SOS"] , 0.12 ]; // ARRAYS FOR CATEGORIES OF GEAR TO BE DECIDED AND THEIR WEIGHTS. THE CODE WILL SELECT 2 OF THE 3 "GEARTYPES" TO BE SELECTED AND USED TO ADD TO CRATES _gearType_1 = [_rifles, 0.18, _mgs, 0.24, _vests, 0.25]; _gearType_2 = [_backpacks, 0.10, _helmets, 0.10, _grenades, 0.95]; _gearType_3 = [_pistols, 0.15, _medical, 0.15, _accessories, 0.10]; _gearTypes = [_gearType_1, _gearType_2,_gearType_3]; // Array of all scrate spawn positions marked as pencils //_prefix = "cratespawn_"; _prefix = "test_"; _crateLocs = allMissionObjects "" select { vehicleVarName _x select [ 0, count _prefix ] == _prefix }; // Get Number of Available pen locations for while loop _numOfCrateLocs = count _crateLocs; // STARTING LOOP TO CREATE CRATES AND DO CHECKS { // Selects random pos _equipmentCratePos = getPosATL ( _crateLocs deleteAt ( floor( random count _crateLocs ))); // Created Ammo crate at the marker location _crate = createVehicle ["Box_NATO_Ammo_F", _equipmentCratePos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; clearBackpackCargoGlobal _crate; clearItemCargoGlobal _crate; clearMagazineCargo _crate; clearWeaponCargo _crate; // Choose which 2 gear types are going to be used: _gearRandom_1 = selectRandom _gearTypes; _gearRandom_2 = selectRandom ( _gearTypes - [ _gearRandom_1 ] ); { { _x call BIS_fnc_itemType params[ "_itemType", "_itemSubType" ]; switch ( toUpper _itemType ) do { case "MINE"; case "MAGAZINE" : { _crate addMagazineCargoGlobal [ _x, selectRandom [2,3,4] ]; }; case "ITEM" : { if ( [ _x ] in _medical ) then { _crate addItemCargoGlobal [ _x, selectRandom [2,3,4] ]; }else{ _crate addItemCargoGlobal [ _x, 1 ]; }; }; case "WEAPON" : { _crate addWeaponCargoGlobal [ _x, 1 ]; }; case "EQUIPMENT" : { if ( _itemSubType == "backpack" ) then { _crate addBackpackCargoGlobal [ _x, 1 ]; }else{ _crate addItemCargoGlobal [ _x, 1 ]; }; }; }; }forEach _x; //[ _item, _mag( possible ) ] }forEach [ // INTENTION IS TO SELECT THE SPECIFIC GEAR FROM THE RANDOMED GEAR TYPE //select weighted ( _rifles, _mgs, _vests ) then again select weighted of result ( _rifles ) selectRandomWeighted selectRandomWeighted _gearRandom_1, selectRandomWeighted selectRandomWeighted _gearRandom_2 ]; }forEach +_crateLocs;
  10. So after about 3-4 days of messing around with this, I've come to the conclusion that I have no idea how to make it work / I suspect the "selectRandomWeighted" function doesnt work as it should. Script: It creates boxes all over the map and then should populate the boxes with gear according to weighted arrays. What Works: 1) Boxes spawn 2) Pistols and Rifles get added to the boxes no problem. Issues: 1) The weights of the selectRandomWeighted do not properly reflect what I have written in the arrays. Not even close. Went according to the wiki for it (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/selectRandomWeighted) 2) Occasionally (on line 138) with the Debug Hint function, I am getting the word "Any" appearing for one of the gear results print outs. What I am unclear about is why this is happening? I suspect its due to something with the way I constructed this whole thing? 3) In certain arrays ("_rifles") for instance there is a nested array with the gun and magazine class name, however I have certain arrays (such as "grenades") that only have one element in the array. How can I check up to see if there is no 2nd element and bypass it? I have attempted this at around line 143. 4) Backpacks will not get created in the "AddItemCargo" no matter what I try, despite me seeing their class name and all via the debug hint. I really hope I commented my code well enough so that ppl can understand. Also, if any more experienced coders look at what I did and want to facepalm, please any and all advice would be great! Thank you in advance! // By TheGeneral // Script to spawn crates and a random weighted type of gear / ammo in each one. // Array of all scrate spawn positions marked as pencils //_prefix = "cratespawn_"; _prefix = "test_"; _len = count _prefix; _crateLocs = allMissionObjects "" select { vehicleVarName _x select [ 0, _len ] == _prefix }; // Get Number of Available pen locations for while loop _numOfCrateLocs = count _crateLocs; // Declaring which items are in each gear type and their relevant weights /////////////////// // GEAR TYPE # 1 // /////////////////// _rifles = [ ["rhs_weap_m16a4","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"], 0.18, ["rhs_weap_m4", "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"], 0.16, ["rhs_weap_ak74n_npz","rhs_30Rnd_545x39_AK_green"] ,0.19, ["rhs_weap_m24sws","rhsusf_5Rnd_762x51_m62_Mag"], 0.05, ["rhs_weap_sr25_d", "rhsusf_20Rnd_762x51_m62_Mag"] ,0.07, ["rhs_weap_ak74mr","rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm"], 0.17, ["rhs_weap_svdp", "rhs_10Rnd_762x54mmR_7N1"], 0.08, ["rhs_weap_aks74u", "rhs_45Rnd_545X39_7N10_AK"], 0.23, ["rhs_weap_m4a1_blockII_d", "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"], 0.14 ]; _mgs = [ ["rhsusf_weap_MP7A2_desert","rhsusf_mag_40Rnd_46x30_FMJ"] ,0.27, ["rhs_weap_pp2000", "rhs_mag_9x19mm_7n21_20"], 0.28, ["rhs_weap_m590_5RD", "rhsusf_5Rnd_00Buck"], 0.18, ["rhs_weap_m249", "rhsusf_100Rnd_556x45_M855_soft_pouch"], 0.08, ["smg_02_f", "30Rnd_9x21_Mag_SMG_02"], 0.23 ]; _vests = [ ["V_EOD_olive_F"] , 0.09, ["V_EOD_coyote_F"] , 0.09, ["V_Press_F"] , 0.15, ["V_TaCVest_brn"] , 0.2, ["V_Chestrig_khk"] , 0.25, ["V_Chestrig_oli"] , 0.25, ["V_PlateCarrier_Kerry"] , 0.12 ]; /////////////////// // GEAR TYPE # 2 // /////////////////// _backpacks = [ ["Rhsusf_assault_eagleaiii_ucp"] , 0.2, ["rhsusf_falconii_mc"] , 0.2, ["B_FieldPack_cbr"] , 0.1, ["B_LegStrapBag_black_F"] , 0.4 ]; _helmets = [ ["rhsusf_ach_bare_tan"] , 0.12, ["rhsusf_ach_helmet_ocp"] , 0.12, ["rhsusf_ach_helmet_camo_ocp"] , 0.12, ["H_PASGT_basic_white_f"] , 0.12, ["rhsusf_hgu56p_visor_mask_Empire_black"] , 0.12, ["H_HelmetB_light_desert"] , 0.12, ["rhsusf_mich_bar_alt_semi"] , 0.12, ["H_PASGT_neckprot_blue_press_F"] , 0.07, ["H_ShemagOpen_khk"] , 0.2, ["H_ShemagOpen_olive"] , 0.2, ["H_ShemagOpen_tan"] , 0.2, ["H_Booniehat_tan"] , 0.2, ["rhs_booniehat2_marpatd"] , 0.2 ]; _grenades = [ ["rhs_magazine_rhs_mag_m67"] , 0.15, ["SmokeShell"] , 0.15, ["SmokeShellRed"] , 0.15, ["SmokeShellGreen"] , 0.15, ["SmokeShellBlue"] , 0.15, ["SmokeShellYellow"] , 0.15 ]; /////////////////// // GEAR TYPE # 3 // /////////////////// _pistols = [ ["rhsusf_weap_m9","rhsusf_mag_15Rnd_9x19_FMJ"], 0.33, ["hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_F", "6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder"], 0.19, ["hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_F","11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"] ,0.19, ["hgun_Rook40_F","16Rnd_9x21_Mag"], 0.19 ]; _medical = [ ["ACE_morphineItem"] , 0.25, ["ACE_fieldDressing"] , 0.4, ["ACE_epinephrine"] , 0.15 ]; _accessories = [ ["rhsusf_acc_m8541_low_wd"] , 0.07, ["rhsusf_acc_EOTECH"] , 0.22, ["rhsusf_acc_ACOG"] , 0.16, ["rhs_acc_pso1m21"] , 0.1, ["optic_aco"] , 0.35, ["optic_SOS"] , 0.12 ]; // ARRAYS FOR CATEGORIES OF GEAR TO BE DECIDED AND THEIR WEIGHTS. THE CODE WILL SELECT 2 OF THE 3 "GEARTYPES" TO BE SELECTED AND USED TO ADD TO CRATES _gearType_1 = [_rifles, 0.18, _mgs, 0.24, _vests, 0.25]; _gearType_2 = [_backpacks, 0.10, _helmets, 0.10, _grenades, 0.95]; _gearType_3 = [_pistols, 0.15, _medical, 0.15, _accessories, 0.10]; _gearTypes = [_gearType_1, _gearType_2,_gearType_3]; // STARTING LOOP TO CREATE CRATES AND DO CHECKS while {_numOfCrateLocs > 0} do { // Selects random marker pos _equipmentCrate = _crateLocs call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;; _equipmentCratePos = getPosATL _equipmentCrate; // Created Ammo crate at the marker location _crate = createVehicle ["Box_NATO_Ammo_F", _equipmentCratePos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; clearMagazineCargo _crate; clearWeaponCargo _crate; // Choose which 2 gear types are going to be used: _gearRandom_All = _gearTypes; _gearRandom_1 = selectRandom _gearRandom_All; _gearRandom_All = _gearRandom_All - [_gearRandom_1]; _gearRandom_2 = selectRandom _gearRandom_All; // INTENTION IS TO SELECT THE SPECIFIC GEAR FROM THE RANDOMED GEAR TYPE _gearResult_1 = selectRandomWeighted (_gearRandom_1 select 0); _gearResult_2 = selectRandomWeighted (_gearRandom_2 select 0); hint format ["GEAR RESULT 1: %1 . GEAR RESULT 2: %2", _gearResult_1, _gearResult_2]; // VARIABLE TO DETERMING RANDOM AMOUNT OF MAGS TO ADD IF ITEM IS A GUN / NADE / MEDIC GEAR _rndMagCount = selectRandom [2,3,4]; if ([_medical] in _gearRandom_1 || [_grenades] in _gearRandom_1) then { _crate addItemCargo [(_gearResult_1 select 0),_rndMagCount]; } else { _crate addItemCargo [(_gearResult_1 select 0),1]; }; if (isNil {_gearResult_1 select 1}) then { } else { _crate addItemCargo [(_gearResult_1 select 1),_rndMagCount]; }; if ([_medical] in _gearRandom_2 || [_grenades] in _gearRandom_2) then { _crate addItemCargo [(_gearResult_2 select 0),_rndMagCount]; } else { _crate addItemCargo [(_gearResult_2 select 0),1]; }; if (isNil {_gearResult_2 select 1}) then { } else { _crate addItemCargo [(_gearResult_2 select 1),_rndMagCount]; }; // OLD CODE KEEPING HERE FOR TESTING // _result = selectRandomWeighted _rifles; // _crate addItemCargo [(_result select 1),1]; // _crate addItemCargo [(_result select 0),1]; // REMOVE CRATE POSITION ALREADY DONE FROM ARRAY _crateLocs = _crateLocs - [_equipmentCrate]; _numOfCrateLocs = _numOfCrateLocs - 1; sleep 4; };
  11. Amazing. I believe I got it working and appreciate the insight. Happy to bring back the thread after 5 years =) Here is the code I used for anybody who needs in the future: _rifles = [ ["rhs_weap_m16a4","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"], 0.18, ["rhs_weap_m4", "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"], 0.16, ["rhsusf_weap_MP7A2_desert","rhs_ammo_46x30_FMJ"] ,0.27, ["rhs_weap_m24sws","rhsusf_5Rnd_762x51_m62_Mag"], 0.05, ["rhs_weap_sr25_d", "rhsusf_20Rnd_762x51_m62_Mag"] ,0.07, ["rhs_weap_ak74mr","rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm"], 0.17, ["rhs_weap_pp2000", "rhs_mag_9x19mm_7n21_20"], 0.28, ["rhs_weap_svdp", "rhs_10Rnd_762x54mmR_7N1"], 0.08, ["rhs_weap_aks74U", "rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm"], 0.23, ["rhs_weap_mk416d10", "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"], 0.14, ["rhs_weap_m590_5RD", "rhsusf_5Rnd_00Buck"], 0.18 ]; _result = selectRandomWeighted _rifles; _equipmentCrate addMagazine (_result select 1); _equipmentCrate addWeapon (_result select 0);
  12. @MrSanchez - Hah I'm amazed you responded! I looked into that function but I don't understand if the weighted values are given directly the relevant. For example: _values = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]; _weights = [0.109,0.65,0.01,1.01,1.24,0,1.59,0.09,1.15,0.55]; _result = _values selectRandomWeighted _weights; Is the first value in the values array (0), given the first value in the weights array (0.109)? If not, how can I give a direct weight value to a specific value?
  13. @MrSanchez - I am currently working on the same concept of a random loot spawner with weights. Any chance you can share your code that you used? I am getting horribly stuck on this! Much thanks in advance
  14. You're trying to get it to find a marker, but the first parameter is asking for an object. Try changing to: _randPos = [getMarkerPos mrk_l , 0, 100, 12, 0, 0.3, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; Just a guess from an initial glance. I think the mrk_1 variable is storing a marker right? So you'd need to getMarkerPos.
  15. @Tajin - Ahhhhhhhh!!! That makes sense now! Thank you! Just to confirm, the entire array will be filled with all the objects that contain the same prefix as defined, however with their full name correct? Meaning the array wont append the prefix or anything so the array will just be filled with [1,2,3,4,5,6,] but rather the full [cratespawn_1, cratespawn_2] etc. I ask because I want to run a while loop in order to populate all of the object locations such as: _prefix = "spawncrate_"; _len = count _prefix; _crateSpawns = allMapMarkers select { (_x select [0, _len]) isEqualTo _prefix }; while {#WhateverImChecking} do { // Selects random crate location _rndCrate = selectRandom _crateSpawns; #Whatever code I want to run in each loop // Removes the completed crate location from array _crateSpawns = _crateSpawns - _rndGroup; }; Technically, that would work right? For reference this will all be sitting in a function being called in a script. Not sure if its important to note or not.