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Normal Norm

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Posts posted by Normal Norm

  1. I cant seem to get this to work as i would like. If i stick those commands in the players innit line then I can reduce the sway as to how I would like, but if the player has to respawn then it goes back to having massive sway.  Ive tried creating a onPlayerRespawn.sqf and adding the same commands but I still get sway upon respawn :(

  2. Hi Guys, I am hoping this is a simple question.  I am creating a mission and one of the objectives to this mission is to rescue a hostage (ive named h1) held by OpFor. I have managed to assign the mission ok (intel-create task) and have set up a trigger which enables the hostage to join players group when entered.  What I would really like is to end the objective when the hostage (h1) hits a certain place.  I am going to have my men drop the hostage at a particular place back in base in order for it to complete.  So how do i end the objective.  I have tried creating a succeeded intel task which I have linked to a trigger with "(h1 in thisList); " in the condition field and synced to the succeeded task module but this doesnt work :(


    Any help would be greatly appreciated.



  3. I seem to be having problems getting this to run on my server, its probably a mistake my end.  But to get this to work do you extract it with 7zip, then upload the @UNSUNG_3.0_BRAVO folder to the server, and create a commandline @UNSUNG_3.0_BRAVO in order for it to work.  Tried for hours yesterday without success, whenever i tried to load up the missions it would spend quite a time loading up then just go back to original setup screen.



    edit: i keep getting the message displayed as seen below, Ive tried re uploading the file but always the same problem



  4. Big Downside to this is that you cannot run it on a server with verifysignatures=2 which is a MUST to ensure a safe server.  Can this be sorted somehow?  Everything else is excellent.


    EDIT:  Also having problems with the Apache helicopter :(  It something to do with the refueling.  Even though its fully refueled the engine doesn't always turn on.  Definitely a bug of some kind.  Has anybody else encountered this error? 

  5. Maybe the main addon folder has space characters in its name if it's from steam? For some server/server admin pages it is necessary to have a name without spaces, so try remove/replace to be able to load them.


    Cheers fella!!  That was exactly the problem.  You'll never know how long i had been trying.


    Also does anybody know how to get Tracers to work on the L85A2? I cant seem to get any of the magazines to load in ;( I like my tracers.


    Must also say excellent mod.  Very well done.  
