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About Colefrick

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    Colorado, USA
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    Scripting, Mission Making

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  1. I have a question, what Framework requirements are needed to run this? I am getting a lot of missing DLL's.
  2. Colefrick

    Mission Failed to Load

    We don't have access to CUP's source code, so there would be no way to change this. It was working and then just stopped working
  3. So, i have been trying to troubleshoot a server problem, everything was fine and dandy and then it threw the "Mission Failed to Load" error when clicking "Ok" to start the mission RPT file included I have tried MULTIPLE things to fix the error, looking on google just returned old answers / questions that don't even work anymore. All the code has been debugged and looked over MANY TIMES. We have not added any new addons or removed any, we just editing the mission per usual and then it randomly threw the error. The RPT code is in the spoiler. EDIT: The RPT code was too long for the forums, so i moved it to pastebin. EDIT: I also have included all the init code(s) we use. They're located in the spoiler.
  4. Colefrick

    Swivel Targets Broken?

    Thanks anyway, It seems to not work on ANY other server as well. They've reported the issue with no assistance by what i've been told.
  5. I personally have never experienced this bug, even on Day 1 release of Eden (stable) with and without mods like CBA. Have you placed at least one "PLAYER" unit?
  6. Colefrick

    Swivel Targets Broken?

    That is an affirmative.
  7. So, as you all may or may not know, there's animated targets on Arma 3 for like range shooting. Well i created a quick range: In the server, this is all they do: They just stay in that same position, if shot, they go down, up, then do one swivel and get stuck again. Does anyone else have this problem?
  8. Colefrick

    Are shotguns a possibility?

    I think BI feels that if they implement it, and use it for campaign missions, that the enemy or even friendly, may be too overpowered.
  9. I can't tell if they just have that as a feature, that it doesn't create a description.ext for local testing or what, but i have the same, so i took the time and just made my own template instead of trying to find fixes because, who has time for that? Here's that template if ANYONE needs it. author = "NAMEHERE"; onLoadName = "MISSION NAME"; onLoadMission = "CREDITS / LINK / OR WHATEVER"; joinUnassigned = 1; respawn = BASE; respawndelay = 5; disabledAI = 1; disableChannels[]={1,2,3,4,5,6}; enableDebugConsole = 1; respawnDialog = 1; equalModRequired = 1; class Header { gameType = Coop; minPlayers = 1; maxPlayers = 50; }; wreckLimit = 3; wreckRemovalMinTime = 60; wreckRemovalMaxTime = 320; corpseLimit = 150; corpseRemovalMinTime = 999; corpseRemovalMaxTime = 9999; class CfgNotifications { class Message { title = "Notice"; iconPicture = "icons\notice.paa"; description = "%1"; duration = 10; priority = 6; }; class Assist { title = "Assistance"; iconPicture = "icons\assist.paa"; description = "%1"; duration = 10; priority = 6; }; }; It also seems that if you leave the editor, and rejoin, it doesn't remember the settings w/o a description.ext with in the mission file.
  10. Colefrick

    EDEN remove buildings HELP

    Try this, i put this in a game logic and place it near the object or in the area of the object and just do this: { _x hideObjectGlobal true } foreach (nearestTerrainObjects [this,[],2]) The 2 is the range from the logic, out in all directions. Sometimes certain building's models are static, so you won't see the removal until on an ACTUAL server (not local or in test mode). 90% of the time, they are not static and you will see it when you begin testing.