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About Bravo2-1

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  1. Plate inserts for armor. The way I figure it , the biggest complaint I hear on servers is the "bullet sponge" effect caused by the health system, armor system, and desync. What if instead of adding an object that provided an "armor rating" we simply attach an object to the players hit box based on what the user has equipped. So say we had the Carrier rig, this by it's self could provide Type IIIA protection, (aka will not allow .44 mag / .357 Sig to pass through the object.) but would be replaced by the Type III rifle plate. ( this would prevent stacking and strange effects for the armor) The plate wouldn't have to actually be rendered in at all, simply remain in Alpha and cause a "pass through" shield? If I'm not mistaken pistol rounds and the like passing through wood walls or other small surfaces loose 80% of their velocity and thus heavily reducing their damage. I think this would help with the bullet sponge effect and allow players to use something besides 7.62 and larger with out feeling under powered or out gunned while adding a level of realism. If you look at most casualties in modern conflicts where there is body armor present, the groin and arms are more often wounded than the torso. So just to clear things up. Think of it like attaching a wood wall in-game to a players chest. The pass through conditions would be easy to modify and allow for a quick, yet simple fix to an annoying issue. Then again i've probably over simplified it. Just an Idea.