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Everything posted by Flash-Ranger

  1. Flash-Ranger

    Capture The Flag

    Still waiting for a BIS answer. Please check out my project. https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/189063-ffta3-from-flashpoint-to-arma3/
  2. Flash-Ranger

    Capture The Flag

    Hello, TakeFlag is an Action : it is the movement the unit plays when he interacts with the flag. The is still working. The flag most have a "Flagside". What I am wanting BIS to react to is why, when you play the action TakeFlag, that you become the FlagOwner, this Fucking Flag doesn't attach to your player. in OFP, the flag was ON the player. In Arma 3 Ther is no Flag on your player.
  3. Flash-Ranger

    Capture The Flag

    Please take a look at videos in my first post. Capture The Flag: Generally played in a restricted area (200 or 300 m MAX) it is a close combat Team VS Team. The objective is to score the flag more times than the enemy team. Scoring is when you capture the enemy flag, and bring it back to your flag. This kind of gameplay is not recommended for beginners. Most CTF players are players that play since Operation Flashpoint (2001), have very nice reflexes and tactical experience. Team play is the best way to win! Plus, keep in mind that the CTF community is not a spotty teen revenge squad… You play fair-play and with adults that will not hesitate to kick you if you are being bitchy. I hope I answered your question, may we see you in game ! For more info, I will be pleased to answer you in PM :) Please note we are defending a Game play that lives since 2001, that is considered by most old school BISPlayers like the best game play that Bohemia gave us.
  4. Flash-Ranger

    Capture The Flag

    Don't bother.
  5. Flash-Ranger

    Capture The Flag

    I'd like a BIS member to answer me ... ?
  6. Flash-Ranger

    Good job with 3den!

    Wasn't convinced at first.. but it's nice ^^
  7. Flash-Ranger


    Go Prone when Under fire - Don't be a Hero !
  8. Hello, I'm the map maker of the 88th squad in the eSport ESM Tournemant and I am trying to create a head marker system similar to the KoTH maps. Could anyone help me in this script cration ?