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Der Uhu

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Everything posted by Der Uhu

  1. Der Uhu


    I have a wish for you mate; how about making a god damn map, instead of just loading into and saving an empty template in L3DT.
  2. Neat! Keep up the good work!
  3. Hello Xorplane! Thanks for the dedicated work you do to bring us crucial vehicles like the TPz Fuchs back to Arma 3! Can't wait to see the finished product! Don't get discouraged by shady individuals! :)
  4. Let's be honest here: Most of the BW-Stuff the Bundeswehr-Mod provides is only acceptable because it is the only provider for its content. I am tremendously happy for dedicated individuals such as "herr_kaleun" here, that aim to provide us with a more diverse set of content that is accessable to everyone. Can't wait for the new vests! Keep up the great work herr_kaleun !
  5. Der Uhu

    ITK - Insurgency ToolKit

    I take it that this project is completly abandoned yes? A shame, looked promising!
  6. Der Uhu

    Night Vision Google - LUCIE

    Awesome work Red! Great to have the original german "NVG"! Huge thanks!