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iV - Ghost

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Everything posted by iV - Ghost

  1. cba_settings.sqf: After updating the amount of slots on our server the cba_settings.sqf don't load. The folder and file (userconfig/cba_settings.sqf) are still exist in the root. I can't find the reason. Deleted and uploaded the folder & file but nothing works. Nothing in the RPT's. File, folder and path are correct. allowedFilePatching = 2. What could be the reason? Where can I look for?
  2. How can I check if vehicles from a defined type (O_APC_Tracked_02_AA_F) are inside a radius around a position? This should be a condition for a waitUntil loop.
  3. OK. Sorry for the crazy questions. I try to learn and startet few weeks ago. I have a lot of stuff to catch up. Thx to all for the help and the explanations!
  4. Perception? Better for the work of the engine? Or for my personal perception?
  5. Why you put it in brackets and let the "== 0" outside of it? Should it not be: waitUntil { sleep 1; count (getmarkerpos "AA_Mike26_1" nearEntities ["O_APC_Tracked_02_AA_F", 50]) == 0; };
  6. OK thx a lot. How would the syntax for a waitUntil condition look? Something like this? count (getmarkerpos "AA_Mike26_1" nearEntities ["O_APC_Tracked_02_AA_F", 50]) == 0;
  7. count (vehicles inAreaArray [getmarkerpos "AA_Mike26_1", 50, 50, 0, false, -1] select {(typeOf _x) isEqualto "O_APC_Tracked_02_AA_F"} and alive _x) == 0; Error: No defined variable in _x
  8. OK. Small syntax fail in your version. Should be: count (vehicles inAreaArray [getmarkerpos "AA_Mike26_1", 50, 50, 0, false, -1] select {(typeOf _x) isEqualto "O_APC_Tracked_02_AA_F"}) == 0; But this detected all "O_APC_Tracked_02_AA_F" in the area. How can I select only the alive ones?
  9. The radius could be 50m. But it is not important. This is a working way for detecting only 1 vehicle: // TRIGGER END waitUntil { sleep 1; !alive (getMarkerPos "AA_Mike26_1" nearestObject "O_APC_Tracked_02_AA_F"); }; But I need to detect all of the given kind. EDIT Maybe something like this: (getMarkerPos "AA_Mike26_1" nearSupplies 50 select {_x isKindOf "O_APC_Tracked_02_AA_F"}) count vehicle == 0;
  10. But I don't have a area because my position is a icon marker with no radius. I could use a area marker and inArea but a icon marker look better in this case. And with nearestObject I can only detect one vehicle.
  11. You don't need the modules. But the functions are still there. You can use it global with the userconfig/cba_settings.sqf on your server or use special settings for individual missions. The settings can be found and easily configure in the 3den editor/settings/mod settings. You can export them from there and paste it in your cba_settings.sqf. ACE Gestures: But the gestures doesn't work on our server and I can't find the reason. I can't find the settings too. Only the "activate gestures in ace menu" are there but we don't want to use it. Only wanna use the gestures by using keys (Yes, keys are defined!^^).
  12. @loopdk My hoster don't allow to upload dll's too. I have to upload all in a .rar file and they did it for me. But since the last ACE 3 update the dll's didn't change.
  13. I wanna create a wreck (Land_Wreck_Heli_Attack_01_F) on a random position and add them a addAction. All by using a addAction on a server. Ctreate the wreck works fine and adding a addAction only in a local situation. But on my server the addAction isn't there. I have tried some ways. My last looks like this: [[], { private ["_taskID", "_taskStateX", "_secondMarker"]; _taskID = "AgiaM_T4"; _taskStateX = [_taskID] call BIS_fnc_taskState; if (_taskStateX != "Succeeded") then { // CREATE AREA MARKER _secondMarker = createMarker ["Wreck_AgiaM_1", [2954, 5990]]; _secondMarker setMarkerSize [100, 100]; _secondMarker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; _secondMarker setMarkerBrush "FDiagonal"; _secondMarker setMarkerColor "colorOPFOR"; }; // CREATE WRECK AND ADDACTION private ["_wreck", "_wreckArea"]; _wreck = "Land_Wreck_Heli_Attack_01_F"; _wreckArea = getMarkerPos "Wreck_AgiaM_1"; // RUN ON DEDICATED SERVER OR PLAYER HOST if (isServer) then { // CREATE WRECK _wreck = createVehicle [_wreck, _wreckArea, [], 100, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _wreck setDir (random 360); }; // ADD ADDACTION { if (typeOf _x isEqualTo _wreck && _x inArea "Wreck_AgiaM_1") then { _x addAction [ localize "STR_iV_TakeBlackbox", // Title "scripts\misc\TakeBlackbox1_AgiaM.sqf", // Script nil, // Arguments 2.5, // Priority true, // showWindow true, // hideOnUse "", // Shortcut "true", // Condition 2.5, // Radius false // Unconscious ]; }; } forEach vehicles; sleep 3; }] remoteExec ["spawn", 0, true];
  14. Thanks a lot. Now it works. The code is smaller now too. I remoteExec the whole file to every client and server and inside the file I'm using this: if (isServer) then { // VARIABLES private ["_wreck"]; // CREATE WRECK _wreck = createVehicle ["Land_Wreck_Heli_Attack_01_F", getMarkerPos "Wreck_Girna_1", [], 160, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _wreck setDir (random 360); // ADD ADDACTION [_wreck, [localize "STR_iV_TakeBlackbox", "scripts\misc\TakeBlackbox1_Girna.sqf", nil, 2, true, true, "", "true", 3.5, false]] remoteExec ["addAction", -2, true]; }; Only my localization "Recover blackbox" is now in english and not in german. But this isn't very worse. I can live with.
  15. iV - Ghost

    Enhanced Movement

    I remember that benson wanna try to implement a blacklist for this. Take a look into the older posts here.
  16. So it's possible to use remoteExec inside remoteExec?
  17. "Land_Wreck_Heli_Attack_01_F" should it be. But thx for the info. And with the remoteExec. You've telling me that but if I don't remoteExec them I don't get my notification. But my problem is adding the addAction on the wreck because the script is local (addAction). But I think I must bring them all to every client and the server. But I'm not sure how. I can or I can't detect by this code? This was another way I've tested: // ADD ADDACTION _wreckObject = getMarkerPos "Wreck_Girna_1" nearestObject "Land_Wreck_Heli_Attack_01_F"; _wreckObject addAction [localize "STR_iV_TakeBlackbox", "scripts\misc\TakeBlackbox1_Girna.sqf"];
  18. I think it's: ace_medical_preventInstaDeath = true;
  19. @solentis Not in serverconfig.hpp. You have to safe it in a file called cba_settings.sqf and upload it in the userconfig-folder. The userconfig\ace-folder can be deleted and the @aceserver too.
  20. TFAR The next version of TFAR? Maybe we are using the wrong version? https://github.com/michail-nikolaev/task-force-arma-3-radio ACE gestures Where can I find the ACE gestures in the settings? But I'm looking for the activation via buttons and not via ACE menu.
  21. ACE gestures I can't find the option for activating the gestures in the cba settings. In singleplayer I can use the gestures via buttons but on my server it doesn't work. We're using the same settings for singleplayer (client), mission and server. The only line of code I have found is: ace_gestures_showOnInteractionMenu = 0; But we don't wanne use the gestures via interaction menu.
  22. I like the new features/handling. But it doesn't work on my server and I can't find the error. On our 2nd server everything looks fine. We are using the same file (cba_setting.sqf) and path. I have contacted my hoster but he says it is a mod problem. But I don't think so. Can it be something with the file rights? Our hoster disabled updating dll files because he's afraid of hacking. Everytime I have to update ACE3, ALiVE or Task Force Radio I have to wait of our hoster for transfering the dll's. I can't see the files via Filezilla but the support tell me every dll is placed correctly. I'm going crazy...
  23. We are using ALiVE. ALiVE spawn units in your defined zones and have some very nice features for mission makers. And ALiVE have a module called "Military Ai skill". You can define the skill with them. Works fine!
  24. I have created a folder named "userconfig/" in the root of my server. In this I have placed a file named "cba_settings.sqf". Then I go into my mission in the 3den editor and play as singleplayer. In the mission I open configure -> mod options and edit all the content. I export the content with the "Export"-button. I paste it into my "cba_setting.sqf". And uploaded the file in my created "userconfig/" folder. If AceServer was active the "userconfig/" still exist. I deleted @aceserver from my server. I delete config file for this which layed in the "userconfig/ace/" folder. I delete @aceserver from my startparameters. But I have still some problems which I have postet in the CBA thread.
  25. Logs should be ok: https://pastebin.com/LnGsVrV3 The settings working if I play NOT on a server. I have the same settings forced in 3den Editor for my missions. I think some parts of the settings work on a server and some does not. But don't know really what is set by default. Work on server: sitting vehicle lock vehicle cargo advanced medical advanced fatique view distance Ui (ammo count, mag count, ...) Don't work on server: view restriction Gestures Ui (stance, stamina bar, ...) I can't find the reason for that. Any ideas?