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iV - Ghost

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Everything posted by iV - Ghost

  1. iV - Ghost

    isKindOf / Box_IDAP_AmmoOrd_F

    OK. Could be a way. But in my case I like dropping items and other stuff for a while. Only if the "dropper" forget to clean up the area the script should do that. But thanks for the info.
  2. iV - Ghost

    isKindOf / Box_IDAP_AmmoOrd_F

    Thanks a lot. I wanna delete dropped gear and other stuff. But the named box is part of my mission and shouldn't deleted. For now I'm using this: private _allObjects = ( allMissionObjects "WeaponHolder" + allMissionObjects "GroundWeaponHolder" + allMissionObjects "WeaponHolderSimulated" ); { if (_x distance player > 600 && !(_x isKindOf "ReammoBox") then { deleteVehicle _x; }; } forEach _allObjects; The script running every 1800 seconds.
  3. Hey @jo spanner: I'm using this in an script: // REDUCE SPOTTING RANGE BY NIGHT _isNight = sunOrMoon; if (_isNight < 1) then { _this setskill ["spotDistance", 0.10]; _this setskill ["spotTime", 0.15]; } else { _this setskill ["spotDistance", 0.20]; _this setskill ["spotTime", 0.36]; };
  4. iV - Ghost

    Heros Survive

    Or maybe if all buyed things are inside a groundweaponholder and have to be picked up from the ground. Same with the sawed wood. You need enough storage in your backpack for this. But in a survival situation you don't have a backpack everytime.
  5. If you looking for a loot spawn script take a look at this: https://github.com/secondcoming/Arma3-Epoch-Lootspawner/tree/master/LSpawner
  6. I try to teleport players of the callers group into the cargo of a vehicle (Blackfish). The script started by addAction and run on my server. The part for this as follow: { // HANDLE TEAMMATES IN AREA if (_x distance2D _caller < 40) then { // SPAWN TEAMMATES INTO VEHICLE _x moveInCargo _veh; }; } forEach units group _caller; Problem: The players of the callers group was not teleported.
  7. iV - Ghost

    players moveInCargo by addAction

    And this is the addAction: this addAction [localize "STR_iV_GroupJump", "scripts\airdrop\kogs_airdrop.sqf"]
  8. iV - Ghost

    players moveInCargo by addAction

    This is the whole script w/o the functions:
  9. iV - Ghost

    players moveInCargo by addAction

    But I have the "distance to _caller"-check inside my function. Can or should I use them twice?
  10. iV - Ghost

    players moveInCargo by addAction

    Hey @Schatten: Tested but I'm the only one who's getting teleported (moveInCargo). My teammates still standing on the startpoint (startpoint is < 30 to me (_caller)).
  11. iV - Ghost

    players moveInCargo by addAction

    Can't use the forum search function: Try now to find more about the remoteExec by using google. Do this for hours now.
  12. iV - Ghost

    players moveInCargo by addAction

    Can't get it working. Tried with follow: Function: // VARIABLES private ["_veh", "_caller"]; _veh = _this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; // HANDLE TEAMMATES IN AREA { if (_x distance2D _caller < 30) then { // SPAWN TEAMMATES INTO VEHICLE _x moveInCargo _veh; }; } forEach (units (group _caller)); In the script: // VARIABLES private ["_target", "_caller", ...]; _target = _this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; ... // CREATE VEHICLE private ["_vehGroup", "_veh", "_varName", "_destination"]; _vehGroup = createGroup [west, true]; _spawnPos = [_spawnPos select 0, _spawnPos select 1, _flyHeight]; _veh = createVehicle [_vehType, _spawnPos, [], 0, "FLY"]; ... // HANDLE TEAMMATES IN AREA [_veh, _caller] remoteExec ["iV_fnc_moveInCargo", (units (group _caller)), false]; The players of my team don't get teleported inCargo of the vehicle. I'm the only one.
  13. iV - Ghost

    players moveInCargo by addAction

    { // HANDLE TEAMMATES IN AREA if (_x distance2D _caller < 40) then { // SPAWN TEAMMATES INTO VEHICLE _x assignAsCargo _veh; _x moveInCargo _veh; }; } forEach units group _caller; ..is not the way. Players from my team don't teleport in my plane.
  14. iV - Ghost

    players moveInCargo by addAction

    Yes I know the locality. Thx. But in my case I wanna handle players of my team (if I'am the caller of the script).
  15. iV - Ghost

    players moveInCargo by addAction

    I think assignAsCargo is for Ai + oderGetIn and not for players? I'll try, thx.
  16. I wanne use the vehicleChat on the pilot with remoteExec to every player in group _caller but can't get it working. Everytime I get a "Type array, need string" - error. Tried different ways since yesterday. One of this as follow: // VEHICLE CHAT { [_pilot, [localize "STR_iV_5000m"]] remoteExec ["vehicleChat", _x]; } forEach units group _caller;
  17. I'm getting a error: Type array, need string.
  18. Nice, the first problem is solved. Thx. Any ideas how to get the direction of the _spanPos building?
  19. I had hoped that the "House" are only houses. Now I've tried it with... // FIND RANDOM BUILDING POSITION _allBuildings = nearestObjects [_pos, "Land_Cargo_House_V1_F", _radius]; _allBuildingPos = []; _allBuildings apply {_allBuildingPos append (_x buildingPos -1)}; _spawnPos = selectRandom _allBuildingPos; ...but the box not standing inside the building. The box standing under! My second problem is the direction. How can I get the getDir from the selected _spawnPos building?
  20. How can I check the rank of a player. I wanna make a exitWith if the rank is lower than x.
  21. iV - Ghost

    Check player rank

    OK. Got it. Thx // VARIABLES private ["_caller", "_rank"]; _caller = _this select 1; _rank = rank _caller; // CHECK RANK if (_rank == "PRIVATE") exitWith { hint localize "STR_iV_RankTooLow"; };
  22. The crate spawned on a pier (Land_Pier_F). Is it a kind of "House"?
  23. And how can I get the Dir from the building?
  24. My cba_settings.sqf is not working too. Now I'm using the settings in my missions. I don't know why but since I'm using the settings from the missions I can use the gestures. I aksed for help lot of time. And after the last update I can see a log. Bevor there was nothing: 19:20:21 [CBA] (settings) INFO: Userconfig: Ignored.