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About Gooch159

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  1. Gooch159

    Grimes Simple Revive Script

    HUGE thank you to you two. I've been trying to get over the hurdle of not being able to teamswitch when you die for a long time. This worked like a charm. This is an amazing script and I'm glad I get to finally use it
  2. Can anyone confirm whether or not this still works? Seems broken to me.
  3. Gooch159

    US Military Mod

    Got to pop in and give my thanks. Patiently awaiting updates. +1 on kneepads.
  4. I must have messed up the formatting while changing the cases. I had them all. Your script, however, is working perfectly so far. Thanks so much for the help!
  5. Hello, Thanks for the help. I realized there were quite a few things wrong with what I posted with your help. Sadly, after fixing it, it still doesn't work at all. Prior to 1.54 this was a very simple thing to do. I'll keep searching for a solution.
  6. My script is identical to OP's. I use it to reduce damage received but I can't get it to work even with the new hit parts list. Can someone post an example? Here's what I have but I may have done it totally wrong. Any input is appreciated - I've spent many hours trying to work this out u1 = _this select 0; u1 addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", { private ["_return"]; _unit = _this select 0; _selection = _this select 1; _passedDamage = _this select 2; _source = _this select 3; _projectile = _this select 4; _oldDamage = 0; _face_hubMultiplier = 0.30; _neckMultiplier = 0.35; _headMultiplier = 0.40; _pelvisMultiplier = 0.35; _spine1Multiplier = 0.35; _spine2Multiplier = 0.35; _spine3Multiplier = 0.35; _bodyMultiplier = 0.35; _armsMultiplier = 0.20; _handsMultiplier = 0.15; _legsMultiplier = 0.25; _overAllMultiplier = 0.30; switch (_selection) do { case("HitFace"): { _oldDamage = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitHead"; _return = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - _oldDamage) * _face_hubMultiplier); }; case("HitNeck"): { _oldDamage = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitBody"; _return = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - _oldDamage) * _neckMultiplier); }; case("hitHead"): { _oldDamage = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitHands"; _return = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - _oldDamage) * _headMultiplier); }; case("HitPelvis"): { _oldDamage = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitLegs"; _return = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - _oldDamage) * _pelvisMultiplier); }; case("HitAbdomen"): { _oldDamage = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitLegs"; _return = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - _oldDamage) * _spine1Multiplier); }; case("HitDiaphragm"): { _oldDamage = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitLegs"; _return = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - _oldDamage) * _spine2Multiplier); }; case("HitChest"): { _oldDamage = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitLegs"; _return = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - _oldDamage) * _spine3Multiplier); }; case("HitBody"): { _oldDamage = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitLegs"; _return = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - _oldDamage) * _bodyMultiplier); }; case("HitArms"): { _oldDamage = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitLegs"; _return = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - _oldDamage) * _armsMultiplier); }; case("HitHands"): { _oldDamage = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitLegs"; _return = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - _oldDamage) * _handsMultiplier); }; case("HitLegs"): { _oldDamage = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitLegs"; _return = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - _oldDamage) * _legsMultiplier); }; case(""): { _oldDamage = damage _unit; _return = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - _oldDamage) * _overAllMultiplier); }; default{}; }; _return }];