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About NoStatement

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  1. Oh my God. It works :D . Thank you very very much for your help and your time for me. You are great.
  2. Hello. Me again :unsure: . I have test it with a marker. That works fine. But for my project i really need the createVehicle position player command. I have test it with createVehicle position player command and save all objects. That is working. The house is at the position where i have create it after loading. Is the saveAllObject Function working with another kind of getPos like save one object?Do you have an idea for a script or a function change for my project?
  3. OK. That are good news. I think i will try it with a marker. Or have you a better idea?
  4. I test it on a server. I have test it with "saveobjects". This is working. Every Object have the right position and spawned at this.
  5. Hello. This is my initServer.sqf: call compilefinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "oo_pdw.sqf"; _name = "house3"; _pdw = ["new", "inidbi"] call OO_PDW; _objects = ["loadObject", _name] call _pdw; hint format ["Restore all objects %1", _objects]; call compilefinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "saveServer.sqf"; This is my safeServer.sqf: _refreshTime = 360; // refresh every 5 minutes // Loop forever while {true} do { call compilefinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "oo_pdw.sqf"; _pdw = ["new", "inidbi"] call OO_PDW; _name = "house3"; _object = house3; _haus = ["saveObject", [_name, _object]] call _pdw; sleep 2; hint "Save Object"; // Wait the duration of _refreshTime sleep _refreshTime; };
  6. Hello. I have a new Question :( . I want to spwan an Object with createvehicle and save this object in my database. I use this Script: house3 = createVehicle ["Land_i_House_Small_02_V2_F", position player, [], 0, "NONE"];house3 setPos [ getPos house3 select 0, getPos house3 select 1, 0]; sleep 2; [] execVM "safeServer.sqf"; house3 is in the database. this is working. But the problem is the position of house3. Here is the Database: pdw_object_house3="["Land_i_House_Small_02_V2_F",[-0.469887,-1.19227,-0.336883],6.70419e-008,0,[[],[]],[[],[]],[[],[]],[[],[]]]" But the correct position should look like this: [10360.7,2405.42,6.96205],0.130837,0, Can anyone help me with my problem?
  7. Hello. I am Sorry for this question <_< . Everything works fine. Very nice work. But i have a new problem. i want to safe objects which i create with createVehicle command. Only these objects should be saved in the database. In the Documentation i have found this: Function: _bool = ["saveObject", [_name, _object]] call _pdw; Save object, and all its cargo Parameters: _name : string name of the object to save _object : object Return : True if success I use this command to spawn a vehicle: _spawn = "B_Heli_Attack_01_F"; _posplr = [((getPos player) select 0) + 2, ((getPos player) select 1) + 2, 0]; _dirplr = getDir player; _spwnveh = _spawn createVehicle (_posplr); Can i use _spawn as _name for the database or is there a better solution path?
  8. Hello. I really need an easy example for useing inidbi. An example howto make a new database File and howto read and write data in it. An example for Noobs like me :)