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Everything posted by Mosshadow

  1. Mosshadow

    3den Enhanced

    This mod is pretty good, I like the damaging system and the arsenal best of all. I would like to suggest adding a respawn option into the mod so that you can make AI squads and vehicles respawn back where they were first placed after being destroyed
  2. I've tried a few more times but it seems that the respawn script for eden/2d editor does not work. Has anyone had the same problem? I
  3. I am having an issue with the respawn feature. I placed three squads of infantry down with the respawn script in the leader's initialization but after I dropped an artillery round on them they do not respawn. The MCC GUI shows that they do have respawn and GAIA on however and when I use the MCC GUI they will respawn correctly.
  4. Has anyone noticed that GAIA is not only great for infantry but also great for anti aircraft guns? Before I figured out that it was useful for the ZSUs they were terrible at killing aircraft and got wiped out immediatly. Once you add them into GAIA they work together to call out where the aircraft are coming from and actually have a good chance of firing first instead of getting slaughtered. Also because the GAIA standalone/scripting thread is inactive I have a question about using the respawn script This respawn script does not make the units respawn. Units set to respawn in the MCC GUI do respawn normally.
  5. I just finished making a mission and I tested it several times in singleplayer. However I just tried it in multiplayer mode and for some reason the independents are not attacking blufor even though I have made sure to set them hostile. Is this a known glitch that only applies to testing mode because missions made in eden have not had this problem on our actual clan server.
  6. Well its just 4 fps for me. when I sent it to someone else his desktop PC ran it at his normal fps settings perfectly fine.
  7. I am working on a rather large multiplayer mission and my laptop is only getting about 3-4 fps when I test. More importantly when I spawned some blufor units no one shot at them despite hostility settings being on for independents. In addition when I spawned some opfor neither blufor nor independents attacked them. Is it possible that my PC is simply unable to handle the units becoming hostile and thus when I give this mission to my clans' server owner it will work fine?
  8. For some reason after I copied two seperate missions into a single mission the hostility settings for independents and blufor is bugged so independents do not attack blufor and vice versa regardless of mission settings. Is there some way I can make them hostile again through a trigger or scripting because it seems that there is no way to copy items from either of the two original missions into each other without causing a crash to desktop.
  9. Thanks, so all I need to do is put WEST setFriend [iNDEPENDENT, 0]; to make them hostile in that sqf file? Is that all the Init file needs? Is there anything I need to place in the mission.sqm for it to use the init file?
  10. Where do I place setFriend? I can see it on the wiki but it doesnt say where it goes.
  11. Mosshadow

    Independents not hostile to Blufor in MP

    Its possible that it may be caused by copy and pasting. I found that eden no longer had the merge function so I made a new mission and then I copied and pasted two seperate missions into it. Both had independents set to hostile and then I set the new settings in the merged mission to hostile independents. Maybe they canceled out somehow. Also I tested it in singleplayer again and they are not hostile to either Blufor or OPfor so I think the copy and paste did something.
  12. Mosshadow

    Placing Objects on a table

    For me SOME items work, others I need to set to simulation disabled. Laptops and most other electronic items will fall through the tables. Guns and intel usually is fine but pistols sink into the table instead of staying on top. Boxes tend to glitch out.
  13. How can I get my AI to use sandbags? MCC's Fortify command works decently for getting them into static weapons, buildings and occasionally bunkers but it does not work for sandbags and other placed walls because they are not considered buildings. Are there any scripting solutions or AI mods that will fix this?
  14. Mosshadow

    Making AI use sandbags.

    Thanks, I've ended up just sticking them manually and setting them to never take cover and never move.
  15. While using the 3D or 2D editor is it possible for me to place MCC zones and place units into GAIA?
  16. Thanks for the help, the MCC preset works fine! Does it carry over if I save a mission in MCC?
  17. Placing them sort of works. However at the first sound of bullets they lie down Which defeats the purpose of the sandbags.
  18. This house and the sandbags are under one zone, the units are set to fortify, how can I get them to stand by these sandbags?
  19. Mosshadow

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Is this compatible with MCC GAIA? Because I would love to have both the strategic and tactical improvements at the same time.
  20. Random comment after several missions: The unarmed car AI is beautiful. Its just amazing to stick transport vehicles down and have soldiers get into them when needed and disembark when needed. Thats not to say it works perfectly since they love to run over their friends in a rush to pick up some guys on the otherside but its much better than zeus micromanaging:) Also I have a suggestion for zones and GAIA. Would it be possible to make certain zones high priority or have multiple zone types? For example a HQ zone that GAIA will defend at all costs. So for example when enemy units start approaching that area GAIA will pull out units from other zones, even if they are set to Fortify or Defensive? Does anyone know if helicopters will direct AI artillery fire? Sometimes GAIA decides to fly choppers above an incoming enemy force so I try placing mortars farther away and linking them into GAIA, results are decidedly mixed.
  21. Mosshadow

    LEA - Loadout Editor for ArmA 3

    I'm just downloading this for the first time, does this work online? As in if I'm on a clan server making a misson via MCC or zeus can I use it to change the loadout of AI from my PC? If not is it possible for me to edit units locally and then save the MCC mission file and then load that onto a server?
  22. Shay_Gman, It seems the glitch has cleared up after I restarted my computer. However Convoys do not seem to spawn in.
  23. Nope, I did this all in MCC and Zeus. I was trying to remake my 2D editor map with MCC, its surprisingly harder than I expected it to be.
  24. Yes, I tried a few times linking them in different ways. I also tried copying the lines of script from the single unit to other units on the same side but they just stay prone and vehicles just stay in one place after the bomb explodes.
  25. Mosshadow

    Saving 2D maps into MCC

    Well I generally like to use the 2d editor because it seems that triggers are much easier to set up in there. I cant seem to use MCC triggers for anything.