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About Da_Hollander

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  1. Da_Hollander

    [R3F] Logistics

    Thank you for your responce :) I have the see content in my action menu so that should not be the case. I've tried replacing the things you've asked me to but unfortunately the items still do not show up. Once I open the container through the see content action menu; I see that it has 0/170 inventory. Here's the code below _target = _this select 0; _location = getPosWorld _target; if (credits<2) exitWith { ["info",["Not enough credits","Not enough credits (2 credits required)"]] call bis_fnc_showNotification; }; credits = credits - 2; publicVariable "credits"; hint "A building supply crate has been dropped near your location"; _parachute = "B_Parachute_02_F" CreateVehicle _location; _parachute setPos [_location select 0, _location select 1, (_location select 2)+100]; _object = "Land_Cargo20_military_green_F" CreateVehicle [_location select 0,_location select 1,(_location select 2)+50]; _object attachTo [_parachute,[0,0,0]]; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _object; // Remove Cargo of Pod clearMagazineCargoGlobal _object; clearItemCargoGlobal _object; clearBackpackCargoGlobal _object; _object setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", false, false]; waitUntil {sleep 1; getPosWorld _object select 2<0.2}; _smoke = "SmokeShellYellow" CreateVehicle (getPosWorld _object); ["info",["Supply delivered","The supply crate has been marked with green smokes"]] call bis_fnc_showNotification; _object = [[ ["bagfence_base_f", 2], ["land_bagbunker_small_f", 2], ["sign_f", 2], ["land_cncbarrier_stripes_f", 2], ["land_razorwire_f", 2] ] ]execVM "scripts\R3F_LOG\USER_FUNCT\auto_load_in_vehicle.sqf";
  2. I've tried replacing "this" with "_object" but unfortunately this does not fix anything. The objects 'vehicle content' stays empty..
  3. Da_Hollander

    [R3F] Logistics

    Unfortunately that is not the issue. I tried replacing this with the _object but the same thing happens (so it doesnt get filled).
  4. Da_Hollander

    [R3F] Logistics

    Hello all, I have a question relating to this script. I sincerely hope that someone can help me out on this one! Topic is here: Hopefully you can help me out!
  5. Hello all, I'm currently working on a mission script and I'd like to add objects into a land cargo container using the R3F Logistics script. I've read the documentation available here http://team-r3f.org/madbull/logistics/EN_DOCUMENTATION.pdf. Chapter 3 part 1 to be more specific. With this documentation I've tried setting up a script that I can request with the radio menu.. The script is here _target = _this select 0; _location = getPosWorld _target; if (credits<2) exitWith { ["info",["Not enough credits","Not enough credits (2 credits required)"]] call bis_fnc_showNotification; }; credits = credits - 2; publicVariable "credits"; hint "A building supply crate has been dropped near your location"; _parachute = "B_Parachute_02_F" CreateVehicle _location; _parachute setPos [_location select 0, _location select 1, (_location select 2)+100]; _object = "Land_Cargo20_military_green_F" CreateVehicle [_location select 0,_location select 1,(_location select 2)+50]; _object attachTo [_parachute,[0,0,0]]; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _object; // Remove Cargo of Pod clearMagazineCargoGlobal _object; clearItemCargoGlobal _object; clearBackpackCargoGlobal _object; _object setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", false, false]; _object = [ this, [ ["bagfence_base_f", 2], ["land_bagbunker_small_f", 2], ["sign_f", 2], ["land_cncbarrier_stripes_f", 2], ["land_razorwire_f", 2] ] ]execVM "scripts\R3F_LOG\USER_FUNCT\auto_load_in_vehicle.sqf"; waitUntil {sleep 1; getPosWorld _object select 2<0.2}; _smoke = "SmokeShellYellow" CreateVehicle (getPosWorld _object); ["info",["Supply delivered","The supply crate has been marked with green smokes"]] call bis_fnc_showNotification; The container gets dropped but when i check the "vehicle's content", there is nothing inside. Does anyone have any clue what is going wrong? Thanks in advance.
  6. Cheers, will look into that. Unfortunately I do not know how I can use the worldToModel stuff.. Can't find any examples or tutorials online either. Could anyone explain or link me to an explenation of it?
  7. Haha I guess the person in the example code had to make sure @ if true Thanks for linking to worldToModel, will check that and see if I can find out how it works.
  8. Hello all, As the title says, I'd like to have some help with adding a group of objects that form an outpost at a dynamic mission. Context: you're in a mission and a randomly spawned mission pops up. I want several objects to spawn at that mission so it can be fortified and what not. To make my question more specific: The objects in the example code are placed well and have certain coordinates + rotations etc. Is there any way to make such 'group' of objects myself and write them in a simular way as the example code? Because the issue is that I have no idea how I could get the 'relative' coordinates of the objects. I hope my question is formed clear enough to understand.. I have example code here: ////////////////////// // -- ADD THIS -- 1 // ////////////////////// _centerSpawn = _this select 0; _centerSpawnX = _centerSpawn select 0; _centerSpawnY = _centerSpawn select 1; ///////////////// // -- END -- 1 // ///////////////// _vehicle_0 = objNull; if (true) then { _this = createVehicle ["Land_MultiMeter_F", [1817.7195, 5623.689, -1.2397766e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _vehicle_0 = _this; _this setPos [1817.7195, 5623.689, -1.2397766e-005]; }; /////////////////////// // -- ADD THIS -- 2 // /////////////////////// _centerObj = getPosWorld _vehicle_0; _centerX = _centerObj select 0; _centerY = _centerObj select 1; deleteVehicle _vehicle_0; ///////////////// // -- END -- 2 // ///////////////// _vehicle_1 = objNull; if (true) then { _this = createVehicle ["Land_Cargo_HQ_V2_F", [1818.382, 5624.3564, -9.5367432e-007], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _vehicle_1 = _this; _this setDir 16.173525; _this setPos [(1818.382)-_centerX+_centerSpawnX, (5624.3564)-_centerY+_centerSpawnY, -9.5367432e-007]; }; _vehicle_2 = objNull; if (true) then { _this = createVehicle ["Land_HBarrier_3_F", [1811.2635, 5621.4463, 1.9073486e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _vehicle_2 = _this; _this setDir 106.22929; _this setPos [(1811.2635)-_centerX+_centerSpawnX, (5621.4463)-_centerY+_centerSpawnY, 1.9073486e-006]; }; _vehicle_3 = objNull; if (true) then { _this = createVehicle ["Land_HBarrier_5_F", [1811.7753, 5617.7754, 8.5830688e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _vehicle_3 = _this; _this setDir 17.772383; _this setPos [(1811.7753)-_centerX+_centerSpawnX, (5617.7754)-_centerY+_centerSpawnY, 8.5830688e-006]; }; _vehicle_4 = objNull; if (true) then { _this = createVehicle ["Land_HBarrier_1_F", [1826.0121, 5622.8223, -1.4305115e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _vehicle_4 = _this; _this setDir 109.19431; _this setPos [(1826.0121)-_centerX+_centerSpawnX, (5622.8223)-_centerY+_centerSpawnY, -1.4305115e-006]; }; _vehicle_6 = objNull; if (true) then { _this = createVehicle ["Land_HBarrier_5_F", [1818.0166, 5617.2568, -7.6293945e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _vehicle_6 = _this; _this setDir 16.170671; _this setPos [(1818.0166)-_centerX+_centerSpawnX, (5617.2568)-_centerY+_centerSpawnY, -7.6293945e-006]; }; _vehicle_9 = objNull; if (true) then { _this = createVehicle ["Land_HBarrier_5_F", [1826.0255, 5629.1235, -5.7220459e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _vehicle_9 = _this; _this setDir 196.55594; _this setPos [(1826.0255)-_centerX+_centerSpawnX, (5629.1235)-_centerY+_centerSpawnY, -5.7220459e-006]; }; _vehicle_13 = objNull; if (true) then { _this = createVehicle ["Land_HBarrier_3_F", [1813.771, 5629.9653, 5.7220459e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _vehicle_13 = _this; _this setDir 106.22929; _this setPos [(1813.771)-_centerX+_centerSpawnX, (5629.9653)-_centerY+_centerSpawnY, 5.7220459e-006]; }; _vehicle_16 = objNull; if (true) then { _this = createVehicle ["Land_HBarrier_3_F", [1827.408, 5628.5742, 3.3378601e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _vehicle_16 = _this; _this setDir 99.777275; _this setPos [(1827.408)-_centerX+_centerSpawnX, (5628.5742)-_centerY+_centerSpawnY, 3.3378601e-006]; }; _vehicle_19 = objNull; if (true) then { _this = createVehicle ["Land_HBarrier_3_F", [1824.6447, 5617.9897, 5.2452087e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _vehicle_19 = _this; _this setDir 106.8838; _this setPos [(1824.6447)-_centerX+_centerSpawnX, (5617.9897)-_centerY+_centerSpawnY, 5.2452087e-006]; }; _vehicle_26 = objNull; if (true) then { _this = createVehicle ["Land_HBarrier_1_F", [1825.6771, 5621.7358, 2.8610229e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _vehicle_26 = _this; _this setDir 105.16212; _this setPos [(1825.6771)-_centerX+_centerSpawnX, (5621.7358)-_centerY+_centerSpawnY, 2.8610229e-006]; }; _vehicle_29 = objNull; if (true) then { _this = createVehicle ["Land_HBarrier_1_F", [1827.2349, 5623.9165, 1.4305115e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _vehicle_29 = _this; _this setDir 193.59006; _this setPos [(1827.2349)-_centerX+_centerSpawnX, (5623.9165)-_centerY+_centerSpawnY, 1.4305115e-006]; };
  9. Hello All, Thanks for reading this! I've started to create my very first End-Game mission, I've gotten really far using the explenation here. Unfortunately I've ran into a small problem. Most of the spawnpoints that I've added to my missions do not seem to work. Two of them work, those are the "Respawn Point logic" connected to the "Start Game Objective". I've used the very same "Respawn Point Logic" at "Simple Objective's" and, as the tutorial says; I am supposed to use "BLUFOR / OPFOR game logics connected to a Simple Objective". However, I can not find the described game logic! Does anyone know where to find this? Because the tutorial is somewhat outdated and different than the new 2D / Eden interface. Or am I getting this wrong and should I use the normal "Game Logic" logic entity and call it Respawn_West or something? Thanks in advance! -Da_Hollander
  10. Hello all, Thanks for reading this! I've started to create my very first End-Game mission, I've gotten really far using the explenation here. Nevertheless I have three questions: In the original end-game series by BI, once you secure the FOB (= completing the End Game Start Game Objective) you are granted additional assets (usually a hunter/ifrit GMG and HMG) that are delivered by helicopter. Does anyone know how I can achieve this? Edit: I've made a trigger that detects the presence of indipendent soldiers, once you clear the FOB area (= no indipendant remaining) there is a move and drop command for the helicopters. This works, but isn't exactly the way it should work. For example, the helicopter already exists + it gets triggered by the presence of indipendent soldiers instead of getting triggered when completing the "End Game Start Game Objective". Normally you start with certain loadouts you can choose from upon respawning after death. By default there is no such thing and you will respawn as the (original) unit class. How can I add those additional loadouts? In addition to loadouts, when you've downloaded the data at, lets say, objective Alpha, you can earn acces to more loadouts and/or vehicles. How could I add this feature? I hope someone can help me out on this one! I'm pretty sure this end-game scenario is going to be a lot of fun! Thank you in advance. -Da_Hollander
  11. To support my example even more: I think this should launch at missionStart.sqf _allPlayers = []; if (isMultiplayer) then { waitUntil {count playableUnits > 0}; { if (isPlayer _x) then { _allPlayers pushBack _x; }; } forEach playableUnits; }; Special_Snowflake = _allPlayers call bis_fnc_selectRandom; publicVariable "Special_Snowflake"; And later on I should probably make a script that checks if a player is Special_Snowflake and if not he cant acces a certain thing? But in the case of the presented script, it is randomly chosen.. But It should not be randomly chosen but a specific player (maybe through his playerID) or a certain lobby slot? So unit assigned?
  12. Thank you for your responce. I did not mean the lobby parameters but mission related options/scripts that pop-up when you've started the mission. For example how many mission zones you want and if you want to place them randomly or manually. It is that a specific person should get a box like that because if everyone would get that option then there is no point of selecting the amount of zones. Only one person should get this option at mission launch. Hope I'm more clear now :)
  13. Hello, Unfortunately I am still a beginner when it comes to arma scripting and I could use some help (e.g. for terminology)! If I know what to google for I can figure out a lot by myself ;) I am trying to make a mission script and I would like it to give certain players certain rights. For example on mission start-up there should be a configuration menu that pops up so mission parameters can be set. But this menu should only pop-up to a specific person or perhaps specific player-slot. This very same person should be allowed to have certain perks later on the mission as well (for example; requesting new missions without everyone being able to do so). I hope I made clear what I am trying to achieve here. If someone could help me further with terminology or perhaps a link to a tutorial that explains it, that would be great. Thank you in advance. -Da_Hollander
  14. Uff sounds like a lot of work. Antistasi seems promising, I will try it for sure! :) A bit off-topic, may I know how/where you've gained so much knowledge to make such an advanced mission like Antistasi Altis?