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About Poumchack

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  1. Poumchack

    Jurassic Arma - Raptor Pack

    hi guys very very nice mod. i was trying to get it to work with ace3. because my squad wants to do some propper jungle missions with wild animals :D we are using ace3 as a default mod for our units so i came now up with this i am not quite shure if i am doing it in a common right way but it works for me and maybe needs some tweeking. the damge parts are selected randomly and could be based on the _direction value. Also now the damage dealed to bodyparts is only 0.2 and maybe needs some multiplication to have more effective damage This ACE3 function is working with the new hitpoint system added in the last update. so i changed your "fn_deal_damage.sqf" maybe you are interested in that: _victim = _this select 0; _dam = _this select 1; _overall = _this select 2; _part = _this select 3; _Ddir = _this select 4; _snd = _this select 5; _ssource = _this select 6; _damageType = ["head", "body", "hand_l", "hand_r", "leg_l", "leg_r"]; _randomDamageBodypart =_damageType call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; if (isClass(configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "ace_main")) then { // ace Enabled if (IsNil "_ssource") then {_ssource = _victim}; if !(_overall) then { [_victim, _dam, _randomDamageBodypart, "Bullet"] call ace_medical_fnc_addDamageToUnit; if (_snd != "") then { 0 = [[_ssource, _snd], "rup_fnc_say3d", 1, 1, _ssource, true, false] call rup_fnc_MP; }; } else { _part = _this select 3; [_victim, _dam, _part, "Bullet"] call ace_medical_fnc_addDamageToUnit; }; if (IsPlayer _victim) then { if (IsMultiplayer) then { 0 = [[_victim, _Ddir, _snd], "rup_fnc_hiteffect_1", 1, 3, _victim, false, false] call rup_fnc_MP; } else { [_victim, _Ddir] call rup_fnc_hiteffect_1; }; }; } else { // ace not present if (IsNil "_ssource") then {_ssource = _victim}; if !(_overall) then { _victim setdamage (damage _victim)+_dam; if (_snd != "") then { 0 = [[_ssource, _snd], "rup_fnc_say3d", 1, 1, _ssource, true, false] call rup_fnc_MP; }; } else { _part = _this select 3; _dam_part = _victim getHitPointDamage _part; _victim setHitPointDamage [_part, (_dam_part + _dam)]; }; if (IsPlayer _victim) then { if (IsMultiplayer) then { 0 = [[_victim, _Ddir, _snd], "rup_fnc_hiteffect_1", 1, 3, _victim, false, false] call rup_fnc_MP; } else { [_victim, _Ddir] call rup_fnc_hiteffect_1; }; }; }; maybe someone of you professional guys can have a look at it and can tell me if this is a propper way of doing the ACE detection. for me this part is currious i was not able to figuere out what it realy does because the _part value was always empty else { _part = _this select 3; [_victim, _dam, _part, "Bullet"] call ace_medical_fnc_addDamageToUnit; }; my source for the ace function was this page: https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/issues/2816 hope this will help somebody who is also into this ace thing greatings P
  2. Poumchack

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Hi, first of all ! Awesome Mod and many thanks for making this! After the last update i found out that the ACE Damage Handler thing wasn't quite correct anymore (because of this hitpoint thing). So i tryed to figuer it out. The "old" Code for example in "acedamage.sqf" causes a script error at an ACE function called fnc_handleDamage.sqf at Line 32 with the Error "not defined Variable _hitpointindex" [_target, "body", (_target gethit "body") + Ryanzombiesdamage, objNull, "Bullet"] call ace_medical_fnc_handleDamage; this results in: no damge recognition by ACE at all ( or very minimal damage and it is not shown at the ace medical system) after changing the above line to: [_target, (_target gethit "body") + Ryanzombiesdamage, "body", "Bullet"] call ace_medical_fnc_addDamageToUnit; solved the Problem. ( found solution here https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/issues/2816 ) Damage is again recognized by ACE (Hitparts maybe "body" "hand_r" etc) and dealed to the player without errors. So i have rewirten all acedamage*.sqf files according to their original damge. But whats not realy clear to me now is, how much damage is handled to the player. Also i don't know if the "new" function has any issus in Multiplayer. Two Hits by a Opfor Zombie Typ1 and ACE brings me down to unconscious level (for a short time). But maybe you know better :) Hope i could help to fix the issue with ACE compatibility. Sorry for my poor english knowledges, I am not a native speaker :) P for example the full acedamage.sqf _target = _this select 0; if(isPlayer _target) then { [-2,{ _target = _this; if(player == _target) then { [_target, "body", (_target gethit "body") + Ryanzombiesdamage, objNull, "Bullet"] call ace_medical_fnc_handleDamage; [_target, "leg_l", (_target gethit "leg_l") + Ryanzombiesdamage, objNull, "Bullet"] call ace_medical_fnc_handleDamage; [_target, "leg_r", (_target gethit "leg_r") + Ryanzombiesdamage, objNull, "Bullet"] call ace_medical_fnc_handleDamage; }; },_target] call CBA_fnc_globalExecute; } else { [_target, "body", (_target gethit "body") + Ryanzombiesdamage, objNull, "Bullet"] call ace_medical_fnc_handleDamage; [_target, "leg_l", (_target gethit "leg_l") + Ryanzombiesdamage, objNull, "Bullet"] call ace_medical_fnc_handleDamage; [_target, "leg_r", (_target gethit "leg_r") + Ryanzombiesdamage, objNull, "Bullet"] call ace_medical_fnc_handleDamage; }; to _target = _this select 0; if(isPlayer _target) then { [-2,{ _target = _this; if(player == _target) then { [_target, (_target gethit "body") + Ryanzombiesdamage, "body", "Bullet"] call ace_medical_fnc_addDamageToUnit; [_target, (_target gethit "leg_l") + Ryanzombiesdamage, "leg_l", "Bullet"] call ace_medical_fnc_addDamageToUnit; [_target, (_target gethit "leg_r") + Ryanzombiesdamage, "leg_r", "Bullet"] call ace_medical_fnc_addDamageToUnit; }; },_target] call CBA_fnc_globalExecute; } else { [_target, (_target gethit "body") + Ryanzombiesdamage, "body", "Bullet"] call ace_medical_fnc_addDamageToUnit; [_target, (_target gethit "leg_l") + Ryanzombiesdamage, "leg_l", "Bullet"] call ace_medical_fnc_addDamageToUnit; [_target, (_target gethit "leg_r") + Ryanzombiesdamage, "leg_r", "Bullet"] call ace_medical_fnc_addDamageToUnit; };