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Posts posted by Incontinentia

  1. Incon Scripts for Arma 3
    INC_Scripts_A3 is a collection of scripts for Arma 3 mission makers. They are primarily designed to be used with ALiVE and ACE in SP / Co-op scenarios. 
    (Check individual readme files in the respective addon folders for more information).
    Enemy units drop intel when they are killed. Allows units to hack into enemy radio networks and see nearby groups on the map, as well as track cellphone contacts. Also reveals enemy installations.
    Requires: CBA
    Status: Initial (early Alpha) release.


    • Made for ALiVE
    • Units drop intel when they are killed

    Dropped intel will:
    • Find ALiVE asym opcom installations
    • Track phone contacts on map (requires UAV terminal)
    • Track radio contacts on map (requires UAV terminal)
    • Tracking accuracy depends on the weather, overhead cover, range etc.
    Incon Persistence
    Provides persistence for non-playable AI teammates (in player group) between play sessions when ALiVE data is present using iniDBI2. Saves full unit information for up to 11 AI teammates and loads it when there is corresponding ALiVE persistent player information.
    Requires: CBA, ALiVE, iniDBI2
    Status: Full release.
    Features: persistent AI teammates and cargo between ALiVE sessions using iniDBI2
    To have fully persistent AI teammates you need to:
    • place all files into your mission root. If you already have a description.ext or initPlayerLocal.sqf, add in the code from Incon-Persistence to your original files. In description.ext, if the class is already defined (for instance, cfgFunctions), just add the #include line to the given class.
    • save and exit the server at the end of each session
    • not be a numpty
    Unzip all files into your mission root folder. If you already have a description.ext or init.sqf, add the lines from these files into your pre-existing ones.
    Inside the INCON\INC_undercover and INCON\INC_intel folders, you will find the XXX_setup.sqf files. Edit these to your preference. Also read the readme in the respective folders to find out how to set up the scripts fully for your mission. 
    Massive thanks to Spyderblack723 for his help creating some of the intel functions and correcting some of my mistakes / oversights on the original release. Also for generally being super helpful over the past year as I've got into modding. Also huge thanks to Dixon13 who helped write the original intel spawning script on the ALiVE forums. 
    • Like 4

  2. Had some time on my hands to do some more testing and I've got another small update and a video. 


    Version 0.102 Alpha




    Increased performance and reliability of tracking vehicles

    Unit tracking sensors can now tell the difference between humans and snakes, bunny wabbits and birds

    Adjusted timings slightly (reduced delay between selecting laser guidance and being able to mark a target)

    Increased laser accuracy - laser must be closer to an enemy target to initiate tracking

    Overall target tracking responsiveness should be much improved now
    Download from GitHub.
    Download from Mediafire


    Also, I've added a showcase / tutorial video. 


    • Like 3

  3. I wanted to keep it as a script for now as it keeps the mod list down and there's probably not much advantage while it's just the one script. That might change if I release a few more scripts though. 


    zagor, what settings have you used? There's a percentage setting that allows mission makers to limit the chances of air support availability and a 'night only' setting that prevents units from calling for support during the day. 

  4. Incon Airpower




    Script package for Arma 3 mission makers that allows players to call in air support for target tracking and precision air strikes. Unlike other CAS scripts, Incon Airpower simulates high-altitude strikes where the aircraft is neither visible nor audible from the ground. As such, the aicraft itself is not spawned, only simulated, thereby avoiding all the hassle of Arma's pilot AI. Works best in single player and low-player-count COOP (lots of players using tracking may cause considerable server lag).
    Perfect for missions involving SF teams working behind enemy lines to call in coalition airpower onto enemy assets (as in the ongoing real-life operation Enduring Freedom in Iraq / Syria).
    SP / Co-op / Dedi compatible. 




    Call in guided airstrikes with the radio menu

    Mark targets with laser, smoke, chemlights or IR strobes (night only for chemlights and strobes, day only for smoke)

    Aircraft can lock on to and strike multiple targets simultaneaously (thanks to a slightly modified version of kylania's awesome guided missile script)

    Optional collateral damage assesment by pilot - checks for nearby friendlies, civilians and sensitive targets and will automatically disengage if collateral damage is too high

    Optional full NATO voice procedure simulation to guide pilot on to target

    No need for map with airstrip or adding in any aircraft

    Restrict JTAC capabilities to units with certain items in their inventory


    Optional unit tracking on map, with accuracy that degrades with overhead cover, weather etc. (only shows targets that would be visible from overhead):

    - (optional) restrict to units with UAV terminal only

    - differentiates between friendlies (blue), unarmed infantry (white), armed infantry (pink), civilian vehicles (white, large) and non-friendly vehicles (pink, large)



    If using a laser designator, the player can mark multiple targets at once and give clearance for a simultaneaous strike:

    - mark 2 tanks and an infantry patrol, and the aircraft will track and engage those targets simultaneously, even if they move

    - repeat your last mark if in doubt

    - if your final target is a laser mark, the aircraft will engage your laser mark while it is active, and revert to your original mark position if it looses your laser mark


    Realistic air speeds of ordnance:

    - the higher the altitude of the aircraft (recommended at least 3000m), the longer the ordnance will take to hit the target

    - missiles will travel faster than bombs

    - ordnance speeds based on real data







    1. Place "INC_airpower" folder into your mission root folder. 
    2. If you have no description.ext or initPlayerLocal.sqf, place these files into your mission root folder too. Otherwise, add the lines from them into your corresponding description.ext and initPlayerLocal.sqf files. In description.ext, if the class is already defined (for instance, class cfgFunctions), just add the #include line to the given class.
    3. Open the "INC_airpower\APW_setup.sqf" file and configure the settings to your liking. 
    4. Decide how to call for air support, then do the following: 
    If you want players to call it using a specific object (like a laptop or something) then, in the init of the object, write: 
    this addaction ["Request air support","INC_airpower\scripts\airpowerSpawn.sqf",[],1,false,true,"","!(missionNamespace getVariable ['APW_airAssetRequested',false])"];
    If you want the player to call it from their action menu, in the playable unit's init, write:
    this setVariable ["APW_initAddaction",true];
    If you want the player to call it from a radio trigger (radio Alpha), in the playable unit's init, write:
    this setVariable ["APW_initRadioTrig",true];
    Interact with CAS using radio Charlie or the action menu once it has been requested (depending on your settings).





    GNU V3

    Submit pull requests, fork your own version on Github, drink Bailey's from a shoe, do whatever. This is open source and entirely free to use. 






    v0.1 - Initial Alpha release

    v0.101a hotfix - fixed legacy "compromised" variable error, script should now work! 

    v0.102a - increased performance and reliability of tracking, adjusted timings, no longer tracking birds, snakes and rabbits

    v0.103 - adds the option to add an action or radio menu option to specific units (see updated usage above)

    v0.11 - configurable number of sorties, request interval, radio timeout, better tracking accuracy, reliable handling of aborted missions

    v1.0 - multiple ordnance types for single strike, manual target marking, auto dusk/dawn detect, masses of fixes

    v1.1 - MP compatibility, server-side execution, CAS Interact Menu, status reports, option to use action menu or trigger, numerous fixes and enhancements for multiplayer and collaborative JTACing, refuel timeout



    Download from GitHub

    • Like 11
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  5. Wassup people. Story time. 


    I got a fair bit of feedback from Steam Workshop (thanks to all who subscribed - there's apparently 4,000 of you now!?!) about the physx part of this mod being quite unrealistic. I kind of agree but couldn't find a way to achieve what I really wanted to do with physx, which was to increase gravitational speed for ragdolls while still allowing them to fly, so I just made people fly and left it at that. In light of the feedback though, I subsequently spent most of a day fiddling with each physx parameter to try to see what I could improve and unfortunately failed to find what I was looking for but did stumble across something cool: joint parameters. It turns out Arma can model joints that don't bend backwards on themselves like actual rag dolls, it just chooses not to most of the time. Which is nice. I also found a way to keep people from leaping backwards with every shot but still do more than slump during explosions. I'm fairly pleased with the results. Oh, and Blastcore.


    Anyway, without any more guff, I present: 




    Incon Effects Mod V1.2

    Blastcore compatibility PBO (move from optionals folder to addons to use, will overwrite Blastcore blood effects with these - experimental)
    Please bear in mind that I have no idea how Opticalsnare's mod handled blood effects so the compatibility PBO is experimental and the effects aren't as obvious as I'd like them to be. But it should still be far more realistic than vanilla. Any config guru's want to help me out here, please do. 
    Blood effects are a little less uniform
    Other subtle blood changes
    Physx tweaks overhauled. 
    - Bullet hits have been toned down (now only slightly more than vanilla - per requests)
    - Explosions still make people dance around, but less
    - Joint parameters have been tweaked so limbs shouldn't bend unnaturally as much anymore (experimental)
    • Like 5

  6. I haven't actually modified bits that fly off people so that effect is (as far as I can tell) there with vanilla too. Because the blood mist is toned down, that might make it more obvious though. That said, I will definitely have a look and see if there's a way to add a bit more randomness into the effect. 


    Also, I've uploaded it to steam! 


    Subscribe here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=793892440

    • Like 3

  7. Jeza & Incontinentia: great videos but any chance of a side-by-side comparison of Before and After?

    Because that would make it easier to compare these subtle improvements.

    The whole beauty of your mod is that it dials back the Michael Bay physics that certain other mods tend to suffer from (spectacular but unrealistic).

    Also any chance that this could be uploaded to Steam?

    It's pretty close to side by side? The clips of vanilla vs my mod are right next to each other? 


    Edit: re steam, I'll get on that today hopefully. 

  8. I doubt it; so far I'm just editing configs to make sure it keeps wide compatibility, plus particle effects are a bit beyond me. Blastcore and it's updated variants do a much better job than I could on that front anyway. I may add some extra things if there are ways to do it by tweaking config values. 


    As for the video, I'm not much of a youtuber. I'll maybe add a Vimeo demo at some point but am currently working on another mod. 

  9. You cant save those functions (ie additem, removeitem), you need to use for example 'get' fuctions

    Something like

    getPlayeruid player;


    Then make the variables ie,

    _myuid = getPlayeruid player;

    _myprofilename = profilename;

    Then make them into an array ie,

    _myplayerarray = [_myuid,_myprofilename];

    Then save your array to inidbi2 ie,

    ["write", ["MYINFO", "Myplayer", _myplayerarray]] call _inidbi2;

    Theres onviously a little more to it, this is just a quick example....


    Didnt read your question fully,

    Using my example it should work something like ie,

    _readmyarray = ["read", ["MYINFO", "myplayer", ""]] call _inidbi2;

    _myuid = _readmyarray select 0;

    _myprofilename = _readmyarray select 1;

    Hopefully this makes sence....

    Thank you for the help. I'm happy with saving and retrieving the data, my question was more about getting the 'read' data to be exactly the same as the 'save' data when using complex arrays of strings containing strings. Something happens along the way that changes it, it seems, and can stop the data working properly when imported back into Arma. 


    Specifically, I'm finding it difficult to read complex arrays saved by iniDBI2 as the saving process seems to play havoc with parenthesis. Aside from encoding all data (which makes it hard to save much data due to reaching the 8k limit quickly) is there a way to stop iniDBI2 messing with parenthesis in arrays of strings? 


    (And ignore the loadout string in my previous post - I found a better way to export loadouts). 

    • Like 1

  10. Sweet! I will try this for sure.


    Are the ragdolls MP compatible? I know the TPW_Fall mod from TPW mods does a similar thing but isn't usable in MP, hence the question.


    Also, can I run it alongside Blastcore? 


    Yup, it will run alongside Blastcore. There's no scripting, it's just config changes. I've been running it clientside on a dedicated server and it all seems to work as intended. 






    Inspired by the legendary Opticalsnare's hilarious Blastcore Physics and Lao Fei Mao's cool Blood Mist mods, here's my take on Arma 3's effects. Rather than go for comedic effect, I figured I'd aim for a bit more realism.


    So far I've focused on 3 things: 


    Ragdoll Physics

    In vanilla, it's pretty limited. This aims to give people a bit more of a chance of getting airborne if there's an explosion nearby. Unfortunately, most explosions have similar physics power so to give a GBU the right level of floaty people would mean making grenades look ridiculous. I've tried to strike a balance. 
    Key difference vs vanilla: Bodies respond more to explosions and (every so slightly) more to weapon impacts. 


    Muzzle Flash

    In vanilla, when a soldier shoots, the area around his weapon is lit up for longer than there is actually fire coming from the barrel of the weapon. This was always a bit of a pet peeve of mine from when I first started playing Arma and looks silly in my opinion. I've tried to shorten the ambient light of muzzle flashes so they synchronise with the duration of the muzzle flash itself, giving a kind of strobe effect at night. It should work on modded weapons as long as they inherit from a base weapon class. 

    Key difference vs vanilla: Ambient light from muzzle flashes doesn't last longer than the muzzle flash itself. 


    Blood Mist / Hit Effects

    When a bullet hits a body, it generally doesn't look like someone's been slapped with a handful of red chalk. "Pink mist" is often quite a subtle, short-lived affair. It also doesn't float around the body, instead shooting at speed out of the exit wound and possibly being blown away if there's wind. It will scale with caliber too; large caliber weapons will chuck out a fair bit of mist, smaller caliber weapons like pistols may not. This isn't finished and is still open to suggestions (please don't post any pictures or videos of people getting shot), but I've tried to get this as close as I can to reality. I suggest combining with Zooloo's Bloodlust for better realism. 

    Key differences from vanilla:

    1. Blood mist comes out of exit wounds rather than sitting around the entry wound

    2. Blood mist size, colour and transparency has been tweaked to be more realistic (less of a bright red explosion and more like a fine mist)

    3. Blood mist moves at speed in the direction of the bullet (as opposed to floating statically in the air)

    4. Blood mist can be affected by wind, vanilla blood mist cannot



    This should all work clientside and I've included a key for servers (if in doubt, remove the physx PBO). Effects are split into different obviously named PBOs so you can pick and choose which you would prefer. If using Steam, just make a local copy of the mod on your hard drive and delete any unwanted effects in the @InconEffects\addons folder. 


    Mod compatibility:
    Should be compatible with most mods (depending on whether config values are inherited from vanilla) but won't cause any problems if not. Any known incompatibilities will be listed as people let me know. 


    Zooloo75's BloodLust: To get the blood mist working with Zooloo75's BloodLust mod, set "BloodLust_IsBloodSprayEnabled" to false in the BloodLust settings menu. 
    Blastcore Pheonix (and variations of): To use with Blastcore, move "blastcoreCompat.PBO" from the optionals folder to the addons folder. This will overwrite Blastcore's blood effects with those from this mod. 
    ASR AI: Apparently there's an incompatibility with the physx and ASR's wounded crawling feature. If you notice any glitches, removing the physx.pbo file from addons should solve this unless you'd prefer to disable the effect in ASR. 


    Thoughts, suggestions and wildly uncontrolled praise are all welcome. 



    Not for profit. Everything else is fine though. 



    V1.1: Separated mod into 3 standalone PBOs so users can choose which effects to use (thanks for the suggestion Evil Organ!)

    V1.101:  Added missing server key

    V1.2: Blood effect tweaks (less uniform), ragdoll joints added (less floppy knees), Blastcore Pheonix compatibility PBO added (in optional folder - experimental)

    V1.3: Minor edit to fix characters leaping up when shot


    Download Links



    • Like 15
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  12. I'm trying to save an array of various types of entries (strings, numbers, arrays) and am having trouble reading it back from the database. The array saves fine, but when I read it back, I get an error (missing [[ or something similar - I can go into more detail if needed). I've had a read through the thread and can't work out if this is a bug or intended, but for whatever reason, in the read back, my saved array gets messed up. Is there a knack to saving large and complex arrays to INIDB? 


    Here's an example of the type of array I'm trying to save: 


    ["B_soldier_AAR_F",[4061.65,20587.3,261.261],"James Robinson","WhiteHead_05","Male06ENG","_unit = _this select 0;
    removeAllWeapons _unit;
    removeAllItems _unit;
    removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
    removeUniform _unit;
    removeVest _unit;
    removeBackpack _unit;
    removeHeadgear _unit;
    removeGoggles _unit;
    _unit forceAddUniform 'U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_tshirt';
    _unit addItemToUniform 'FirstAidKit';
    _unit addItemToUniform '30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag';
    _unit addItemToUniform 'Chemlight_green';
    _unit addVest 'V_Chestrig_rgr';
    for '_i' from 1 to 5 do {_unit addItemToVest '30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag';};
    _unit addItemToVest '16Rnd_9x21_Mag';
    for '_i' from 1 to 2 do {_unit addItemToVest 'HandGrenade';};
    for '_i' from 1 to 2 do {_unit addItemToVest 'B_IR_Grenade';};
    _unit addItemToVest 'SmokeShell';
    _unit addItemToVest 'SmokeShellGreen';
    _unit addItemToVest 'Chemlight_green';
    _unit addBackpack 'B_Kitbag_rgr_AAR';
    _unit addItemToBackpack 'optic_tws_mg';
    for '_i' from 1 to 2 do {_unit addItemToBackpack 'bipod_01_F_snd';};
    _unit addItemToBackpack 'muzzle_snds_338_sand';
    _unit addItemToBackpack 'muzzle_snds_H';
    for '_i' from 1 to 2 do {_unit addItemToBackpack '100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag';};
    for '_i' from 1 to 2 do {_unit addItemToBackpack '100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer';};
    for '_i' from 1 to 2 do {_unit addItemToBackpack '130Rnd_338_Mag';};
    _unit addHeadgear 'H_HelmetB_light';
    _unit addWeapon 'arifle_MX_ACO_pointer_F';
    _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem 'acc_pointer_IR';
    _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem 'optic_Aco';
    _unit addWeapon 'hgun_P07_F';
    _unit addWeapon 'Rangefinder';
    _unit linkItem 'ItemMap';
    _unit linkItem 'ItemCompass';
    _unit linkItem 'ItemWatch';
    _unit linkItem 'ItemRadio';
    _unit linkItem 'NVGoggles';

    Any ideas? My end goal is to get an array containing several of the above arrays to spawn a player's AI group members on mission start. I don't particularly want to have to write each part of the array out and save it separately if I can avoid it.


    Also, thanks for this brilliant mod!
