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Posts posted by Incontinentia

  1. Alright, so I've managed to get a few multi-session Alive missions with this latest version and I'm pretty happy it's working as intended. I can't really be bothered to update the description and all that but 1.21RC is the most stable version released yet and hasn't had a single error or unintended behaviour in testing so far, so I'd recommend anyone using this script to treat this as a full release. You can never say it's completely bombproof due to the hacky nature of trying to work around the Arma engine, but it's probably as close as I can get without coding a full AI mod. 

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  2. Hola. Heads up, I managed to track down an elusive bug that made enemies unresponsive after long play sessions. That's unfortunately an engine issue with the way it handles groups / respawns and setCaptive (although I can't find a reliable repro). But the plus side is I caught it and have written a hack / workaround for when it happens. So now, the script should work indefinitely on longer play sessions and will revert the undercover unit to the correct side each time the engine fucks it up for jokes. 


    Here's version 1.21RC.




    • Fixed the issue with unresponsive enemies on longer / multi-session missions

    • Any editor placed unit with "this setVariable ['isSneaky',true]" in its init will automatically be switched to the undercover unit's side and will function correctly as an undercover unit (after a short init period, so don't place near friendlies). 

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  3. The latter I'm pretty sure has nothing to do with incognito. Sounds more like ALiVE. 


    As for the former... I'd have to do another iteration of the script for that to work. How it works at the moment is, the AI needs to radio in not just that they are under attack, but also that they have a description of the units attacking them. This basically means they have to get a decent look at you and they can then relay your description. Might be that they only see your hat or jacket, or nothing at all (depends on how long they have clear line of sight). 


    If you're killing everyone inside of 30 seconds then you're doing it right! I think it's fair to say that in a real life encounter the chaos of an ambush would prevent much relaying of detailed assailant descriptions within the first 30 seconds. That's just my take on it though; feel free to convince me otherwise. 


    If it's too easy, I'd suggest first switching off easy mode, then there's always an element of guesswork which can make it possible to miss one last enemy who is able to get the description out without you knowing.


    I can also have a look at the script again in the new year and see whether I can add in more customisation. 

    • Like 1

  4. Answered on the Git I think but all vehicles are treated the same, whether land, sea, air, spaaaace, whatever. If the vehicle is used by the faction, it will be treated like any other faction vehicle. So civilian cars act the same as civilian boats, and OPFOR aircraft show as OPFOR aircraft. It's pretty reliable, but if it's a niche custom faction then do check the vehicles are behaving as they should. If not, you can always add them. You can also add specific vehicles to any array as you want, so that means you could permit other types of aircraft to the faction defaults. 

  5. 20 hours ago, NeoArmageddon said:


    Nope, no real stereo possible without changes to the renderer. I assume that is what they added in VBS to get native support.


    That's no longer the case, the current version of Vorpx has full geometry 3D for Arma 3. It works and looks just like native VR in any other application. See my post a couple of pages back. 

  6. So basically you have an object (like a whiteboard or an arms cache or something) that when you point at it, an option to "Profile Group" comes up in your action menu to make your recent recruits leave your group and form a group of their own that is equipped as per your faction to be used by an ALiVE opcom commander. In the eden editor, double click the object you want to have this option added to and paste this into the init box: 


    this addaction ["Profile group","[player,'profileGroup'] remoteExecCall ['INCON_ucr_fnc_ucrMain',2]",[],1,false,true]);


    If everything else is setup correctly and you have ALiVE up and running, with an AI commander on your side, it should all work. 

  7. I can't remember that exact trigger code you'd need but the unit variable is INC_isCompromised if you want the target to run only when units have been spotted. So maybe an area trigger with something like (untested/written while hungover): 


    count (thislist select {(_x getVariable ["INC_isCompromised",false] && {_x getVariable ["INC_AnyKnowsSO",false]})}) > 0


    That should trigger when a compromised unit is in the given trigger area and the enemy know about him. Hope it works! And sorry for the slow reply...

    • Thanks 1

  8. On 05/07/2018 at 10:17 AM, barto300 said:

    I feel stupid but I just cannot get this script to work. I'm creating a Zeus mission with RHS, Ace, RDS civilians and I use Enigma script for ambient spawning civilians and traffic. But no matter what civilians I use, the enemy always shoots them dead. I edited the setup SQF files so the right faction would be undercover and I tested the enemy on various distances. I also get a lot of errors when I comment either Asymetric or Regular enemy out.

    I am not a scripter so maybe somebody could explain this to me as I do not know what to do?

    Managed to fix it myself. I thaught RDS civilians was also compatible but it was not.

    Just so anyone reading this is aware, RDS should work fine (I've used it with this script). 


    Also, if you comment out any lines in the setup.sqf, the script will always break completely. That should never be necessary anyway (look at the comments next to each line in the setup to see how to not use an asym faction).


    As far as respawn timers go, I've checked and 3 seconds is fine too? That's what I've been using and it's working reliably for me in the last few days (not one failure over several sessions). 


    The checks and things you'll have to do manually for the most part. I've included an extra debug hint to show when undercover has completed init in the latest version but for compromised stuff, open and close your inventory and you'll get a action to check your disguise, that's where the hints show up. 

    • Thanks 1

  9. Cheers! Also one more alteration to the compromised script... now a compromising group will only share your description if it has actually seen you in incognito / civilian clothes and knows what those clothes are. In other words, it waits until it has a description before sharing that description. So if it has compromised you briefly but then doesn't get a decent look at you, it won't be able to share your description to other units. This again opens up some interesting "ghosts in the forests" type game play options. 


    I think any further dev cycles will probably just clean the code up or add more configuration options. There is a part of me that wants to make this into a mod but I have no idea how... 

  10. Alright, well I got vehicles working, also it's pretty configurable. Essentially, you can now make it so if you are in a high security uniform you have different disguise rules to wearing normal enemy uniforms. Some possible configurations include: 

    • Banning weapons from the high security area but allowed in other areas
    • Non-permitted items arousing suspicion (such as vests, headgear, HMD, etc) in the high security area but allowed outside
    • Units wearing high security uniforms not being allowed to carry weapons anywhere at all or arousing suspicion by wearing the wrong items (useful if the high security uniform is a civilian one)
    • Instant hostile or just highly suspicious when caught out
    • A configurable suspicion level per item... so if it's too sensitive, you can tone it down or ramp it up so any unusual item will pretty much lead to being instantly compromised... 

    This probably sounds like mumbo jumbo but I had the scenario of a scientist / visiting businessman in mind. In this instance, a scientist carrying a weapon or wearing a helmet would be inappropriate, so you can set the script up for this scenario if you want. But equally, you can make sure that only officers (who could bring weapons in) can enter the high security area. It's pretty flexible and opens up quite a few possible gameplay / mission design options. 


    As far as vehicles go, you have to specify which ones are allowed in. If they are enclosed (like a tank / APC, for instance), it won't matter what uniform the unit is wearing, but for more open vehicles you will attract a lot of attention if you aren't wearing the right uniform. For performance, I haven't gone for the full amount of checks that regular incognito units in vehicles get (where in the vehicle they are, whether turned out or not etc.) but it does a good enough job for what I suspect is a niche of a niche feature. 


    I've also included a global suspicion level modifier as a cheeky bonus. This won't affect things like people dressed in civilian uniforms carrying weapons / entering off-limit areas / killing enemies etc., but it does mean that the global sensitivity for attracting attention if you look out of place can now be tuned to the mission. This can be used to simulate areas where people are perhaps more jumpy for instance. 


    The last new feature to come in the next update is a more refined compromised script. Before, if anyone knew who you were at the time you were compromised, it was assumed that they also knew you were behaving suspiciously too, even if they hadn't necessarily directly seen that suspicious behaviour, and would therefore also be able to share your description if not killed before the timer ran out. Now, only groups who have actually seen you behaving suspiciously will be able to share your details. This means that if you walk around and recce an area full of enemy patrols while in disguise before quickly and quietly taking down one of those patrols before they radio in, the other patrols in the area will only find out about it if they actually see you doing it. Unfortunately, an engine limitation means pretty much all information is instantly shared between group members so if you are going to engage, make sure you kill the whole group before they can get the word out if you want to maintain your cover (or make sure the group members you kill don't see you doing it).


    As a result of this change, the compromised state now ends much quicker, making stealth kills much easier. You can in theory walk past one guard, go around a corner, kill a different guard (with a suppressed weapon / subsonic ammo), and walk back around the corner past the first guard without him knowing it was you who did the killing. To balance this out, if there are a number of groups who do know about you in the area and people start dying inexplicably, you will quickly start attracting a lot of attention. This is even more the case if those groups know roughly where you are at the time people start dying. This level of suspicion will drop off quicker the further away you are from the scene of the crimes. So in the above scenario (the tale of two guards and one corner), the chances are very high that the living guard would pay you close attention if not compromise you immediately if he saw you again. But there's a lot of randomness in this so equally he might not suspect you enough and instead just let you go about your business. 


    Basically, what we have now is fairly close to Hitman-style gameplay in Arma (in my opinion, it's actually a fair bit more detailed in some areas). Took a fair bit of work, but I'm pretty happy with the results so far. I'm going to do a bit more testing then release later tonight I think. 

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  11. Thanks Nichols. I'm a bit pressed for time with Arma these days but I may well take you up on the when my next flurry of activity starts. 


    For anyone interested, I've been adding the option for "high security" areas which require specific (user-defined) uniforms to enter without raising suspicion. See the setup.sqf file for how to put them in. This was a feature request from a while back. 

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  12. 12 hours ago, tourist said:

    @INCON: thx for running a test so quickly. Since the rented dedi I use isn't managed with TADST, I'm going to check in the custom web gui my hoster is using and/or in the server config if I find these two settings. You suggest I turn them ON or OFF?

    Turn them "on" -- it allows the mission to load fully before players join, reducing the chance for errors to disrupt the ALiVE data initialisation when a player joins. 

  13. Ah I filled it with dependencies / complex stuff already! Not sure I'll have the time to produce another as I'll likely be away from Arma again for a fair while soon. But any ALiVE mission with player persistence set to full (all options saved to database) should produce the desired results reliably if my tests are anything to go by. The biggest issue I can see is if there are errors when loading the mission, either through a mod or whatever, that causes ALiVE data to hang. The persistence script will not initialise until after ALiVE data has also fully initialised, making it dependent on ALiVE persistence functioning fully. This is intended as there's no use having a persistent group if nothing else persists -- much better to debug the mission and make sure ALiVE data works properly. 


    I've just done a bit of a refinement of the script on Github; it's not a release just yet but if you download the repository as it stands that should be the most simple, effective version of the script. I've tested it a couple of times with success on the latest ALiVE / Arma / CBA. 

  14. I'm a bit confused about this to be honest. I've come across it once or twice when going over some of my old ALiVE missions. My days with Arma are pretty limited at the moment but it has baffled me. Up until I updated everything a coupleof days ago (ALiVE, Arma, ACE, CBA etc) persistence worked nearly completely reliably so I have a feeling the bug is not mine.. although I might be able to find a workaround. Persistence is designed for the civilian recruiting part of undercover so there won't be any incompatibilities on the front but I think perhaps in the latest version of ALiVE there's something that's stopping player data from loading properly. I'll see if I can find a repro. Is this every time for you or just sometimes? 

  15. On 20/07/2018 at 1:02 PM, Nichols said:

    If you guys have Incon's script working on a dedicated box I would love to talk with you about it as we would much rather use his due to the way you can setup zones and such to get it functioning for our missions.


    I've done a fair bit of bug-fixing since the last version so maybe worth giving a brief re-run again. There were a few coding loopholes which have now been closed (particularly relating to getting in / out of vehicles). Also maybe making sure you have a reasonable respawn timer should make things easier. That said, I don't have a community to test this with so all testing is done on my own local dedicated server. It does a pretty good job of rooting out MP issues, but it isn't perfect. 

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  16. On 31/10/2017 at 6:01 PM, churrofighter said:



    No matter what I do, I keep getting and getting these errors :( Any way to fix it?

    Sorry I forgot to reply, should be fixed in the latest version!


    On 07/03/2018 at 8:06 PM, zagor64bz said:

    Is possible to get the "drop intel" script work without ALIVE??


    Yes it should work fine I think, although it definitely needs CBA. Some features won't like marking installations obviously, but feel free to play around with it and let me know how it goes. 

    • Thanks 1