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Everything posted by ArmaMan360

  1. I am trying to spawn an aircraft at Startis airfield in a placement radius and dont want it to explode. I tried increasing placement radius inside the editor itself, but we all know that means fireworks. lol Is this the right way of using BIS_fnc_findSafePos along with createvehicle line?: .... _setpos = ["markername", 1, 150, 3, 0, 20, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; _veh = createVehicle ["B_Plane_CAS_01_F", _setpos, [], 0, "NONE"]; .... So basically I am asking the engine to figure a safe position around "markername" and then use that safe position to spawn the aircraft. And does this also consider regular buildings or just other spawned NPC units? Thank you :)
  2. Just curious, what will this line do as per above example: newlySpawnedUnits = newlySpawnedUnits + [_grp]; Does it club the 2 jobs of reading the detect new spawned units script at the top and the actual spawn group line? And like he said, this will need to be put after spawning like so?: ... _grp = [getpos _pos, east,_randomunits ,[],[],[],[],[4 + random 4,0]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; newlySpawnedUnits = newlySpawnedUnits + [_grp]; ... Then I am assuming _grp execVM "skillScript.sqf"; will be of no use as we have already defined the skills in the newlySpawnedUnits = []; array at the top? Thanks :)
  3. Thank you very much. So this means that now my code should look like this: // Spawn enemy officer _groupHVT = createGroup west; diag_log format ["%1",_this]; _veh = this select 0; _veh = _groupHVT createUnit ["B_officer_F", getMarkerPos "side_area", [], 0, "NONE"]; _veh setRank "COLONEL"; _veh setSkill 1; _groupHVT setBehaviour "SAFE"; [_groupHVT, getMarkerPos "side_area", 100] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; // add marker on target _marker = createMarker ["hvt", _sidepos]; _markerHVT setMarkerShape "ICON"; _markerHVT setMarkerType "b_support"; [] spawn { while {not isnull _this} do { "hvt" setmarkerpos getpos _this; sleep 0.5; }; };
  4. ArmaMan360

    Zero Dark Zero

    Tried the update last night. Threw the Core and the SOCOM modules in editor. The screen turns black after around 5 seconds while previewing. You can hear the player move and fire but nothing more than that.
  5. DAC is a wonder tool but the only shortcoming I have felt over the months is what Altsor pointed out. But mine mostly deals with helicopters: WP search was interupted - zone "zonename" is not suitable for unit type helicopter I havent been able to use helis with DAC, ever :'( I am spawning stuff over Stratis Airfield, and if helis are not able to spawn given the above error, the only option worth changing in the DAC_Config_Waypoints' #Air column appears to be increasing the value of _CheckRadius1 from 15 to something like 30 or 40. But still why heli wps need to detect something in vicinity beats me as they patrol in the air unlike on the ground. Why is such a check needed? The inability to spawn helis is the only missing factor for me to give it 5 stars. I was looking for alternate scripts last night for just spawning helis as I am making a random tasks mission so cant really temper with the editor. I also want helis to spawn in certain towns. And I spawn only 1 heli 90% of the time in DAC calls.
  6. ArmaMan360

    HVT spawning issues

    Thanks Kauppapekka and Altsor. I have turned "Show script errors" on and whenever I change the first getmarkerpos command with "_marker" (as I use _marker before the above script to spawn a marker) or even with "_setpos" (which chooses from among an array of gamelogics for random placement) ,but it says something like "no expression defined under _marker". Anyway, I will try your suggestion today again and let you guys know. Thank you for being patient. ^^
  7. ArmaMan360

    HVT spawning issues

    No man still giving issues. It spawns everything well, but completes the task after 6-7 seconds. O.O what gives? However the officer and the marker over him remains, just the tasks keeps assigning itself and completing itself automatically at the random locations i put in array. :( Maybe that "this select 0" coming twice is the issue?
  8. This is not working. It says _veh not defined: What if I spawn units through script?: // Spawn enemy officer _groupHVT = createGroup west; _veh = this select 0; _veh = _groupHVT createUnit ["B_officer_F", getMarkerPos "side_area", [], 0, "NONE"]; _veh setRank "COLONEL"; _veh setSkill 1; _groupHVT setBehaviour "SAFE"; [_groupHVT, getMarkerPos "side_area", 100] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; // add marker on target _marker = createMarker ["hvt", _sidepos]; _markerHVT setMarkerShape "ICON"; _markerHVT setMarkerType "b_support"; [] spawn { while {not isnull _veh} do { "hvt" setmarkerpos getpos _veh; sleep 0.5; }; };
  9. ArmaMan360

    HVT spawning issues

    Finallyyyyyy.. this is what I did if it can be of any help to anyone: // Spawn enemy officer _groupHVT = createGroup west; _veh = _groupHVT createUnit ["B_officer_F", _sidepos, [], 0, "NONE"]; _veh setRank "COLONEL"; _veh setSkill 1; _groupHVT setBehaviour "SAFE"; [_groupHVT, getPos _veh, 100] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; [_veh] spawn { _markerHVT = createMarker [str (_this select 0), getPos (_this select 0)]; _markerHVT setMarkerShape "ICON"; _markerHVT setMarkerType "hd_destroy"; _markerHVT setMarkerColor "ColorBlufor"; ["Task5",true,["A new NATO general has been appointed on the island. Find him and finish him forgood","Take out their new general", getMarkerPos "side_area"], getMarkerPos "side_area", "AUTOASSIGNED",6,true,true] call BIS_fnc_setTask; waitUntil {sleep 0.5; _markerHVT setMarkerPos getPos (_this select 0); !alive (_this select 0)}; ["Task5","Succeeded"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState; deleteMarker _markerHVT; }; :D Thank you guys..
  10. ArmaMan360

    Loadout selection on object?

    Wow Bull cant wait. Release asap man. :) Jshock, you are helpful as always :D
  11. ArmaMan360

    HVT spawning issues

    Not yet. Ive given up hope and instead given the spawned unit "sit_low" animation.. This is really really annoying..
  12. ArmaMan360

    HVT spawning issues

    Lemme check O.O
  13. ArmaMan360

    HVT spawning issues

    I will check but from what I can understand due to my limited scripting knowledge, I do not know how to put 2 inits in the createunit call line. I mean one for naming him as per your suggestion, and the other for have him patrol the area as per taskpatrol function. I am in the office so cant try and check. :(
  14. ArmaMan360

    Community Upgrade Project - CUP_Terrains

    The only issue people have is the sheer size of these terrain mods. AIATP was 6 GBs and with every update you had to download the entire thing again. That is keeping me from downloading any of CUPs mods given their regular updates and the size of the mods. Dont blame me for the poor network speeds here.
  15. More than classnames. Its the unique ID name which you should ask for. Click on ID in the editor.note down the number next to it and then a script may help you. :)
  16. ArmaMan360

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    I want to exclude Divers (or any other water/non-water units) from spawning in the waters if a portion of the marker area happens to covers it. I tried emptying _divers array from the unitpools.sqf but throws an error Thank you
  17. I am trying to spawn an enemy officer and make him patrol in my Assassinate HVT mission. When the mission starts. I used createvehicle command which spawns him correctly but unable to set him to start taskPatrol like this. However via createunit I can make him patrol with the bis_fnc_taskPatrol but dont know how to name him to use in "!alive.." command?
  18. Ohhhh.. this is amazing.. thank youuuuu ..
  19. Dont worry, that was exactly what I was asking. But Wow yeah I guess that would work.. O.O Since I wont be having just 2 locations, as I have expanded my mission to upto 5 locations :D Hence I will have to make "n" number of "else" cases in each mission. sqf? Maybe modify this "if" statement to something similar to the "if" statements what I have in the side_finder.sqf?: if (_sidepos == city1) then { [z1] call DAC_Activate; }; if (_sidepos == city2) then { [z2] call DAC_Activate; }; if (_sidepos == base1) then { [z3] call DAC_Activate; }; ..... Will this be performance hungry? What do you think? And thanks for the reply :D
  20. I am trying to use BIS's default "BIS_fnc_spawnGroup" command to generate more than 1 group of a particular side via an objective.sqf. Ideally I am looking for something like this i took from the wiki: Example 1: Spawn five random EAST units at aPos: [getPos aPos, EAST, 5] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup But I want to generate more than 1 Groups using this call. I tried using EOS call line inside the objective.sqf (against inside the traditional openme.sqf which never affects performance in the missions I make) but in this mission it brought down the FPS like crazy 30. I am using a random objective finder script. No AI mods except for certain maps and I am testing this on Stratis airfield. Any reply would be appreciated :D
  21. Hello guys. I am a long standing fan of DAC. Unbelievably light script. :) I have used it since donkey days in normal missions I make without any issues. However this time I have jumped into purely script based mission generation. I am making a random missions picker sort of a mission, purely Singleplayer and have ran into an issue of activating DAC units on the basis of randomly generated mission locations identified by the placed gamelogics on map. I have got a side_finder.sqf which randomly chooses a mission file with repeat on. And side1.sqf, and side2.sqf which are nothing but the same mission with different ID names for testing purpose. Here is side1.sqf: //if (!isServer) exitWith {}; // Server only // set false the side1 so side finder will not execute this mission again side1 = true; sleep 2; // find center of AO...looking for gamelogic location which created before in editor _sidepos = [city1,city2] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; << this is the location picker // add marker on AO/target _marker = createMarker ["side_area", _sidepos]; _marker setMarkerShape "Ellipse"; _marker setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; _marker setMarkerText "Clear Area"; _marker setMarkerSize [50,50]; // Add task //Task ID-Task name-Task description and some other options ["Task1","Clear Area1","Finish Nato.",true,["Clear NATO1",getmarkerpos "side_area"],"assigned"] call SHK_Taskmaster_add; // spawn enemy <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<WHAT SHOULD BE THE DAC CALL HERE? sleep 2; // WAIT UNTIL objective destroy waitUntil {{alive _x; side _x == west} count allunits == 0;}; // task complete hint ["Task1","succeeded"] call SHK_Taskmaster_upd; // delete AO marker and target deleteMarker "side_area"; sleep 10; // remove mans/vehicles/air/static "optional" {if (!(isplayer _x)) then {deleteVehicle _x;};} foreach nearestobjects [_sidepos,[ "air","StaticWeapon","Landvehicle" ],2000]; sleep 10; {if (!(isplayer _x)) then {deleteVehicle _x;};} foreach nearestobjects [_sidepos,[ "man" ],2000]; sleep 5; // go for next side mission if (isserver) then { null=[]execVM "side_finder.sqf";}; if(true)exitWith{}; As you can see the location pools are gamelogics named "city1" and "city2", if I place DAC zones z1 and z2 over them respectively via editor, how can I automatically start z1 when side1.sqf chooses "city1" location and similarly for z2 zone like these calls: [z1] call DAC_Activate [z1] call DAC_Deativate [z2] call DAC_Activate [z2] call DAC_Deactivate ? I mean how to link chosen location with the respective DAC zone? Thank you.