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About Cyphas_Cayne

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal

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  1. Cyphas_Cayne

    Terrorist Organization Black Order

    awesome work dude SPARTAC thanks you. Cyphas
  2. Cyphas_Cayne

    Terrorist Organization Black Order

    G'day, One question :- Is this compatible with ALiVE? My clan, SPARTAC, has been serching for a decent enemy to fight and yours fits the bill, textures are clean, small file size etc. Good job either way, SPARTAC will be tracking this. Cheers, Cyphas
  3. Cyphas_Cayne


    oh yea, i saw those markers in the script. kool ty makes sense now.
  4. Cyphas_Cayne


    @Halek Working on my mission this error pops up. Got the intro.sqf straight from the template.
  5. Cyphas_Cayne


    radiation poisoning is the effect of a few thing. Generally it happens when you are in a irradiated area (Generally towns and military compounds) the "Noise" is ravages way of notifying you of being in an irradiated area. Anti-rad pills do work but they take time to work To counter radiation: -coveralls -Gasmask -Leave irradiated area -Uncontaminated food and drink while sleeping near a campfire ((I think) Plz correct me if this is wrong) a few other things i cant think of right now. There is a wiki in the works but i dont have that link. (Link a page or 2 back)
  6. Cyphas_Cayne


    Bottom of the OP, just above the download link. You dont have to use PWS, thats just what i use and know. There may be other programs that have it in their files.
  7. Cyphas_Cayne


    It looks like you could be running v0.1.2. Ravage is v0.1.34 as of 20/12/2015 you can download the latest version directly from the bottom of the OP or use PWS (Play withSIX) to maintain your mods. Ravage is still heavily in development as stated a couple of post ago with updates almost every week which is why i use PWS personally to keep mine up to date.
  8. Cyphas_Cayne


    Still shat myself when they came by Yea, i saw that post. I still wanted to learn and i am making some headway with it myself. Only 2 errors left to work out.
  9. Cyphas_Cayne


    Hey guys, So after some time away due to some rl stuff, im back and at it again. as well as updating my missions on steam, i have been working on 2 new missions. 1: Mp version of Ravage (Deep into testing) 2: Wasteland style usage of ravage with increased raider\renegades\survivor spawns and no zombies (Yes, i know it been done) If anyone wants to help with testing the ravage mp, let me know or pm me for the files. If you know where i can host the mp version for testing purposes also let me know Survive well @Haleks: Dont know if this was on purpose but it had me cowering behind a rock for a bit. Came across them just after i spawned in.
  10. Cyphas_Cayne


    Thank you cosmic10r, your a god send. This makes what im about to attempt a whole lot easier. And i saved your video too just incase. Also, anyone know any gd videos/tutorials showing how to create cut-scenes or opening vids
  11. Cyphas_Cayne


    ^^ yes, gd question @Haleks I am more than happy to help you with any documentation, Lore and such. If you would like some help, just let me know.
  12. Cyphas_Cayne


    yes they do stop following you....... eventually (With a few tips and tricks) and your randomization idea is one i may look into. Heres some tips that i learnt through playing. - Do NOT sprint all the time. Burst sprint is recommended. You never know when your stamina will be needed. - Move through as many buildings and bushes as you can. Breaking line of sight helps. Bad Bensons Enhanced Movement is also helpful (Jump over wall and such) - Try to stay quite as much as possible. Use crouch walk to move close by zeds and try to get your hands on a silencer asap (Kill lots of Opfor, Ind and (if your not so fussed about being lonely) Blufor) - Dont try the big cities straight up. Many zeds and lots of corners. If your not looking over your back every 2 secs then you will be ambushed by zeds or humans This is just a few tips. There is probably more, but im stuffed after work today. Hope this helps
  13. Cyphas_Cayne


    Nice map, gonna go have a play with this @everyone else: Updated Esseker mission will be up soon. I have released my mission on the Steam workshop to reduce the clutter on this thread Main Version: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=556843265 Walkers Version http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=556849013 EDIT: Was wondering if anyone is good at making ig cinematics and would like to help. Drop me a pm......
  14. Cyphas_Cayne


    yea forgot bout that, might just leave it for now......
  15. Cyphas_Cayne


    Thanks for the script, i might put it in till the nxt ravage update