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Posts posted by Jordi.M

  1. 20 minutes ago, wsxcgy said:

    Finally in the process of catching up on everything I needed to do. Attempting to correct the many small bugs and mess-ups I've made, adding a few new things here, updating old textures. Thinking of changing the names of the uniforms to something more generic. Like BDU instead of M93. M93 is a serbian designation after all. Not sure what to call the G3, just Cryes or something? Tell me what you guys think.

    I am glad to hear that. For the crye uniform maybe: G3 uniform (camo).

    • Like 1

  2. @wsxcgy I have a few suggetions for the mod ?

    - G3 uniform: 3CD, Marpat D & W, NWU - 2 & 3

    - Boonie (Marine versions from RHS) in: All the camos you added.

    - ACH covers: All the camos you added.

    - Ops Core Fast maritime helmet: 3CD, M81, NWU 2 & 3, MC.

    - Ops Core Fast helmet: 3CD, M81, NWU 2 & 3, MC.

    @wsxcgy these are just suggestions but i think a lot of players would like too see these.

    Sorry for the bad english.
