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Posts posted by Ogrinho

  1. Hey guys!

    We Squad Brazil, proudly present, as part of the Mod "Brazilian Armed Forces," the F-5EM fighter a modernized version operated by the Brazilian Air Force.




    Sunset over the Amazon Forest



    Night Patrol



    Afterburner visual effect



    Exhaust mirage





    High Quality Textures





    Honoring Brazilian aviators who fought in WWII. The First Brazilian Fighter Squadron "1º GAvCa", fought as part of US 350th Fighter Group in Italy.



    Most recent picture


    We hope to be able to release a alpha version somewhere between March and April...


    Formation lights.
    Afterburner visual effect, no impact in performance nor fuel consume.
    High maneuverability.
    Two MFD and some analog gauges as redundancy.

    To do list:

    Finish main textures.
    Make cockpit texture.
    Cockpit instruments and functionalities.
    Afterburner with actual performance impact. (Need authorization Gnat and lethal Afterburner script...)
    Droppable fuel tanks.
    Sonic Boom.
    Parachute stopping. (I'll have a talk with Hcpookie about it...)  :) 
    Shell ejection when firing the 20mm cannon.

    Maybe, USAF Aggressors Squadron
    And much more...

    I really hope you all enjoy this "old school" machine and you can also follow our progress at our FACEBOOK PAGE

    • Like 12

  2. I think Arma 3 could benefit from the A-29 CAS aircraft.It is used by a lot of South American countries and is being looked at by the US for use as CAS for Special Forces missions.

    With Arma's smaller distances than real life,a smaller,slower plane like this would be more suited than supersonic jets in my opinion.It carries laser guided bombs,hellfires and 12.5m machine guns.

    Here is the wiki page. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embraer_EMB_314_Super_Tucano

    EDIT_THERE seems to be one in the Brazilian Armed Forces addon.Nevermind :D

    Yep, that's a WIP at our project. We are just waiting to finish the beta version of F-5EM Tiger II to start working at Tucano's configs.


    • Like 2

  3. As a Brazilian and BAF (I´d rather call it BrAF mod just to not mingle with BIS´s BAF dlc units, included on CUP) fan, I´m keeping an eye on this project... do you guys plan a campaign or at least a set of COOP missions to depict the Traira Operation? Good mods need good missions to "spread the word" thus I really hope so =)


    Really neat you´re using Poolpunk´s decos, nice move for immersion!


    Keep it up, looking great so far!



    Thanks brother!


  4. First of all, outstanding work!

    Two questions though.



    Will this terrain require the Brazilian Armed Forces mod?



    Will there be requirements at all?

    Thanks for supporting Foxone!

    One: Yes, you'll need BAF mod to run the full version.

    Two: I'm currently using at this point only two mods both from Poolpunk: plp-containers and plp-beach. Maybe I'll use AiA TP too...


    • Like 2

  5. Hey guys, as part of "Brazilian Armed Forces" Mod we are currently working on a new map called "Traira Operation" and we want to show you guys some progress regularly within this thread.
    The region depicted in this work is the Brazilian/Colombian border deep in the heart of Amazon tropical jungle, aka "Green Hell"
    On February 26, 1991, a group of 40 guerrillas of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, who called itself "Simon Bolivar Command", crossed the border from Colombia to Brazil and raided the Traíra detachment of the Brazilian Army, which was in semi-permanent installations and had less effective, only 17 soldiers, than the attacking guerrilla column. Intelligence operations claim that the attack was motivated by repression by the border detachment of illegal mining in the region, one of FARC funding sources. During the attack three Brazilian soldiers died and nine were injured. Two illegal Colombian miners who were detained at the camp also died. Various weapons, ammunition and equipment were stolen.
    Immediately the Brazilian Armed Forces, authorized by President Fernando Collor de Mello and with the knowledge and support of Colombian President César Gaviria, secretly unleashed Traira Operation, in order to recover the stolen weapons and discourage further attacks;
    As aftermath from "Traira Operation", 12 colombian guerrillas were killed and a unknow number was captured, most of the weapons and equipment was recovered.
    Since then, there`s no record about new FARC incursions nor raids inside Brazilian territory, as well as attacks on Brazilian military.


    The map is being built using "MapBuilder" for placing objects, "BIS Terrain Processor" for the jungle clusters and other "nature" stuff.
    Most of the vegetation came from Berghoff's BRG_Africa addon and from Sgt_Savage`s Arma 2 "Unsung Vietnam War Mod", both will be included in the final package.
    I must confess that I`m very excited about the annoucenment af the new Arma 3 Tanoa map, the vegetation will fit perfectly in this project!
    Map size is 40960x40960m
    Grid size is 4096 cells
    Cell size is 10m.
    Please don't ask me about a precise release date, keep in mind that this is a work in progress and we`re still working at several custom models like, vegetation, riverine and indigenous houses for example....
    I hope I`ll be able to launch a "teaser map" with only 10x10km by the end of november 2015. =D
    You can also follow this project at our Facebook page if you want.
    Cheers from Brazil!
    • Like 13
    • Thanks 1

  6. are you sure that you can see your surface in Buldozer?

    missing surface, wrong path on your layers.cfg or something like that, and check your rvmat for this surface

    Yes, all my surfaces are ok.

    I solved the problem. I was watching a video about ponds in Arma 3 and the fog caused a very similar problem, so I decided to change some values for fog parameters and my river is now brown muddy!




    Thanks for the suggestions! 

  7. Hey Buddy thanks a lot for your post, but I have some problems when I tried to make a muddy like river for my Rain Forest map.
    I've already tried your configuration exactly as you wrote above but I still face a black and white surface instead of my river.
    Please take a lokk at the images below...





    Dou you have any of what could be happening?

    Cheers from Brazil! ;)

  8. Hey guys I'm trying to set some customized sounds for my new tropical jungle map using references I found at some terrain configs from Arma 2 like Unsung mod for example.
    I have my own mono audio files converted both to ogg and wss formats, but I just can't make it work using my code.
    I've tried to use this code with Unsung sounds and it worked fine, but when I try again using my audio files...

    This is my code below:

    Thanks in advance guys!

    Solved, the config I used is ok, the problem was my audio files!

    class CfgEnvSounds;
    class EnvSounds: CfgEnvSounds
    	class Default
    		name = "$Traira_default";
    		sound[] = {"RAOA\Traira\sounds\dia",1.7782794,1};          
    		soundNight[] = {"RAOA\Traira\sounds\noite",1.7782794,1};        
    	class Rain
    		volume = "rain";
    		name = "$Traira_chuva";
    		sound[] = {"RAOA\Traira\sounds\chuva_dia",1.7782794,1};    
    		soundNight[] = {"RAOA\Traira\sounds\chuva_noite",1.7782794,1};  
    	class Sea
    		volume = "sea*(1-trees)*(1-meadow)*(1-forest)*(1-hills)";
    		name = "$Traira_rio";
    		sound[] = {"RAOA\Traira\sounds\rio_dia",0,1};              
    		soundNight[] = {"RAOA\Traira\sounds\rio_noite",0.7,1};          
    	class Forest
    		name = "$Traira_dia";                                     
    		sound[] = {"RAOA\Traira\sounds\dia",0.4,1};                              
    		volume = "trees*forest*(1-night)";                                             
    		 randSamp1[] = {"RAOA\Traira\sounds\anta",0.1,1,30,0.14,5,8,10};         
    		 randSamp2[] = {"RAOA\Traira\sounds\aracari",0.1,30,0.125,10,20,40};     
    		 randSamp3[] = {"RAOA\Traira\sounds\arara",0.125893,1,30,0.13,4,8,12};   
    		 randSamp4[] = {"RAOA\Traira\sounds\sai",0.125893,1,30,0.125,4,8,12};    
    		 randSamp5[] = {"RAOA\Traira\sounds\tucano",0.125893,1,30,0.125,4,8,12}; 
    		 randSamp6[] = {"RAOA\Traira\sounds\mosquito",0.125893,1,30,0.1,4,8,12}; 
    		 randSamp7[] = {"RAOA\Traira\sounds\sapo1",0.1,1,30,0.04,10,20,40};      
    		 randSamp8[] = {"RAOA\Traira\sounds\mosca",0.1,1,30,0.04,10,20,40};      
    		 randSamp9[] = {"RAOA\Traira\sounds\uirapuru",0.1,1,30,0.025,4,8,10};    
    		randSamp10[] = {"RAOA\Traira\sounds\onca1",0.1,1,30,0.025,4,8,10};       
    		randSamp11[] = {"RAOA\Traira\sounds\arara2",0.1,1,30,0.025,4,8,10};       
    		randSamp12[] = {"RAOA\Traira\sounds\tucano2",0.1,1,30,0.025,4,8,10};      
    		random[] = {"randSamp11","randSamp10","randSamp12","randSamp1","randSamp2","randSamp3","randSamp8","randSamp9","randSamp4","randSamp5","randSamp6","randSamp7"};
    	class ForestNight
    		name = "$Traira_noite";                                
    		sound[] = {"RAOA\Traira\sounds\noite",0.5,1};                             
    		volume = "trees*forest*night";                                            
    		randSamp1[] = {"RAOA\Traira\sounds\coruja1",0.5,1,25,0.15,8,15,20};       
    		randSamp2[] = {"RAOA\Traira\sounds\coruja2",0.5,1,25,0.15,8,15,20,30};    
    		randSamp3[] = {"RAOA\Traira\sounds\mosquito",0.5,1,25,0.15,15,30,40};     
    		randSamp4[] = {"RAOA\Traira\sounds\grilo",0.5,1,25,0.15,15,30,40};        
    		randSamp5[] = {"RAOA\Traira\sounds\sapo1",0.1,1,25,0.1,8,15,20};          
    		randSamp6[] = {"RAOA\Traira\sounds\sapo2",0.1,1,25,0.1,8,10,20};          
    		randSamp7[] = {"RAOA\Traira\sounds\onca1",0.1,1,25,0.1,8,10,20};          
    		randSamp8[] = {"RAOA\Traira\sounds\onca2",0.1,1,25,0.1,8,10,20};          
    		randSamp9[] = {"RAOA\Traira\sounds\onca3",0.1,1,25,0.1,8,10,20};          
    		random[] = {"randSamp1","randSamp2","randSamp3","randSamp4","randSamp5","randSamp6","randSamp7","randSamp8","randSamp9"};  

  9. Use Google or Bing maps, if your terrain is a desert then take an image of a desert, for a forest area find some trees, your roads can be drawn on by hand.

    If your terrain is big then maybe use 3rd party apps to save sticthing the images together, Universal Map Downloader is good but depending on the resolution you might need the pro version, It has an app to stitch images together or Terraincognito is free and does great resolutions.


    My terrain for example is a real life place but i took the airport from Ibiza, look in the South-West corner http://i.imgur.com/wnhZerU.jpg

    It fits perfectly as the scale matches


    You can also use THIS free tool to extract hd satellite images and then build your image using gimp or PS as Richie said above...



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