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About craig1690x

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. This guy is amazing, he offered to make a mission from scratch for me, and after he spoke to me and understood exactly what i needed, he was able to put patrol ops onto a map of my choice, he works fast aswell, it didn't take him long, and when i ran into problems he helped me fix it straight away will be going back for anymore work i need!! thanks bro :)
  2. Hey there, im trying to upload 1 mod to my repo, i already have 12 mods there already im just getting this http://puu.sh/kKwt3/247be9d4a8.pngits been this way for about 40 mins im using my webserver as the place i store the files, users download through HTTP any advice? im also doing it through ArmA3Sycn-DBUG and thats done nothing
  3. Hey there i have PM'd you with the details about what im needing! hope to hear from you soon!
  4. craig1690x

    Kunduz, Afghanistan [10km] v1.20

    how do i use this map as an mp map? for my server?!
  5. to delete the spawns its in the Patrol_Ops_3_Configuration.hpp so its not any of the places he said. and he got upset because i dont know these things im learning? people like him annoy me, but i figured it out.
  6. wow thanks a lot you told me to download a text editor basically and then just figure it out? i am asking which file i need to open in order to find this, because its not in description.ext like its supposed to be..
  7. Okay, and what exaclty am i opening in this ??
  8. Hey thanks for replying, what about doing the same thing except giving people insta perms to drive tanks and such? also what and where is the mission parameter? one more thing, how do i delete all the spawn points apart from "Base"
  9. you see im uploading http://puu.sh/koJRl/9cc0416914.png but its been like that for about 20mins, can i upload all the files to the FTP first? and then sync them some how?
  10. i was able to get it working through HTTP which has anonymous access, 1 thing i need to upload 2.7 GB and it seems to just freeze after a while, has it actually froze? or will it just take time??
  11. Hello first of all if this is in the wrong section i apologise, I have an arma 3 realism server and currently using Patrol Ops 3 1. Is there a way to disable rally points, so that no one may place them 2. There is a Pilot/crewman slot if i go in this as a normal play (with no admin rights) it says that i must seek an admin to get qualifications ( is there a way to disable this so that anyone in the Pilot slot can fly helis or planes without these qualifications) Thats all i really need to know at the moment :) thanks guys! Craig
  12. Hello im currently using Patrol ops 3, im just wondering if theres anyway that i could disable rallypoints... and also when theres someone in the Pilot/crewman slot can they just fly? without an admin having to give them permission - example when im in the pilot slot and try to enter a plane or heli it says i dont have the correct qualifications thanks guys!
  13. getting this error http://puu.sh/knSjM/290a78b507.png I am using my web host FTP
  14. getting this error http://puu.sh/knSjM/290a78b507.png I am using my web host FTP