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Teh Dango

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About Teh Dango

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    Private First Class
  1. I could not remember who I read this from but thanks really go to @Grahame for pointing out that 2307 worked fine.
  2. After some testing I have it working on both 2302 and 5302. Reading an earlier post of changing the port to 2307 from 2306 and it working I tried the same. If you add 1 to the port you already use it seems to work. I also added the extra port in my port forwarding but the ports were working fine before for 2302-2306. I guess they reserved that port for something and didn't disclose it to anyone is all I can guess.
  3. It appears that it will not work for me either at this point. I can take a working server, update the files and I get "no valid response" from my BEC.
  4. Maybe if you posted your rpt log we could find some msg about not finding the addon or the file. I seemed to have trouble getting the DB to compile if i ran it globally. I had to specufy server only and save that way.
  5. I got tired of testing the same freaking thiings over and over so I just made some work arounds for player position. I am functional, allbeit not how i intended, functional non the less though. If anyone has an idea as to why I can continuously update player position inside a vehicle but not outside a vehicle i would be very happpy lol.
  6. The best advice I can give for this addon is be patient. This is by far not for begginers. I say that because of the methods you have to code yourself to your needs. The documentation in the folder is priceless. Look at the examples of how they should be used and start extremely small. Try to save player names or player weapons or even just date and time to a table. Once you get that far you can branch out to others quite easily. I do not have any desire to fool with epoch of any kind so i cannot help much there :/ sorry.
  7. I found that if I am inside of any vehicle it will save my position like a champ. If I get out of a vehicle it will save my position correctly, however, all subsequent saves will remain the position I exited the vehicle. I know this is a huge clue but I do not understand the mechanics of it yet to come up with an AHA! moment :/
  8. This addon works with pretty much anything granted you use the proper signature keys in your server.
  9. I noticed this line in my rpt log: Unable to get file version size: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@inidbi\iniDB.dll Maybe this has something to do with it? Then again I am not so sure it does. I would imagine the whole mod would be failing rather than the player position. If I call any kind of position _x i notice I get [x,y,z] and the z coord is always zero. Is this because im on the ground or perhaps a clue as to why I cannot get an updated position to report back to me from the the server?
  10. Well, it did not work either. I am wondering if it is some kind of flaw in arma when calling position after a certain point after the mission starts. I cannot imagine the db is bugged because everything else saves, loads and overwrites with current data at the time of the loop running. The alive _x seems to returning a boolean true since i have added a waitUntil call on it and I can load just fine as opposed to not getting the full exec on my playerLogin.sqf. This seems pretty strange since I can run a position, getPos, getPosASL/ATL and pretty much every version of it client side and return the exact coords with no problem. The icing on the cake is that it will save the spawn point provided for being a player not in the database. Could it be possible that using this spawn script for new players I could be setting the server to believe the player is always at this spawn point? diag_log format ["Player %1 does not exist in database.",_Profile]; _mapCenter = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "centerPosition"); _cityPos = nearestLocations [_mapCenter, ["nameCity","nameVillage"], 10000]; _citySel = _cityPos call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _cityLoc = getPos _citySel; _cityMarker = createMarker ["spawnMarker", _cityLoc]; _cityMarker setMarkerAlpha 0; _cityMarker setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; _cityMarker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; _cityMarker setMarkerBrush "Grid"; _cityMarker setMarkerSize [3,3]; _spawnPos = [getmarkerPos _cityMarker,0,750,2,0,1,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; _x setPos _spawnPos; }; (owner _x) publicVariableClient "playerExists";
  11. You know... that's a great idea man. I never even thought of that. I will try tonight and report back. Thanks!
  12. I guess I will make a public variable to send player position back to the zerver. This defeats the purpose of handling all dB data serverside. Using position player client side returns correct position. Using position _x in my server side save loop only works on the initial dB creation and it never updates again afterwards. Does anyone have suggestions? I can load the position just fine btw.
  13. Alright. I can confirm that all my variables are saving and loading extremely well with the exception of the player position. It will save one array when the table is first created but after that it will remain the same regardless of what I have tested. It will even recreate the same position array if you remove it or even the whole table. It does this even if logged in as server admin. I am baffled lol O.o
  14. Rimblock, I am also running my dedicated box on Windows 10 and everything seems to be great with the exception of the position variable not updating depending on player position. I noticed that if I compiled the DB globally my client would report file yada yada not found. I just compile it isServer now and the clients are pushed info with a (owner _x) publicVariableClient "variable"; Seems to be working better than expected too! :) EDIT: I am testing on Windows 7 Pro Ultimate not Windows 10 sorry.
  15. Hi and thanks for this great DB, I love this thing! I have used this in the past and it worked great. This time I am on windows 10, not sure if it makes a difference, and it will save player position like expected and will even load the pos if i tell it to. The issue I am having is the DB file will update on my 30 second timer, however, the only thing that will not update is the player position. It will make an initial entry when you are a new spawn. This is expected in the code i wrote. What i snot expected is if I delete the table for said player it will remake with the same initial position regardless fo where the player is when the update happens. Sorry if this is confusing. Here is my code: { if (isPlayer _x && alive _x) then { _Profile = format["%1", getPlayerUID _x]; playerExists = _Profile call inidb_exists; if (playerExists) then { _playerPos = [_Profile, "Player_Data", "Position", "ARRAY"] call iniDB_read; _playerDmg = [_Profile, "Player_Data", "Damage", "SCALAR"] call iniDB_read; _playerInv = [_Profile, "Player_Data", "Inventory", "ARRAY"] call iniDB_read; _playerPri = [_Profile, "Player_Data", "Primary", "STRING"] call iniDB_read; _playerSec = [_Profile, "Player_Data", "Secondary", "STRING"] call iniDB_read; _playerSid = [_Profile, "Player_Data", "Sidearm", "STRING"] call iniDB_read; diag_log format ["Player %1 database load: [Position:%2,Damage:%3,Inventory:%4,Primary Weapon:%5,Secondary Weapon:%6,Sidearm:%7]",name _x,_playerPos,_playerDmg,_playerInv,_playerPri,_playerSec,_playerSid]; playerLoadout = [_playerPos,_playerDmg,_playerInv,_playerPri,_playerSec,_playerSid]; (owner _x) publicVariableClient "playerLoadout"; }; publicVariable "playerExists"; }; } forEach playableUnits; { while {true} do { sleep 30; if (isPlayer _x && alive _x) then { _Profile = format["%1", getPlayerUID _x]; [_Profile, "Server_Time", "Time", time] call iniDB_write; [_Profile, "Server_Date", "Date", date] call iniDB_write; [_Profile, "Player_Name", "Player", name _x] call iniDB_write; [_Profile, "Player_Pos", "Position", position _x] call iniDB_write; [_Profile, "Player_Dmg", "Damage", damage _x] call iniDB_write; [_Profile, "Player_Inv", "Inventory", magazines _x] call iniDB_write; [_Profile, "Player_Primary", "Primary", primaryWeapon _x] call iniDB_write; [_Profile, "Player_Secondary", "Secondary", secondaryWeapon _x] call iniDB_write; [_Profile, "Player_Sidearm", "Sidearm", handGunWeapon _x] call iniDB_write; }; }; } forEach playableUnits; Is anyone else having this issue?