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Posts posted by scottb613

  1. Hi Folks,


    Now that I have my flare issue sorted - I'm trying to properly disengage from combat. The mission premise is that I hit an enemy camp hard and fast to rescue some POW's - then pull out before the enemy has time to react. I've been around long enough to know that disengaging from combat is an issue with Arma - in the past FHQ Combat seemed to work with the player squad - I'm not using it now. I've searched around looking for help - haven't found too much - speedy AI exits are not Arma's forte.


    Here is what I am trying to do on three AI squads. It kind of works but the results aren't consistent. Most times only a single unit ignores all this and freezes in place. Most times it's the same unit - most times the squad leader. Once in a while it works. I've done hours of testing. I had to add sleeps - as when run without delay - half the squad would ignore this.


    	_x setUnitPos "UP";
    	_x forceSpeed 100;
    	_x disableAI "CHECKVISIBLE";
    	_x disableAI "COVER";
    	_x disableAI "AUTOTARGET";
    	_x disableAI "TARGET";
    	_x disableAI "SUPPRESSION";
    	_x disableAI "AUTOCOMBAT";
    	_x setBehaviour "CARELESS";
    	_x setCombatMode "GREEN";
    	_x doMove (getMarkerPos "Rall_1");
    	sleep .5;
    } forEach units Seal_1;


    I built a quick test mission all vanilla - if anyone cares to test.

    • Trigger Radio Alpha starts the attack.
    • Trigger Radio Bravo orders the withdrawal. 
    • The OPFOR is looking in the opposite direction - so the player needs to initiate gunfire to put everyone in Combat Mode.


    Test Mission: "[SCO]SOG_Withdraw.Altis" - all Vanilla - no PBO.





  2. 17 minutes ago, Harzach said:


    You can use the SOG 40mm flares, which do seem to provide plenty of illumination:

    ["posit", "vn_40mm_m583_flare_w_ammo", 20, 10, 10, {false}, 0, 250, 1] spawn BIS_fnc_fireSupportVirtual;


    Hi Folks,


    Thank you once again. You stated how the Args work on that function far more clearly than the Wiki did. Really appreciate your time. I'll give that flare a try as well.



  3. 9 hours ago, bardosy said:

    * Somehow a litle white circle with transparent black fill is appear around my crosshair (I could play with it. Even it was easier to aim). I am not sure, maybe it's from your GUI? Maybe not.

    Hi Folks,


    I've seen that ONCE in all my testing - it wouldn't go away - restarted the mission - haven't seen it since. Just confirming it does exist. I can't recreate it.



    • Like 2

  4. 17 hours ago, Harzach said:


    Reading even more:


    ["posit", "F_40mm_White", 20, 10, 10, {false}, 0, 250, 1] spawn BIS_fnc_fireSupportVirtual;


    Hi Folks,


    Thanks as well. I did see the note on flare speed - let me give that a try.  I wasn't sure what was needed for Args 6-9. I did note that the script I posted above used a different mechanism to create the flares.


    I'm pretty much strictly SOG now and I'm using ALiVE weather. Some nights are so bright I hardly need flares - others are so dark - all I can see are my friendly troop markers. While I have flares now using a vanilla flare: "F_40mm_White" they hardly light up the environment on those darkest of nights. Even with multiple flares in the sky - I can barely make out my hand in front of my face. I tried a mod called "Brighter Flares" as the poor flare lighting seems to be a common complaint with ArmA. It doesn't seem much brighter. Are there any other tricks I can try?







  5. 18 minutes ago, Ibragim A said:

    You write the position as an array with a position inside, but you need either just a position, or an object, or the name of the marker. See target here:

    Try to do it this way:

    ["POSIT", "F_40mm_White", 20, 10, 10] spawn BIS_fnc_fireSupportVirtual;


    _mkr1 = getMarkerPos "POSIT";
    [_mkr1, "F_40mm_White", 20, 10, 10] spawn BIS_fnc_fireSupportVirtual;



    Hi Folks,


    Thanks for the response - yeah - I had tried both those methods - no joy. Reading more on BIS_fnc_fireSupportVirtual - it stated the default speed of the shell was 150 - perhaps it's just slamming into the ground with the speed of a normal shell and I don't see it?


    On a side note - I did find a great script written years ago by "PivMan" on Reddit - while searching. It works like a champ and is far more elegant than I was planning on doing. While I am still curious why the function wasn't working for me - I plan to just use his script as it works very well.



    Here you go pal.


    Save this as an SQF and place it in the folder of the mission you want to run it on. Execution line can go anywhere including a trigger's activation field.

    startFlares = 1; null = [A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H] execVM "skyFlares.sqf";
    The script has an example but I lettered each argument here.

    startFlares has to equal one for the script to continue. If you want to stop the flares, make it anything other than one.

    A is the maximum distance each flare can spawn from the given position. The distance ranges from 0 meters to the number you supply.

    B is the base number of seconds before a new flare can be spawned.

    C is the maximum amount of more seconds randomly added to this delay.

    D is the base height of each flare.

    E is a maximum amount of meters that can be randomly added to or subtracted from the base height.

    F is the color of the flare. Available colors are "WHITE", "RED", "GREEN", "YELLOW", or "IR". If you make this "RANDOM" each flare will be a random color.

    G is the speed of the flare. Same velocity command you used. Must be negative or flares will tend to freeze in the air.

    H the object the flares will be centered around. The player for example.

    An example based on your original script would be:

    startFlares = 1; null = [150, 30, 5, 150, 10, "WHITE", -8, player] execVM "skyFlares.sqf";
    Sorry if I'm late and you've found something else but I'll need something like this eventually anyway. Good luck. 😄

    E: If you don't want to use any of the random parts of the arguments setting them to 0 will effectively disable them. I also checked and flares see


    // skyFlares.sqf
    // startFlares = 1; null = [<max distance>, <base delay>, <max added delay>, <base height>, <random added or subtracted height>, <color>, <speed (must be negative)>, <object pos>] execVM "skyFlares.sqf";
    // declare a few variables we need and make _sign randomly negative
    _sign = 1;
    _random = false;
    if (floor random 10 > 4) then { _sign = -1 };
    _flareArray = ["WHITE", "RED", "GREEN", "YELLOW", "IR"];
    // organize our arguments
    _flareDist = _this select 0;
    _delay = _this select 1;
    _delayRandom = _this select 2;
    _flareHeight = _this select 3;
    _flareHeightRandom = _this select 4;
    _flareType = _this select 5;
    _flareSpeed = _this select 6;
    _flarePos = _this select 7;
    // create loop for spawning flares
    while { startFlares == 1 } do
    	// check if random
    	if (_flareType == "RANDOM") then { _flareType = _flareArray call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _random = true };
    	// assign colors
    	switch (_flareType) do
    		case "WHITE": 	{ _flareType = "F_40mm_White" };
    		case "RED": 	{ _flareType = "F_40mm_Red" };
    		case "GREEN": 	{ _flareType = "F_40mm_Green" };
    		case "YELLOW": 	{ _flareType = "F_40mm_Yellow" };
    		case "IR": 	{ _flareType = "F_40mm_CIR" };
    	// get a random spot around the target
    	_pos = [_flarePos, random _flareDist, random 360] call BIS_fnc_relPos;
    	_pos = [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, _flareHeight + (random _flareHeightRandom * _sign)];
    	// make the flare at that spot
    	_flare = _flareType createVehicle _pos;
    	// set its speed
    	_flare setVelocity [0, 0, _flareSpeed];
    	// delay plus random delay
    	sleep _delay + random _delayRandom;
    	// reset random if it was there before
    	if (_random) then { _flareType = "RANDOM" };




  6. Hi Folks,


    What am I doing wrong here? I just want a steady stream of flares over my nighttime raid.


    BIS_fnc_fireSupportVirtual is supposed to take a Marker Name as its first Arg. I tried everything I can think of. I tried setting a Var - I used with and without Array Brackets - no flares.


    _mkr1 = getMarkerPos "POSIT";[[_mkr1], "F_40mm_White", 20, 10, 10] spawn BIS_fnc_fireSupportVirtual;


    Yep - Rusty...




  7. 2 minutes ago, johnnyboy said:

    I plan to add this in the future.  There are many story reasons why mission designer want to add units to group as story progresses, and I need to support that.  It will take some work so it may be a month or so before I get to it.


    Thanks for the consideration - and - most importantly - at your leisure.


    Great Mod.



    • Like 1

  8. Hi JB,


    Just another thought - it's just my two cents - so please take it for what it's worth.


    Would it be possible to run the SOG AI initialization on new units that join the players group?


    This comes up when doing POW rescue missions - or - reinforcements (FNG's) are delivered.





    • Like 1

  9. Hi JB,


    I had tried that - and - it didn't seem as if my squad was following all my directions.


    Let me mess with this over the weekend as well and I'll touch base next week.


    Here are the mods I normally run for SOG (I had pulled LAMBS out of the mix):




    Here's a quick editable ALiVE mission setup for "The Bra" that I use for my testbed (intended for newbs or those unfamiliar with setting up ALiVE).


    I use the mods listed above.


    No specific goals in mind - just a fully populated map to play with SOG AI.


    CAS/Transport/Artillery supplied by Simple Support Services via the ACE Menu.


    SOG Bra Playground





  10. Hi JB,


    Hah - that was your doing - you've outdone yourself - sir. I actually had a tinge of feeling for the poor guy as I watched him being carried off. Too funny.


    Yeah - I have two machines - I use my older one most of the time because I only have access to my better one on weekends.


    I'm using an old heavily taxed Sandy Bridge when I noticed the issue of the Wheel Menu response - I'll test again on my better Kaby Lake over the weekend. It seems it could be a performance issue as it gets pretty laggy on occasion.





    • Like 1

  11. Hi Folks,


    I've been absent from ARMA for a while and new to SOG - just a general comment - they've really stepped up the injury/death animations and vocals - it's enough to give someone flashbacks. Then - the other day I was down and incapacitated - writhing in pain from sustained injuries - when Charlie comes up and while standing over me - starts poking me for a bit - then the MF'r actually picks me up and carries me off into the jungle with the MIA banner coming up. SOG - you got me - my mouth was actually open as I watched this for the first time - WOW... 


    I do notice the SOG Command Wheel stop functioning from time to time. The wheel always comes up - but clicking on the items is unresponsive - you don't get the click animation. If I wait a few minutes - it comes back. Just an FYI.



    • Thanks 1

  12. Hi JB,


    Winner winner chicken dinner. I really like this. I don’t know if I can go back to NOT using this with other Arma mods.


    The included medical negates the need to run any more medical mods - very cool. It works very well.


    The behavior of the units really seems to work. I think LAMBS Danger did cause my troops to move without orders - hence the pincer I described above. They seem far more stationary now.


    As it stands - there is no CQB available? You can't clear buildings.


    As it stands - there is no resupply for your squad - ammo boxes - scavenging the dead?


    Will your squad utilize missile weapons when carried?


    I noted in one of your videos - you had colored scroll wheel menus to get in and out of vehicles fast - I don't see them - any trick to make them work? Will they get in and out of land vehicles quickly as well.


    As mentioned above - I scripted the entire Move GREEN - Move RED - Move SOG - Halt SOG in Voice Attack - - - to (4) voice controlled macros - I then also mapped the functions to a spare four way hat on my joystick. It's so fast and fluid this way. These are the most time critical commands needed in combat - a time when your voice may give you issues if you speak too fast.

    • Up = Move SOG
    • Left = Move RED
    • Right = Move GREEN
    • Down = Halt SOG


    I hope you continue to work on this as time permits. It's a game changer.





    • Like 1

  13. Hi JB,


    Thanks for the detailed response as well. It's obvious how much work you put into this.


    I noted on Steam you mentioned a conflict with the LAMBS Danger Mod - I did have that loaded for all my testing - I'll remove that and play with this some more tonight.



    • Like 1

  14. Hi Folks,


    One other point of interest on the Single Player "Immersion" aspect with SOG AI.


    If you use Voice Attack - you can select each command on the wheel via a Mouse Macro - without touching the keyboard or moving the mouse - instantaneously. No visual selection or thought required.


    You can also run compound commands like: 

    Move Green: [Select Team Green, Open SOG AI Command Menu, Select Move There] all in one easy command.

    This cuts down on even more separate instructions making each repetitive move even less tedious.


    I'm a big fan of using voice control and I've created a pretty extensive profile to run with Arma. That said - if you're not a fan of voice control or don't have the hardware - VA lets you assign any functions to keyboard shortcuts or joystick button presses - avoiding the need for a microphone.


    I've used VA for many years - in all kinds of applications - including 3D Modeling and Graphic Programs. It's BY FAR the best $10.00 I've ever spent on a utility. I'm not affiliated in any way to VA - just a very happy customer.


    Voice Attack: Link


    Just food for thought.



    • Like 1

  15. Hi Folks,


    I think I get the gist of modifying ammo boxes. I'm pretty much exclusively SOG at the moment - however - for the player I prefer using the better-quality NIA weapons. I have the NIA Ammo Boxes - I have the SOG Ammo Boxes - - - is there an easy way to see the contents of both with classnames? I need to add some NIA magazines to the SOG ammo boxes. While grabbing the entire boxes classname is easy - I don't know how to do the same for their contents.






  16. Hi Folks,


    Spent four or five hours playing with this last night and it's simply brilliant. Your SOG AI Squad sure seems to perform far better than vanilla. The simple approach to team management is by far the best. It was a hoot and very immersive. I haven't played any SOG Campaign missions yet as I'm simply messing around in the editor. I've ignored the SOG Campaign in the past because I couldn't figure out how to include an AI Squad and a lone unit is just boring - perhaps it's time to look at this again.


    In one instance - I had set my squad to the left and right during a firefight - and - they executed a perfect pincer attack without me telling them to move - perhaps it was just luck - LOL. 



    Is there any issue using a mix of vanilla commands with SOG AI? It seems once in "Stealth" mode - it proved difficult to get them back to "Aware" to start following me again. Same with "Combat" as they seem to ignore me sometimes - which probably happens in combat.



    It seems your "Red" and "Green" team elements are hard coded to simply divide the squad in half - even when you place your own squad in the Editor. When you assign your own colors - moments later they turn back to the initial "Red" and "Green". You can't control who's in which group. Is there any plan to give the user more flexibility in this area of Team Management? I usually run with a minimum of (3) Elements - as with in real life - I don't want my Medic leading the attack. I keep a core command element - then use two bounding elements in front - sometimes a fourth dragging up the rear a ways back.


    Thanks again for all the hard work - I look forward to more testing and use.



    • Like 1

  17. Hi Johnny,


    Thanks so much for the very rapid response. Yeah - I was always a fan of "Unsung" but the "SOG" is like "Unsung" on steroids.


    Yeah - no quotes.


    I delved deeper in your mission example - I found an instance where you defined the "Activation" as follows which differs from above:

    call{[vehicle this] spawn JBOY_boatMoveWaypoints;}

    ...which seems to work.


    I did copy your directory and your "init.sqf" from your examples to a new mission.


    I'm trying to setup the SOG PBR to come flying down the river - pull into shore with the nose on the beach - load a squad of SEALS - then reverse and charge up the river. Your typical INFIL/EXFIL via PBR - ala - Apocalypse Now style. 


    I'm getting some weird results. When in reverse for more than a very brief period - the PBR sinks stern first very rapidly. Also - when I initially tried the beach thing with four waypoints - the reverse worked - then I added around ten more waypoints to the end to navigate the river without changing my initial four - the reverse no longer works and the boat attempt to charge up on the beach forward. If you go too far up on the beach the PBR crew bails - perhaps that's by design.


    I should probably unload all my mods but the SOG required for testing. I'll play with this some more.






  18. Hi Folks,


    Been MIA for a bit - the SOG sucked me back in. I came across this sorely needed boat script and it looks fantastic.


    Quick Question: I tried putting "_n = [vehicle this] spawn JBOY_boatMoveWaypoints;" in the first waypoint activation field as described. it comes back with a "missing ;" error. It's been a while - - - what am I doing wrong? I looked at the demo mission - and - the first waypoints did not have the calls to the scripts mentioned above.





  19. Hi Folks,

    Worked these a while back - they seem to run pretty well - been enjoying them with SOG now.


    This was my meager attempt to simplify the process of making Helicopter Air Assault Missions - as they are my favorite. Once familiar - it should only take around 10 minutes to setup a full-blown Air Assault on any Map with any Mod. 


    Script Design Criteria: 

    • Use with any Mods - simply name the aircraft and squad [variables] appropriately in the Mission Editor.
    • Use just a few simple [Markers] to control the entire mission - instead of a massive number of waypoints for each object - with defined naming in the Mission Editor.
    • Fully automated transports and gunships.
    • More realistic startup and takeoff.
    • Deviate the aircraft positions from flight path to make them more realistic - automatically.
    • Low level sea skimming approaches.
    • Control Ingress Path to minimize loss.
    • Minimize the absolute massive altitude excursions when flaring for the LZ.
    • Make an LZ anywhere there is a patch of clear ground.
    • Control Egress Path to minimize loss.
    • Up to (4) Squads in any given aircraft as long as there is seat capacity.
    • Supports (1-3) Gunships providing automatic fire support for the troops as they hit the LZ.
    • Supports (1-4) Slicks with (1-4) Squads on each aircraft.


    Demonstration Mission:

    There are (3) custom scripts and I've included a simple "vanilla" ALiVE mission to demonstrate the scripts. Simply install the folder into your "missions" folder and launch. I've only tested with SP as I know nothing about MP. 


    Required Mods:

    • CBA
    • ALiVE


    Included Custom Scripts:

    • LAUNCHslicks.sqf
    • LAUNCHguns.sqf
    • RTBguns.sqf



    Mission Demonstration Download from MEGA


    The scripts are linked to Radio Call Triggers. Give ALiVE about a minute to stabilize after launching mission - then simply execute [Radio Call Bravo Trigger] to start loading the slicks. You will need to order your squad and yourself into the adjacent aircraft "slick1" manually. Around 40 seconds later execute [Radio Call Alpha Trigger] to launch the gunships. Once your slick lands - you will need to order your squad out manually. 


    Mission Note: The timings can be a little sensitive with ALiVE as I don't think your real gunships can combat virtualized troops until you get close enough to make them real. The 40 seconds I suggest between Trigger Bravo and Trigger Alpha seems to work well.


    Known Issues:

    • If the troops go into combat mode before loading - it seems to break the scripts.
    • Single Player only.


    Script Use in Your Own Missions:

    Mission Mods to use in your own missions - simply copy the (3) scripts to your new mission - you don't need to edit the scripts:

    • All setup work can be done in the Mission Editor.
    • Transports [Variable Name: as defined below - example "slick1"]
    • Troop Squads [Variable Name: as defined below - example "chalk11"]
    • Gunship [Variable Name: as defined below - example "guns1"]
    • Posit Marker [Center of gunships attack runs - example "posit"]
    • Inbound Markers [Flight path inbound (1-4) Markers - example "inb1"]
    • Landing Pad Marker [example "lz1"]
    • Outbound Markers [Flight Path Outbound (1-4) Markers - example "out1"]
    • Troop Movement Markers [Troop Destination - example "ck1"]
    • In the example mission - all the Markers in "Red" control the mission.
    • Tested with VANILLA,3CB_BAF, CUP, RHS, UNSUNG, SOG.
    • If you want to see what the script is actually doing - set the "_debug = 1;" in the beginning of each script.


    Public Domain:

    Feel free to use, modify, and distribute my scripts as you see fit.



    // SLICKS - SCO Launch Script //
    // Author: scottb613
    // File: LAUNCHslicks.sqf
    // Note: Only tested in Single Player.
    // Given: (1) to (4) helicopters [slickx] preloaded with crew - units named below.
    // Given: (1) to (4) infantry squads [chalkxx] per helicopter [slickx] - units named below.
    // Given: Multiple infantry squads [chalkxx] will be loaded as cargo into helicopter [slickx] with respect to number.
    // Given: (1) infantry squad [chalkxx] must exist per helicopter [slickx] used.
    // Given: User must insure helicopters have adequate capacity to lift assigned chalks.
    // Given: An LZ marker [lzx] must exist for each respective helicopter [slickx] used - markers named below.
    // Given: Helicopters will autonomously assault LZ creating defined helipads - drop troops - RTB to home helipads.
    // Given: User can define manual flight path with up to four inbound markers [inb1-inb4] if desired - else direct to [lzx].
    // Given: User can define manual flight path with up to four outbound markers [out1-out4] if desired - else direct to base.
    // Given: For best results - inbound/outbound markers should be a min of 2000 meters from launch/landing positions. 
    // Given: Even though helicopters are individual units - they will maintain a diamond like formation along flight path.
    // Given: Offloaded chalks will move to respective markers [ck1-ck4] defined in combat "RED" mode - else defend [lzx].
    // Given: Once chalks reach final waypoint - intended for "High Command" or similiar to manage their actions.
    // Given: Intended use - fired by radio trigger.
    // Given: If [debug] is enabled - writes log entries to windows clipboard and places markers on waypoints.
    // Named Asset: [OPT] ("s1" -player unit)
    // Named Asset: ("slick1" -slick helo) ("slick2" -slick helo) ("slick3" -slick helo) ("slick4" -slick helo)
    // Named Asset: ("chalk11" -inf squad) ("chalk12" -inf squad) ("chalk13" -inf squad) ("chalk14" -inf squad) -> load to slick1
    // Named Asset: ("chalk21" -inf squad) ("chalk22" -inf squad) ("chalk23" -inf squad) ("chalk24" -inf squad) -> load to slick2 
    // Named Asset: ("chalk31" -inf squad) ("chalk32" -inf squad) ("chalk33" -inf squad) ("chalk34" -inf squad) -> load to slick3
    // Named Asset: ("chalk41" -inf squad) ("chalk42" -inf squad) ("chalk43" -inf squad) ("chalk44" -inf squad) -> load to slick4
    // Named Marker: ("lz1" -lz pad marker) ("lz2" -lz pad marker) ("lz3" -lz pad marker) ("lz4" -lz pad marker)
    // Named Marker: [OPT] ("ck1" -final posit chalk11-14) ("ck2" -final posit chalk21-24) 
    // Named Marker: [OPT] ("ck3" -final posit chalk31-34) ("ck4" -final posit chalk41-44)
    // Named Marker: [OPT] ("inb1" -inbound marker) ("inb2" -inbound marker) ("inb3" -inbound marker) ("inb4" -inbound marker) 
    // Named Marker: [OPT] ("out1" -outbound marker) ("out2" -outbound marker) ("out3" -outbound marker) ("out4" -outbound marker)
    // Example: Flight Path - [(slick1 start point) -> inb1 -> inb2 -> inb3 -> inb4 -> Lz1 -> out1 -> out2 -> (slick1 start point)].
    // Example: Troop Loading - [chalk11 chalk12 chalk13 will load into slick1] [chalk21 chalk22 will load into slick2].
    // Example: Troop Movement - [chalk11 chalk12 will move to marker ck1] [chalk21 chalk22 chalk23 will move to marker ck2].
    // GUNSHIPS - SCO Launch Script //
    // Author: scottb613
    // File: LAUNCHguns.sqf
    // Companion To: RTBguns.sqf
    // Note: Only tested in single player.
    // Given: (1) to (4) loaded gunships ready for launch on the ground - named as listed in assets.
    // Given: If "posit" marker exists - use as initial point for SAD - if not - will use player "s1" position.
    // Given: User can define manual path with up to four inbound markers "inb1-inb4" if desired - else direct to posit.
    // Given: Intended use - fired by radio trigger.
    // Named Asset: ("s1" -player unit) 
    // Named Asset: ("guns1" -gunship helo) ("guns2" -gunship helo) ("guns3" -gunship helo)
    // Named Marker: ("posit" -initial target marker)
    // Named Marker: [OPT] ("inb1" -inbound marker) ("inb2" -inbound marker) ("inb3" -inbound marker) ("inb4" -inbound marker)




    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1

  20. 10 hours ago, pierremgi said:


    Hi folks,

    Could you tell me more about your test? I can't reproduce it , even with an existing SOG parachute on player's back. Or SP or MP, type of group or units, Did you place two modules?... Which other mods?

    Hi Pierre,


    Perhaps it’s just an issue on my end. I am on the public beta of the latest version of ARMA - I did have ACE No Medical loaded. I placed your HALO Module down then synched it to the Player Group Leader of the squad - I’m strictly SP. The units don’t have any parachutes loaded. I started the test mission - then selected both Solo and Group jump with the aforementioned results.


    Hope this helps.


    Thanks for your interest.



