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Posts posted by scottb613

  1. Hi Folks,

    Just a final post for posterity - I believe I found the error of my ways - I was using someone else's file for an example and they had the units organized as I posted above - all aligned in an easy to read format - I think that was the issue - when I removed all the tabs, new lines, carriage returns for each variable - everything started working... All good...




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  2. Hi Folks,

    Here is my config file if that helps:

    //    Dynamic-AI-Creator    //
    //    Version 3.0c          //
    //    DAC_Config_Units      //
    //    Script by Silola      //
    //    silola@freenet.de     //
    private ["_TypNumber","_TempArray","_Unit_Pool_S","_Unit_Pool_V","_Unit_Pool_T","_Unit_Pool_A"];
    _TypNumber = _this select 0;_TempArray = [];
    switch (_TypNumber) do
    // VC Village Guerillas *** ALL ***
      case 10:
        _Unit_Pool_S =            [
        _Unit_Pool_V =            [
        _Unit_Pool_T = [];
        _Unit_Pool_A = [];
    // NVA Infantry Recon Squad (1965) *** ALL ***
      case 20:
        _Unit_Pool_S =            [
        _Unit_Pool_V =            [
        _Unit_Pool_T = [];
        _Unit_Pool_A = [];
    // US Marine Corps (1965) *** ALL ***
      case 30:
        _Unit_Pool_S =            [
        _Unit_Pool_V =            [
        _Unit_Pool_T =            [
        _Unit_Pool_A =            [
    // US Army 1st Infantry Division *** ALL ***
      case 40:
        _Unit_Pool_S =            [
        _Unit_Pool_V =            [
        _Unit_Pool_T =            [
        _Unit_Pool_A =            [
    // ARVN Infantry *** ALL ***
      case 80:
        _Unit_Pool_S =            [
        _Unit_Pool_V = [];
        _Unit_Pool_T = [];
        _Unit_Pool_A = [];
    // Unsung Civilians
      case 90:
        _Unit_Pool_S =            [
        _Unit_Pool_V =            [
        _Unit_Pool_T = [];
        _Unit_Pool_A = [];
        if(DAC_Basic_Value != 5) then
          DAC_Basic_Value = 5;publicvariable "DAC_Basic_Value";
          hintc "Error: DAC_Config_Units > No valid config number";
        if(true) exitwith {};
    if(count _this == 2) then
      _TempArray = _TempArray + [_Unit_Pool_S,_Unit_Pool_V,_Unit_Pool_T,_Unit_Pool_A];
      _TempArray = _Unit_Pool_V + _Unit_Pool_T + _Unit_Pool_A;



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  3. HI Folks,

    Had a Stuka bomb the heck out of my mechanized infantry squad last weekend - I watched the bomb come right at me - couldn't look away - controlled by ALiVE Military Commander Module - scared the bejesus out of me... HAH - Guess they work...


    Now if you could only have the Stuka do a true dive bomb with the siren screaming like a banshee...

    IF3L seems to play nice with ALiVE - a huge plus in my book...

    Thanks for all your efforts !!!



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    • Like 2

  4. Hi Froggy,

    I setup a test IF3L mission last weekend - seemed to work very well... I'm using US (Green) against Germany (Blue) - hah - it's pretty intense and truly ALiVE... It's on the largest Polish map with a small mechanized squad trying to take a city defended by Germans... Nothing polished - just testing... I can send it to you next weekend when I get home if nobody else responds...

    One thing I did notice - is fixed wing assets don't seem to get spawned on either side by the placement modules - Both TAOR's included an airfield... I just placed aircraft individually and synced them to the OPCOM which seemed to work...

    Another thing I tried - which worked pretty well - IF3L includes preloaded ammo trucks - so instead of using the Player Logistics Module for convoy resupply (which I've had really mixed results with) - I assigned these trucks to a Player Transport Module and it seemed to work as well... Obviously - just use the move button and none of the ones related to flying...

    Do you need quotes on those strings - I forget ???



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  5. Hi Folks,

    I'm fairly new to Arma - brand new to DAC - I realize this is the Arma 2 thread - I prefer historical combat - so I'm trying to get DAC 3.0 working with Unsung 2.6...

    I downloaded and installed DAC 3.0 last night - I read the 60 page manual - looked at some of the tutorial missions - and - got my first test mission up and running...

    It works !!!

    The problem is - I can't seem to get DAC 3.0 to read my custom "DAC_Config_Units.sqf" with Unsung 2.6 units defined...

    I loaded the requisite directories into my mission folder - I set my Game Logic to "extern" and everything works fine with the default units config file... If I make changes to the default units file - they are reflected in the game - so it appears that everything is setup correctly and the files are actually being read...

    However - if I add official classnames for units from Unsung 2.6 - the units are never spawned...

    Is the mod load order important ?

    Any ideas ?




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  6. Hi Folks,

    Sorry - one more question - I had to rebuild my machine - loaded Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA... Installed UNS 2.6 and using the Arma Synch Launcher... UNS 2.6 is installed in the Arma 2 OA directory and I have CBA_CO installed there as well...

    If I select the OA executable - with both CBA_CO and UNS 2.6 enabled I get a missing water texture on startup - then the initial animations on other menu screens with the chickens just runs very sporadically - as well as all the other menu screens until I actually get a map open in the editor - the editor seems to work normally - however once I preview a mission on say SEA - a bunch of textures are missing such as some of the buildings and fences around the main base on the SW of the island...

    In the Arma Sync Launcher if I choose the executable labeled CO the animations are smooth but the textures are still missing...

    What's frustrating is I know this worked before - anything obvious I'm missing ?




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  7. Hi Hero,

    Yeah - maybe I should do that as well - my bandwidth isn't the greatest so it's just a serious investment in time... I've been using mostly stand alone... Yeah Inshallah starts - I am at the base - I see all the trucks parked - your scrolling text starts displaying on the right - about the time it's finished I get crash to desktop... I can only hit this in spurts so I'll keep trying to play with it - I've noticed from feedback that your missions seem to be universally liked...

    Thanks again...



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  8. Hi Folks,

    Yep - still messing with Arma II for Unsung - I just reloaded after a rebuild - seems I can't get "Groups" to display in the spawn fields... I select the faction - do the "update" - hit the "refresh" - and the correct units display for placing single units - however the group field remains blank... Same thing happens whether I'm using vanilla factions or unsung factions... I know this did work - any ideas on what I'm doing wrong ?

    Thanks - any help appreciated...



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  9. Hi Folks,

    Thanks for the feedback...

    Hmm - when I use the ALiVE transport module with the UH1 included with UNS - I still get the stairway to heaven with Charlie as well - if I swap the aircraft out for the "Medium Lift" UH1 it works normally...

    Hah - even without the full blown ALiVE factions working - you can still use some of its features which sure help...

    Again - my thanks to all you guys on the UNS team...



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  10. HI Opendome,

    Will do and thank you... I've noticed you've made a bunch of posts on "ALiVE" issues - are you working on ALiVE compatibility for everyone and has anything new been included with Charlie ? Really appreciate any info you could provide...

    Hi Pognivet,

    Hah - I did notice that with Bravo - I was using the "Player Support Transport" module with "ALiVE" and the helicopter just climbed indefinitely - I thought it was me or ALiVE... I'll try it again with Charlie...



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  11. Hi Folks,

    Is there a way to have the Player CAS module start with aircraft airborne for those maps that might not have a suitable runway ?

    For the Player CAS and Transport modules - is there a way to assign more than one aircraft to the flight ?

    On the Player CAS module - it would be helpful to be able to assign a direction of travel - ingress/egress vector - to minimize danger to friendlies when danger close...

    As always - thanks much for all you guys do...



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  12. Hi Folks,

    Took a cursory look around - nice work one and all... I like the added BAR - nice addition and fun to shoot... Thanks so much for sharing...

    Question - does using third party gun mods negatively affect anything in Unsung... My usual weapon of choice is the M-14 and Toadies renditions is a bit nicer than the included M-14... Are weapons balanced to work with specific mods or should this be OK ? I noticed Toadie has a compatibility patch to work with RHS...

    I've yet to try MP but it sounds like some FNG's are needed to feed the green machine...



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