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Posts posted by scottb613

  1. I wonder if anybody has the xml file still from this awesomeness. Lost mine and just cannot find it again. Older but definitely the best IMO in terms of syntax highlighting, I can even add the newer commands and reserved words if needed. The author's bitbucket is closed. :down:

    Sorry - I don't - my favorite is the one from Killzone Kid - I have that one and it's still available...


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  2. IRL there are also IR and IIR variants of Mavericks.

    Anyway, for more info you can check

    Hi Oukej,

    A wealth of information but on a quick perusal - I don't see a usage guide - stuff like how do I change the missile tracking mode from Visual to IR (if the weapon is capable) - how do I use my onboard laser to laze my own target - an actual demonstration of how to setup an attack run using these great new features with the various weapons - is there anything like that floating around ?


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    Hi Folks,


    I've actually scoured YouTube looking for a tutorial on how to use these missiles in both AI and Player modes... Could use a bit of help...


    From an AI standpoint - I load helicopters equipped with these missiles and they seem very reluctant to use them - I watched 3CB Wildcats make successive passes over two tanks for more than 10 minutes (SAD,RED,COMBAT) and never fire a shot... These are Electro Optical and Laser Guided munitions - is there some key requirement missing for them to target these tanks ? I've used other flavors of attack helicopters as well - it's just 3CB makes a good example as the missiles are the only weapon carried...


    From a players perspective in the cockpit - again - what magical sequence do I need to follow to lock onto an armored asset ? I see a laser designator is included in the cycle weapons key - do I need to use that ? The missiles comes off the rail and just fly unguided into the ground...


    Finally - I noticed ACE has their own brand of AGM - what's different or special utilizing these ?


    Seems good tutorials are easy to find on just about any ArmA topic - but pickens are slim on this one...






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  4. Hi Folks,


    Question: I use ALiVE a bunch as strictly the OPFOR - amphibious assaults are probably one of my favorite aspects of ArmA and my BLUFOR are usually fixed assets not virtualized... I found that once I sync assets to the Virtual Module they no longer follow my scripts and become completely autonomous under the control of the Military Commander Module... So - if I launch some air assets to soften up the LZ - they arrive at the LZ and all the OPFOR are virtualized so there's nothing there to soften up - they only spawn - unrealistically - when I get close... My fixed air assets just hovering above them as they spawn are sitting ducks... Is there a way to make a second "player presence" active at your target area that would allow virtualized assets to spawn - thereby - having two sides represented in the planned battle location - while I'm still back at base with the troop insertion packages ??? If I'm at the base - there are usually no OPFOR there within the radius so from a performance standpoint I can afford to move the active battle (spawn) area somewhere else on the map and I arrive on scene to whatever mayhem results from the real battle...


    Thanks - LOL - I hope that was clear...





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  5. Hi Folks,

    Yeah - I checked the link on the "action" commands Jshock posted and I was drooling - OMG - there are so many cool things here to script that I haven't seen before - I'm hoping they're not all as broken as this... LOL - you would think whomever wrote the function would realize that someone using it would want to set it and forget it and not have to set it on every frame - just seems rather silly...

    I had kind of thought of trying what Pierre had posted - I think I'll try that first...

    The same few always seems to have the answers and take the time to to help - much appreciated... I really do search for answers before posting questions... LOL - this scripting thing is a little addicting... It's pretty satisfying to get something to work properly...


    OBTW: I was talking about logging for a debug in one of the threads - came up with this little diddy to speed debugging - instead of trying to read the microscopic chats, hints that vanish, or wading through a big log file... It works pretty well - just wish I could send it a CR somehow (\n\r) doesn't work - so I delimit instead...


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    7 hours ago, jshock said:




    (driver myHeli) action ["CollisionLightsOff",myHeli];



    Hi -  sorry - no joy when hello is in CARELESS - I tried:


    • this action ["CollisionLightOff", slick1];     // in helicopter INIT field (helicopter named slick1).
    • this action ["CollisionLightOff", slick1];     // in helicopter WP field (helicopter named slick1).
    • mav1 action ["CollisionLightOff", slick1];     // named the pilot mav1 (helicopter named slick1).




  7. Hi...


    Sorry for any misunderstanding - I thought I had read someone in the Vehicles post stating they thought they had the solution... Appreciate the interest - one and all...



    Not sure if the speed thing is causing this bit of strangeness ?


    In addition - the slicks (MH-60's, and UH-1Y) seem to have a different issue... They seem easily confused at MOVE waypoints - randomly circle - arbitrarily  - bounce up and down when landing - attempt to drop off troops kilometers from any UNLOAD or TRANSPORT UNLOAD waypoints - although they do maintain proper altitude... Again tested the same assets against Vanilla MH-80, 3CB Merlin, 3CB, Wildcat, CUP SH-60 - which all behave normally without the issues...




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  8. 2 hours ago, das attorney said:

    HI Scott,


    Could I ask, how are you observing the helis?  I ask because I have noticed an issue with my own mod (which doesn't include RHS assets); where if you go into spectator on a locally hosted server and view a heli with the "3PP Camera", then it climbs forever.  If you change it to free-view or use the splendid camera, then the heli stops climbing and resumes it's waypoints (Heisenberg in motion)!


    It doesn't occur if you are client on dedi viewing helis with 3rd person spectator cam.


    Anyway, it may be related/unrelated but I thought I'd mention it just in case.






    Thanks for the interest - yeah - nothing fancy - I'm just sitting in the gunner positions on the gunships and letting the AI fly it... Usually in the external view while testing it but I switch back and forth - not using any spectator mode though...



  9. Hi Folks,


    The team on the RHS helpdesk stated they are having trouble seeing the problem I reported a few posts up - would someone be willing to try a couple of simple missions and see if you see the issue... We can start with the perpetually climbing Sea Cobra's and Apache's as that's the quickest and easiest to see... Just hop in and start the mission... The scripts build the waypoints (Move, Careless, flyinHeight 50)...


    Make sure you don't have ACE or anything running...


    The 3CB guys stated they fixed the issue on their Apache but didn't post what was fixed...


    (3) Test Missions (Vanilla) ( RHS US Army) (RHS US Marines)



    Radio Trigger India launches the gunships.

    Radio Trigger Juliet issues an RTB for the gunships.

    Radio Trigger Alpha launches the slicks on insertion mission.


    The missions are identical except for the assets and you should see Vanilla is the only one that behaves properly...





