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Status Replies posted by scottb613
PART 2 Bonus feature
Now some are wondering why?! it has aquatic floats and Anti-submarine hardware, well when I play Multiplayer it's mainly OFPS BECTI, as for the Naval warfare aspect, it's as bleak as the few Naval mods out there, SO! I figure there must be some modders out, Vet ot amatuer would do a handful of Submarines Plus my drone. for those unfamilar with BECTI before going to battle, if ya want a vehicle ya gotta buy it and there are certain research levels before you can get an APC, MBT or a CUP Frigate. now for Submarines I figured the ranking should go like this:
What's aleady in is the good old SDVs and they are level.1;
Some may find these next choices odd but hear me out, for level 2 of naval factory I'd say the Balao-class & Type VIIc would be good Medium level Subs;
Type IIV
Now level 3 is a little more wacked out but so fun ya just gotta say "AH HELL, Why not!?!", and they play a part in my drone design, the first Submarine GIANTS of their time;
the renowned I-400 class Submarine Aircraft Carrier
I'd probably upgrade it's AAA to a bofors 37-40mm gun, it should be alble to carry two of my UAVs
next is a ghost of a Submarine:
Le Surcouf
The Surcouf was a Submarine Cruiser, armed with 8" guns and more torpedoes that a Peacock's tail! My interpretation is to have the AA upgraded to a Water-cooled 50.cal mount like this;
Level 4 we hit big nukes!;
The Los Angeles
& the Akula
not much to say, they make themselves fun to play and juicy target for my drone! Hope to see more Submarines in Ol' ARMA 3!!!!!