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Everything posted by scottb613

  1. scottb613

    [ALiVE, SP/COOP 1-20] Inshallah [Insurgency]

    Hi Hero, Happy to help - there must have been a few working as I clearly recall getting some supplies somewhere - maybe I was just lucky - ha ha... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. scottb613

    [ALiVE, SP/COOP 1-20] Inshallah [Insurgency]

    Hi Hero, Yep - I tried all the crates inside the bunker - I couldn't get any if them to work - maybe it's me... The inventory screens on the ammo crates all open up - I can see the contents - it's just none of it transfers... I could recruit AI at the site... No rush in any of this - I only get time for Arma here and there... Your dedication, help, and enthusiasm is really appreciated... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. scottb613

    [ALiVE, SP/COOP 1-20] Inshallah [Insurgency]

    Hi Hero, Been really enjoying your mission - I still haven't upgraded to the newest version as I need to download the new content... I'm still running the last version before the new content requirement... One question though - you seem to have three spawn points defined - the two airbases and the outpost... The outpost is well equipped like the air bases - however - I can't seem to utilize any of the ammo crates or supplies as I can at the airbases... I click on the inventory as I would anywhere else and none of the content is transferred... Is this by design or is this an issue with me and/or the mission ? Thanks... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. Hi... Ahh - thanks - I've been using the set a whole bunch - didn't know you could retrieve as well... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Hi Folks, Just curious - what's the default type (move, cycle, unload) for a waypoint you create via script but don't explicitly define a type to it ? Thanks... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Hi - yeah - I think that's one of "Grunts" missions - been having trouble myself - posted this a few weeks back - never noticed a response... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  7. scottb613

    [ALiVE, SP/COOP 1-20] Inshallah [Insurgency]

    Hi Hero, Ahh - it works for me - kind of nice seeing warfare from a different perspective than I'm used to (once the downloads are done)... The only thing I could definitively say looks futuristic in your mission are the vanilla chinook-like helicopters - which is where my question came from... Those big open 3CB combat vehicles (forget what they are called) are pretty darn cool - reminds me of the desert rats during WWII... Personally - would love to see someone do a present day South China Sea - US vs China on Tanoa mission - with all the bells and whistles... Don't know if there are enough Chinese assets though... I'll certainly keep an eye out for whatever you produce... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. scottb613

    [ALiVE, SP/COOP 1-20] Inshallah [Insurgency]

    Hi Hero, Thanks for the response - I'll give that a shot... I'll also download your new one and give that a shot as well... Was driving through the town and an insurgent started taking pot shots at me - had to jump out and track him down - very cool... Question - is all the British hardware real present day stuff or is it the Arma plausible futuristic equipment - not really up to speed on British armament although I know they favor bullpup rifle designs... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. scottb613

    [ALiVE, SP/COOP 1-20] Inshallah [Insurgency]

    HI Hero, Hah - finally got the mission to work without crashing - provably as you suspected - some of the mods being out of date... FYI on the last version - which you may already know - the resupply helicopters arrive in a huge mass - and the demolition derby ensues (limitation of alive)... Question - when playing single player - is there some way to assemble an AI team to work with the player ? Thanks for all you do !!! Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. Hi Folks, For today's question for those who have the patience - LOL - I truly search for the answers and make many attempts with the code before posting... What's the proper way to append to an array ? The code below is simply testing for the existence of a "marker" - and if it exists - I want an array of the marker names... I've tried many different iterations trying to get this to work... At one point I was building an array of "position arrays" but var array was losing the position reference - so three positions were giving me a "count" of 9 reflecting each element as opposed to the position arrays - should give me 3... Now I can't even get past the "count" command as it appears to hang the code - I am assuming because my array is mangled... Can someone point me in the right direction ??? The wiki stated that an array destroys the original array when appending elements so I am not sure if I can use the same array in the definition when appending - such as: _myArray = _myArray + [newElement1,newElement2,newElement3]; Thanks... _m1 = getMarkerPos "m1"; _m2 = getMarkerPos "m2"; _m3 = getMarkerPos "m3"; _m4 = getMarkerPos "m4"; _m5 = getMarkerPos "m5"; _m6 = getMarkerPos "m6"; _mkrnam1 = "m1"; _mkrnam2 = "m2"; _mkrnam3 = "m3"; _mkrnam4 = "m4"; _mkrnam5 = "m5"; _mkrnam6 = "m6"; _cnt = 1; { _arrvar = call compile format ["_m%1",_cnt]; _mkXpam = _arrvar select 0; _mkYpam = _arrvar select 1; if (_mkXpam > 0 || _mkYpam > 0) then { if (_cnt == 1) then { _mkrarr = _x; } else { // example: _myArray = _myArray + [newElement1,newElement2,newElement3]; _mkrarr1 = _mkrarr; _mkrarr2 = _x; _mkrarr = _mkrarr1 + _mkrarr2; }; _mkrcnt = count _mkrarr; _cnt = _cnt + 1; }; } foreach [_mkrnam1,_mkrnam2,_mkrnam3,_mkrnam4,_mkrnam5,_mkrnam6]; Regards, Scott
  11. Hi Folks, Thank you both for your responses - gives me plenty to play with - have a good day... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. Hi G, LOL and here we see the difference between a real coder and a hack - everything I've been struggling with condensed into a single line of code... Wow - thanks... So empty arrays need to be declared like this: _existingMarkers = []; Does this do anything different than just trying to populate a var with an array element ? Thanks... Regards, Scott
  13. Hi Folks, RE: Vanilla What do you need to do to enable options in the "Support" window for a platoon leader ? I've added both the platoon and artillery - tried syncing them - yet no options show up when I press "8" as the platoon leader... Thanks... Regards, Scott
  14. Hi Folks, I know how to do the loop and increment counters and such - however - how do I increment the name of a "variable" on each run through the loop ? _var1, _var2, _var3, _varx ??? If I use the "format" command trying to create the var name - it turns it into a "string" instead of a var - no ? Thanks... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  15. Thanks Grumpy - I'll give it a shot... The distilled version of what I'm trying to do for markers (m1-m6)... I'm on my iPad so I can't test now but I think this may be close... _wpcnt = 0; _m0 = getpos _slick; _helogrp = _slick; { _formstr = call compile format ["_m%1",_wpcnt]; _wpplus = _wpcnt + 1; _formend = call compile format ["_m%1",_wpplus]; _wpform = [_formdis,_formoff,_formstr,_formend] call _ScoHeloWp; _wpslik = _helogrp addWaypoint [_wpform,0]; _wpcnt = _wpcnt + 1; } foreach [_m1, _m2, _m3, _m4, _m5, _m6]; Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  16. Hi Folks, Sure - the gist of this is to launch (4) troop laden slicks to an LZ - empty the slicks - and they return to base... I am working on adding a feature where you can add up to six markers to create a user defined path to the LZ... So I'm trying to increment the various vars holding defined waypoints as I loop through it... This part is not working yet... This is my first attempt at Arma scripting - so I'm certainly open to feedback... I'm looking at that BIS function - I'm not sure I understand what it's doing - I'll read it a few more times.... Appreciate the help... //============================// // SLICKS - SCO Launch Script // //============================// // Given: Helicopters preloaded with infantry squads - units named in assets. // Given: Helicopters will assault LZ with defined helipads - drop troops - RTB to home helipads. // Assets: (s1 - player) // Assets: (slick1 - slick helo) (slick2 - slick helo) (slick3 - slick helo) (slick4 - slick helo) // Assets: (chalk1 - inf squad) (chalk2 - inf squad) (chalk3 - inf squad) (chalk4 - inf squad) // Assets: (LzPad1 - lz hpad) (LzPad2 - lz hpad) (LzPad3 - lz hpad) (LzPad4 - lz hpad) // Assets: (BsPad1 - base hpad) (BsPad2 - base hpad) (BsPad3 - base hpad) (BsPad4 - base hpad) hint "Slicks GO"; private ["_slkG1","_slkG2","_slkG3","_slkG4","_lzPad1","_lzPad2","_lzPad3","_lzPad4","_bsPad1","_bsPad2","_bsPad3","_bsPad4","_wplz","_wpip","_wpul","_wpmv","_wpbs","_arrX","_arrY","_arrZ","_arrXn","_arrYn","_wpslk1","_wpslk2","_wpslk3","_chktmp","_chkG1","_chkG2","_chkG3","_chkG4","_strlnd","_strhgt","_wpchk1","_wpchk2","_ipdis","_ipoff","_ScoHeloWp","_dist","_offs","_strp","_endp","_head","_mkrman","_mkrcnt","_mkrarr","_mkXpam","_mkYpam","_m1","_m2","_m3","_m4","_m5","_m6"]; // var - slick groups // _slkG1 = group slick1; _slkG2 = group slick2; _slkG3 = group slick3; _slkG4 = group slick4; // var - chalk groups // _chkG1 = group chalk1; _chkG2 = group chalk2; _chkG3 = group chalk3; _chkG4 = group chalk4; // var - lz landing pads // _lzPad1 = getPos LzPad1; _lzPad2 = getPos LzPad2; _lzPad3 = getPos LzPad3; _lzPad4 = getPos LzPad4; // var - waypoints // _wplz = nil; _wpip = nil; _wpul = nil; _wpmv = nil; _wpbs = nil; _wpslk1 = nil; _wpslk2 = nil; _wpslk3 = nil; _wpchk1 = nil; _wpchk2 = nil; // var - home landing pads // _bsPad1 = getPos BsPad1; _bsPad2 = getPos BsPad2; _bsPad3 = getPos BsPad3; _bsPad4 = getPos BsPad4; // var - direction/distance from LZ to BASE for IP // _ipdis = nil; // var - position array // _arrX = nil; _arrY = nil; _arrZ = nil; _arrXn = nil; _arrYn = nil; //var - position calculations // _head = nil; _dist = nil; _offs = nil; _strp = nil; _endp = nil; // var - manual marker positions // _mkrman = 0; _mkrcnt = 0; _mkrarr = nil; _mkXpam = nil; _mkYpam = nil; _m0 = nil; _m1 = getMarkerPos "m1"; _m2 = getMarkerPos "m2"; _m3 = getMarkerPos "m3"; _m4 = getMarkerPos "m4"; _m5 = getMarkerPos "m5"; _m6 = getMarkerPos "m6"; sleep 10; // func - calulate positions - args [distance, angle offset, start point, end point] // _ScoHeloWp = { _dist = _this select 0; _offs = _this select 1; _strp = _this select 2; _endp = _this select 3; _arrX = _endp select 0; _arrY = _endp select 1; _arrZ = _endp select 2; _head = [_endp, _strp] call BIS_fnc_dirTo; _head = _head + _offs; if (_head > 360) then {_head = _head - 360}; if (_head < 0) then {_head = _head + 360}; _arrXn = ((sin _head) * _dist) + _arrX; _arrYn = ((cos _head) * _dist) + _arrY; [_arrXn,_arrYn,_arrZ]; }; // test for the existance of manual waypoints - m1,m2,m3,m4,m5,m6 // { _mkXpam = _x select 0; _mkYpam = _x select 1; if ((_mkXpam > 0 || _mkYpam > 0) && _mkrman == 0) then { _mkrarr = _mkrarr + _x; _mkrman = 1; }; } foreach [_m1,_m2,_m3,_m4,_m5,_m6]; // array of manual markers // _mkrcnt = count _mkrarr; // slick delete all waypoints // while {(count (waypoints _x)) > 0} do { deleteWaypoint ((waypoints _x) select 0); }; // troop delete all waypoints // while {(count (waypoints _chktmp)) > 0} do { deleteWaypoint ((waypoints _chktmp) select 0); }; { // get slick LZ and Base waypoint - get respective troop var // switch (_x) do { case _slkG1: { _wplz = _lzPad1; _wpbs = _bsPad1; _chktmp = _chkG1; _strlnd = "slick1 land 'LAND'"; _strhgt = "slick1 flyInHeight 20"; _formdis = 25; _formoff = 180; }; case _slkG2: { _wplz = _lzPad2; _wpbs = _bsPad2; _chktmp = _chkG2; _strlnd = "slick2 land 'LAND'"; _strhgt = "slick2 flyInHeight 20"; _formdis = 25; _formoff = 45; }; case _slkG3: { _wplz = _lzPad3; _wpbs = _bsPad3; _chktmp = _chkG3; _strlnd = "slick3 land 'LAND'"; _strhgt = "slick3 flyInHeight 20"; _formdis = 25; _formoff = -45; }; case _slkG4: { _wplz = _lzPad4; _wpbs = _bsPad4; _chktmp = _chkG4; _strlnd = "slick4 land 'LAND'"; _strhgt = "slick4 flyInHeight 20"; _formdis = 25; _formoff = 0; }; }; // if manual waypoint exist - else auto waypoint // if (_mkrcnt > 0) then { _counter = 0; _m0 = getpos _x; _helogrp = _x; _formstr = _m0; _formend = _m1; { _wpform = [_formdis,_formoff,_formstr,_formend] call _ScoHeloWp; _wpslik = _helogrp addWaypoint [_wpform,0]; _counter = _counter + 1; } foreach _mkrarr; } else { // get LZ position and break down array // _arrX = _wplz select 0; _arrY = _wplz select 1; _arrZ = _wplz select 2; // get slick IP waypoint - bearing relative to start posit - COS and SIN reversed for BIS // _ipoff = -50; _wpip = [_ipdis,_ipoff,_wpbs,_wplz] call _ScoHeloWp; // create slick waypoints // _wpslk1 = _x addWaypoint [_wpip,0]; _wpslk2 = _x addWaypoint [_wplz,0]; _wpslk3 = _x addWaypoint [_wpbs,0]; _wpslk1 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wpslk2 setWaypointType "TR UNLOAD"; _wpslk2 setWaypointSpeed "LIMITED"; _wpslk3 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wpslk3 setWaypointSpeed "NORMAL"; _wpslk3 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; _wpslk3 setWaypointCompletionRadius 50; _wpslk3 setWaypointStatements ["true", _strlnd]; }; // get troops UNLOAD waypoint // _arrXn = _arrX + 5; _wpul = [_arrXn,_arrY,_arrZ]; // get troops MOVE waypoint // _arrXn = _arrX - 50; _arrYn = _arrY + 50; _wpmv = [_arrXn,_arrYn,_arrZ]; // create troops waypoints // _wpchk1 = _chktmp addWaypoint [_wpul,0]; _wpchk2 = _chktmp addWaypoint [_wpmv,0]; _wpchk1 setWaypointType "GETOUT"; _wpchk2 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wpchk2 setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT"; _wpchk2 setWaypointSpeed "LIMITED"; _wpchk2 setWaypointFormation "WEDGE"; // sync unload waypoints - helo and troops // _wpslk2 synchronizeWaypoint _wpchk1; // sleep for spacing of slicks // sleep 15; } foreach [_slkG1, _slkG2, _slkG3, _slkG4]; Regards,Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  17. HI Folks, Hmm - yeah - I think "compile" will do the trick - I've also just seen it referenced preceded by "call"... The wiki is a bit vague though... Yeah - I'm just trying to increment the variable name... The first time through the loop I want to use "_moo1" - the second time through the loop I want to use "_moo2" and so on... Let me try this - much appreciated - gents... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  18. Hi Folks, OK - school was a long time ago - yet I think my math is correct... This is my first attempt at Arma scripting and I am trying to make a medium sized air assault compatible with both Arma 2 and Arma 3 (hooked on the old Unsung)... I'm trying to identify a good IP (_wpip) some distance prior to the LZ (_wplz) when an air assault is inbound from BASE (_wpbs)... After marking the point with green smoke - it's very apparent the point I am calculating doesn't seem to be anywhere near being inline between the BASE and LZ... I did read not to use radians - that COS and SIN just take the actual angle as input... Any idea where I went wrong - as I said school was a long time ago ??? // var - LZ pad and BASE pad // _wplz = getPos LzPad; _wpbs = getPos BsPad1; // var - direction/distance from LZ to BASE for IP // _disip = 250; _dirip = nil; // get LZ position and break down array // _arrX = _wplz select 0; _arrY = _wplz select 1; _arrZ = _wplz select 2; // get slick IP waypoint - bearing relative to start posit // _dirip = [_wplz, _wpbs] call BIS_fnc_dirTo; _arrXn = ((cos _dirip) * _disip) + _arrX; _arrYn = ((sin _dirip) * _disip) + _arrY; _wpip = [_arrXn,_arrYn,_arrZ]; // green smoke for identifying position // _1Rnd_SmokeGreen_GP25 = "G_40mm_SmokeGreen" createVehicle _wpip; Thanks... Regards, Scott
  19. scottb613

    DirTo X/Y COS/TAN

    Hi - thanks kid - yeah - each new thing I try to do has me searching the wiki for functions that allow me to complete the task at hand - appreciate the pointers - I'll take a gander... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. scottb613

    DirTo X/Y COS/TAN

    Hi Folks, Please disregard - I found a reference where BIS did it a bit bass ackwards - you need to swap the SIN/COS functions from normal use to accommodate... _arrXn = ((sin _dirip) * _disip) + _arrX; _arrYn = ((cos _dirip) * _disip) + _arrY; Regards,Scott
  21. Hi Folks, Thanks for the help !!! Regards, Scott
  22. Hi Folks, Now THAT's what I'm talking about - really nice to see teams sharing assets - way to go all involved - and yep - the M14 is my favorite... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  23. Hi Folks, Been plagued with an issue attempting to have a helicopter automatically sequence through multiple waypoints... It just doesn't seem possible - if a helicopter has more than one waypoint defined - it seems to go to the first waypoint and hovers indefinately... Do I have to script each waypoint to be the "current" waypoint to handle more than one ? I've tried this in the editor and external sqf scripts... Any help appreciated - as I've spent countless hours on this... Regards, Scott
  24. Hi Folks, Just to close this out - yep - definitely appears to ASR-AI - when removed from the mix - helicopters went back to sequencing waypoints as expected... Thanks... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  25. Hi, I think I may have figured this out – I've been working on it for weeks while programming my first scripts. It may have been ASR-AI - when I removed it the helicopters seemed to behave better - it was late and more testing is needed. Thanks for the response – I'll let you know how I make out. Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk