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Everything posted by MarkCode82

  1. 1. Anyone Attempted to Write a fully fledged pathfinding algorithm? such as BSF, Dijkstra algorithm, or the following. 2. Has anyone been able to define new positions inside buildings? To where AI can go? 3. Why do AI shoot at a player in the street stupidly, no matter what AI code is used?
  2. In a nutshell execVM does this. -> compile PreProcessFileLineNumbers spawn { "myFunc".sqf"} spawn is done first with func = compile PreProcessFileLineNumbers "myFunc.sqf"; [] spawn func;
  3. onEachFrame { drawIcon3D ["TacVision\images\texture.paa", [1,0,1,1], getPosASL cursorTarget, 1, 1, 0, "Target", 1, 0.05, "PuristaLight"]; }; It was converted from a .png to a paa yes the directory exists and yes the image exists but the game says Warning Message: Cannot load texture tacvision\images\texture.paa.
  4. MarkCode82

    MP security

    If you are going to that extent you should use cfgFunctions
  5. MarkCode82

    MP security

    Want fairly random strings? use toString with rounded random numbers. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/toString
  6. MarkCode82

    Observer Remote spam RPT

    This is related to the server dispatching too many maxMsgSends. As a result packets are dropped by the client when they match the previous packet. Hence the last message was repeated within 60 seconds.
  7. There is actually multiple methods for this discussed at length here. http://www.ofpec.com/tutorials/index.php?action=show&mode=new&id=287 Your AI-city could be run via call compileFinal PreprocessFileLineNumbers "ai_city.sqf"; This gives you all the capability of compiling it along with a more "secure hack protected" code. but it throws away the result of the function. saving memory.
  8. Closest language to SQF is probably Java and C smashed together. ArmA 3 uses a Virtual Machine interpreter much like Java. Except I don't think arma 3 does Byte code conversion. And I'll stick with compiling all my code purely for the reason of anti-hack protection builtin into it.
  9. You could also use. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_findNestedElement
  10. You can also use deleteAt or deleteRange. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/deleteRange https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/deleteAt
  11. Thats what I use, I have begun re-writing I&A for scability beyond what it currently can do. Such as ambient AO caches from enemies players can take advantage of etc.
  12. MarkCode82

    Arma 3 being upgrade to 64 bit

    Holy crap 2016 and we are still saying the game needs optimisation huh? Am I missing something here? I thought ArmA 3 Beta was the mass optimisation stage?
  13. Yeah but pre-compiling accelerates the functions execution. E.g I&A has an AO script thats run every cycle. Because it's being repeatedly used I set it to a cfgFunctions Pre-compiled function. Hell I compile ALL my code. Not a single bit is run via execVM.
  14. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_ObjectsMapper https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_objectsGrabber Thats the custom compositions.
  15. MarkCode82

    Headless Client Refusal to connect.

    I worked it out. He connected. We had him attempting to connect on the wrong server-instance and port. All good now. Also added the local DNS loopback and our servers actual LAN IP which is actually a public IP.
  16. start /affinity FF -client -connect= -config=hc.cfg -cfg=basic.cfg "-profiles=C:\Users\*REDACTED*\Desktop\Experimental Server\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\HC_Profile" Our headless client is run from a multiple ip off 1 server. The HC won't create or connect to it's respective slot. server.cfg \/ localClient[]={,}; headlessClients[]={,}; battleyeLicense=1; We also use FireDaemon to start our servers.
  17. MarkCode82

    Headless Client Refusal to connect.

    The server doesn't have a Lan-IP it has a DNS of and I'm assuming thats what you mean? I've only ever worked with Class C subnets. http://www.weird.com/~woods/classc.html Aka your normal home routers.
  18. MarkCode82

    Headless Client Refusal to connect.

    I didn't have issues wither with my own machine HC started fine. It's just going from a Dedicated unit It won't work at all. They connected did everything right on my own local machine it's just OUR dedicated box thats having a hissy fit. Werthles HC is what we are using. But it shouldn't matter if a HC mission is loaded or not he should still connect to the dedicated server. And wait for a slot.
  19. MarkCode82

    Headless Client Refusal to connect.

    yeah it just keep hanging doing nothing we've got 4 different IP's on the 1 box. 1. x.x.x.x 2. x.x.x.x 3. x.x.x.x 4. x.x.x.x All different IP.s but on the same subnet. Just comes up with "Dedicated Client created" then does nothing.
  20. First instance I've seen Calculus used in arma 3. Impressive work.
  21. MarkCode82

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    My Zeus AI is getting mowed down and, they have a literal spastic. One AI was watching an Ifrit... The dumb stupid AI switched his weapon from the missile launcher to his rifle 20 time before finally reacting and firing his PCML after that it was too damn late and he was dead. Zeus AI are useless... And I am getting aimbotted from across the map nearly 400M with an MG this is infuriating. Took 5 platoons to the enemy CSAT and they still died and lost. Total rubbish. Something is wrong with BLUFORS AI. It plain can't even shoot.
  22. MarkCode82

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    On the note for moving objects around. Why don't you just enable Zeus on the fobs position and create a "limited editing area" for "Empty" objects? Allowing us to move objects around etc. and not worry about your clipping issues. This way you get the full ability to use Zeus's ability to move objects around., and stack things etc.
  23. As of remoteExec and remoteExecCalls introduction? Are they still of use?
  24. MarkCode82

    BMR Insurgency

    @Jigsor do I have permission to re-write your Insurgency mission and rebrand it? But retaining your credits? I'm going to move all the code to cfgFunctions.hpp and replace bandwidth hogging publicVariables with remoteExec remoteExecCall ? And probably re-do the tasks handler with the arma 3 Tasks Overhal.