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Everything posted by MarkCode82

  1. MarkCode82

    Binary Search Algorithm.

    private ["_locTypeArr", "_islandNamesArr"]; _locTypeArr = [ "CityCenter", "NameCity", "NameCityCapital", "NameLocal", "NameMarine", "NameVillage" ]; _islandNamesArr = []; _locPosArr = []; _locNamePosArr = []; [_locTypeArr,[],true] call bis_fnc_locations; _nearbyLocations = nearestLocations [getPos player, text _locTypeArr, 100000]; for "_i" from 0 to (count _nearbyLocations)-1 do { _location = _nearbyLocations select _i; _locationName = text _location; _locationPos = locationPosition _location; _locPosArr set [count _locPosArr, _locationPos]; _islandNamesArr set [count _islandNamesArr, _locationName]; _locNamePosArr set [count _locNamePosArr, _locationName]; _locNamePosArr set [count _locNamePosArr, _locationPos]; }; copyToClipboard (str (_locNamePosArr)); /* _locTypeArr = [ "CityCenter", "NameCity", "NameCityCapital", "NameLocal", "NameMarine", "NameVillage" ]; */ The above is the data that was generated to be searched, I counted at least 100 elements in the array.
  2. You'll probably find the mass exists, but not in the scripting space. More likely the .dll and C++ space. Same place NKEY stores the power values for TFAR.
  3. Contains a Virus Trojan downloader called FLV Downloader. Embedded Use Eliteness. Also code theft is a mute point, as most people I know who have stolen code, wouldn't know how to put two bricks together they're that stupid.
  4. You've got to access the value using a config entry retrieval. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/configFile _config = configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> "M_Titan_AT" >> "thrust"; _pullThrustEntry = getNumber _config; That should pull the data you want.
  5. This is what I am assuming it is. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Config_Properties_Megalist#thrust A conclusion you could have drawn based on arma 3's PhysX library usage. Google: "Thrust PhysX Projectile"
  6. Parabolic trajectory calculations and the etc. Are 4th degree equations. They can't be simplified. They require Calculus.
  7. MarkCode82

    Terrible Frame Rate on Windows 10

    To be blunt. The missions you are playing are probably written like junk duct taped together.
  8. MarkCode82

    Arma 3 Why you no respawn button!

    in description.ext respawn = "BASE"; respawn_west any type of marker you like name it respawn_west1, respawn_west2 etc. You will also need. respawnTemplates[] = {"MenuInventory","MenuPosition"}; This will give you load outs and you can click the "respawn button". https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Respawn
  9. MarkCode82

    Mixed Questions.

    Computational feasibility. I understand.
  10. MarkCode82

    Mixed Questions.

    Okay number 3. What do military personal do in real life? They come under fire, find the closest cover. After discerning where the fire is coming from hide behind and inside buildings? We watch what happens with Opfor or Blufor run out in the street shoot at you in the street just standing there, their immediate reaction should be the following: 1. Goto Hardcover first. (Rocks,Buildings,Houses, Ditches etc.) 2. Goto Softcover second. (Trees, some metal walls, glass window buildings etc.) 3. Once they know where the enemy is they could perform 3 basic flanking tactics (Left Flank, Right Flank, Double Flank (Left and Right). 4. From there they would return to searching and moving from house to house. If a player is inside a house, and they've got them, move in block front and back door, kill player, setup position return to 1. From 4 setup position if the enemy is directly opposite to the house setup fire superiority into the enemy on the other side with heavy weapons. If you have 2 teams flanking (Double flank) you can put them in a pincer where one team is on 1 side flanking to left and 1 to right, jamming the enemy team in the middle. From here you can have a support team take a Single Left or Right flank come around from behind the currently occupied enemy and neutralist them. Single or Double Envelope is what it is called.
  11. And are computed from initial set value of 0.1 on all initArray = []; diag_log "-----------------------------------------------------"; _skillTypesArray = [ "aimingAccuracy", "aimingShake", "aimingSpeed", "endurance", "spotDistance", "spotTime", "courage", "reloadSpeed", "commanding", "general"]; _myAI = cursorTarget; { initArray pushBack (_myAI skillFinal _x); diag_log format ["%1: %2",_x,(initArray select _forEachIndex)]; } forEach _skillTypesArray; diag_log "-----------------------------------------------------"; Output of the snippet: "-----------------------------------------------------" "aimingAccuracy: 0.1" "aimingShake: 0.1" "aimingSpeed: 0.59" "endurance: 0.18" "spotDistance: 0.236" "spotTime: 0.126" "courage: 0.18" "reloadSpeed: 0.18" "commanding: 0.18" "general: 0.18" "-----------------------------------------------------"
  12. MarkCode82


    Appreciate the help hover guy.
  13. MarkCode82


    And that is exactly what I did the files directory is inside the documents \ user folder. ArmA appears to have an issue with it. nvm some strange UI issue. It's fixed. It was not related to what I did. Probably overlooked when trying to fix it myself, and was tired.
  14. MarkCode82


    Thats extremely condescending. That: Returns this: "C:\Users\Username\Documents\ArmA 3 Profile Logs\Users\MarkCode82\mpmissions\DevelopmentFramework.Altis\" For your information for those who saw a need to basically call me an idiot, the file was being run from within a User local directory. It appears arma 3 doesn't consider that a "relative directory" e.g Documents. But I appreciate the insults thank you.
  15. MarkCode82


    Nope still a no go with full path retrival c:\users\username\documents\arma 3 profile logs\users\Markcode\mpmissions\development%20framework.altis\tacvision\images\texture.paa.
  16. MarkCode82


    Attempted with the mission root. mpmissions\developmentframework.altis\tacvision\images\texture.paa onEachFrame {drawIcon3D ["mpmissions\DevelopmentFramework.Altis\TacVision\images\texture.paa", [1,1,1,0.4], getPos cursorTarget, 1, 1, 45, "Target", 1, 0.05, "PuristaMedium"]; }; Nope still did not work
  17. MarkCode82


    tried both 64 x 64 and 128 x 128
  18. MarkCode82

    Dialog issues

    Sorry thank you.
  19. comnon.hpp dialog.hpp TV_fnc_getCurrentCompasHeading // TacVision (Tactical Vision) // fnc_getCurrentCompassHeading.sqf // 2014 - Spliffz <theSpliffz@gmail.com> // get current compass heading //TacVision_getCurrentCompassHeading = { private ["_dir", "_hud", "_ui", "_this"]; // disableSerialization; _ui = _this select 0; _hud = _this select 1; while {true} do { _dir = direction player; _heading = [_dir] call TacVision_compassDegreesToString; _strArr = [_Heading]; _parseThis = parseText format ["<t align='center' size='0.7'> Heading: %1 </t> ",_dir]; hud ctrlSetStructuredText parseText _parseThis; hud ctrlCommit 0; }; //}; // EOF TV_fnc_getCurrentGPSGridPos // TacVision (Tactical Vision) // fnc_getCurrentGPSGridPos.sqf // 2014 - Spliffz <theSpliffz@gmail.com> private ["_pos", "_hud", "_ui", "_this"]; // disableSerialization; _ui = _this select 0; _hud = _this select 1; while {true} do { _pos = mapGridPosition player; //_hud = _ui displayCtrl _hud; _hud ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format ["<t align='center' size='0.6'> GPS: %1</t>",_pos]; _hud ctrlCommit 0; //sleep 0.03; }; // EOF TV_fnc_compassDir // TacVision (Tactical Vision) // fnc_getCurrentCompassHeading.sqf // 2014 - Spliffz <theSpliffz@gmail.com> // get current compass heading //TacVision_getCurrentCompassHeading = { private ["_dir", "_hud", "_ui", "_this","_parseThis"]; // disableSerialization; _ui = _this select 0; _hud = _this select 1; while {true} do { _dir = direction player; _parseThis = format ["<t align='center' size='0.7'> CDir: %1 </t>", round(_dir)]; _hud ctrlSetStructuredText parseText _parseThis; _hud ctrlCommit 0; }; The GUI won't update on any of the other elements. Including GPS Why? But current Dir updates fine.
  20. MarkCode82

    Dialog issues

    Yeah but this is designed for many people to use? When I did that I took away a lot of FPS? I thought call remained in the current thread? ohhhh... waiting for a return. Never going further.... makes sense. How can I stop this taking a hit of FPS? add sleeps?
  21. MarkCode82

    Dialog issues

    Last time I did that it flooded the scheduler... How can I prevent the while {true} locking up the entire code?
  22. MarkCode82

    Dialog issues

    They are called from within: // TacVision (Tactical Vision) // tacVision_init.sqf // 2014 - Spliffz <theSpliffz@gmail.com> if (isDedicated) exitWith {}; private ["_ui", "_hud"]; disableSerialization; _ui = uiNamespace getVariable "tacVision_HUD"; // compass _hud = _ui displayCtrl 21600; _hud ctrlSetFade 0; _hud ctrlCommit 0; [_ui, _hud] call TacVision_fnc_compassDir; // wind bearing _hud = _ui displayCtrl 21300; _hud ctrlSetFade 0; _hud ctrlCommit 0; [_ui, _hud] call TacVision_getCurrentWindDirection; /* // wind strenght _hud = _ui displayCtrl 17112; _hud ctrlSetFade 0; _hud ctrlCommit 0; [_ui, _hud] spawn TacVision_getCurrentWindStrength; */ // GPS grid pos _hud = _ui displayCtrl 21500; _hud ctrlSetFade 0; _hud ctrlCommit 0; [_ui, _hud] call TacVision_getCurrentGPSGrid; // current time _hud = _ui displayCtrl 21200; _hud ctrlSetFade 0; _hud ctrlCommit 0; [_ui, _hud] call TacVision_getCurrentTime; // current SW Radio Channels _hud = _ui displayCtrl 21700; _hud ctrlSetFade 0; _hud ctrlCommit 0; [_ui,_hud] call TacVision_fnc_getRadioChannelSR; // current LW Radio Channels _hud = _ui displayCtrl 21800; _hud ctrlSetFade 0; _hud ctrlCommit 0; [_ui,_hud] call TacVision_fnc_getRadioChannelLR; // current Player Heading String _hud = _ui displayCtrl 21900; _hud ctrlSetFade 0; _hud ctrlCommit 0; [_ui,_hud] call TacVision_compassHeading; Which is spawn'd from: // TacVision (Tactical Vision) // tacVision_init.sqf // 2014 - Spliffz <theSpliffz@gmail.com> // only run locally on player if (isDedicated) exitWith {}; //if!(local player) exitWith {}; waitUntil {!isNull findDisplay 46}; // disableSerialization; TacVision_enabled = false; TacVision_enabledGlasses = ["G_Tactical_Clear","G_Tactical_Black"]; // if player already has the tactical glasses on if(((goggles player) in TacVision_enabledGlasses)) then { // start TacVision TacVision_enabled = true; // show hud overlay // createDialog "tacVisor"; [] spawn TacVision_init_startup; 48101 cutRsc ["tacVisor_HUD", "PLAIN", 1, false]; // start functions } else { // if not, but player puts them on player addEventHandler ["Take", { if(((_this select 2) in TacVision_enabledGlasses)) then { diag_log format ["## TacVision ## - tacVision_init.sqf - Take EH - HAS GOGGLES!"]; // start TacVision TacVision_enabled = true; [] spawn TacVision_init_startup; // show hud overlay 48100 cutRsc ["tacVisor_HUD", "PLAIN", 1, false]; }; }]; }; // take of glasses, disable TacVision player addEventHandler ["Put", { diag_log format ["## TacVision ## - tacVision_init.sqf - PUT EH - _this: %1", _this]; if((_this select 2) in TacVision_enabledGlasses) then { // start TacVision TacVision_enabled = false; // show hud overlay 48100 cutRsc ["Default", "PLAIN", 1, false]; }; }]; the defines are accessed like the following from the description.ext #include "TacVision\tacticalVisor.hpp" #include "TacVision\common.hpp" but says RscText member already defined