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Everything posted by MarkCode82

  1. MarkCode82

    setSlingLoad Error

    _slingableBoolean = this canSlingload c1; this setSlingLoad c1; ? Also not sure why you need to check if it can slingLoad? you have no if statement etc? This would make more sense? if (this canSlingLoad c1) then { this setSlingLoad c1; }:
  2. MarkCode82

    Help With a Few Bugs

    Post it in code please? See the little < > in posts drop your code in that add starting line as 0 PHP / Generic is fine.
  3. MarkCode82

    (Permanently Erased)

    I talk to Dwarden on IRC regularly but he has been occupied.
  4. MarkCode82

    UAV on Standby?

    create it in the sky have it fly in from a distance that wouldn't be obvious
  5. MarkCode82

    Arma vanilla Artillery Fire?

    de-pbo the files? the functions_f? and the artilery module? Find out how it works? I think you are allowed to do this purely for learning purpose, but publishing,posting etc. Is a no-no. (Your eyes only) Learn't more how to script from armas own files than anything else.
  6. MarkCode82

    AI Arty Btty (supported)

    Please read: https://forums.bistudio.com/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules No spam or advertising:
  7. MarkCode82

    AI reveal/doTarget problem

    Software engineering? There is numerous places you can read about on the net, excluding wikipedia.
  8. I was thinking about exploiting the helicopters new lift scripts / rope https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ropeCreate https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ropeAttachTo https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/enableRopeAttach https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ropeLength https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ropeDestroy Would probably work on fast-roping scripts as well
  9. Multiple helicopters carrying 1 object that would otherwise be too heavy for a single Huron? Has it been done yet?
  10. Re-factoring for Multiplayer scripting guide. Planned Contents: 1. Old Network scripting (You may need to take apart someones elses scripts) 2. New Network scripting (Cleaner tidier better)
  11. One of the many problems with undocumented AI platforms... Try T8's AI script. Very nicely done, although some of the dynamic code, could present possible issues.
  12. MarkCode82

    AI reveal/doTarget problem

    yeah VBS 3.0 is very different from ArmA 3, a lot of commands in VBS 3,0 are not present in arma 3. My Machine is massive lets say that. It involves having a Corsair 900D Supertower case and A thermltake F6 Commander fancontroller and Noctua NF-A14 x 3 IP 67 fans and NF-F12 x 3 IP 67 connected to the F6 fan controller. Each 2000RPM each with stablising rubber standoffs.
  13. Already writing it now. Question is, should it be released in chunks? or as a whole?
  14. MarkCode82

    AI reveal/doTarget problem

    Is this a piece of networking code? Or is it just single player? Also a point to bring up, make it easier on yourself, and not do this... _logic = createGroup west createUnit ["Logic", [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"]; There should be only 1 statement per line in scripts at anyone time. Concatenating 2 or more different commands at once can, be a pain to read. Even for the writer. What constitutes a statement? https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Statement Somewhere something is preventing your AI being aware of the position update. Need more information, if the mission is multiplayer or not? Tried making sure each thing returns what it is supposed to? Print / hint / systemChat / diag_log format [ "%1",_someValue]; ? First thing I do if something isn't working I take note of the code I place this in it. { _initiation = [_x,_burstSize,_marker,_target,[_areaSizeX,_areaSizeY],_index] spawn MIL_fnc_SBF_Mission_Initiation; diag_log format ["Line Number %1 \n Variable _Shooters %2",__LINE__,_shooters]; } forEach _shooters; Make sure they actually exist, see your problem is somewhere between. _logic setPos [(_xPos - _areaSizeX) + (random (_areaSizeX*2)),(_yPos - _areaSizeY) + (random (_areaSizeY*2)),_zPos]; sleep 0.1; _unit doWatch objNull; _unit reveal [_logic,4]; _unit doWatch _logic; _unit doTarget _logic; And the top of the page, I can't really help beyond some debugging methods sorry no PC, yet my new one is on the way though.
  15. MarkCode82

    AI reveal/doTarget problem

    What sort of logic? Can we have the entire script please?
  16. MarkCode82

    (Permanently Erased)

    Direct Answer from a BIS dev would be nice to clear this all up.
  17. Agreed They're minor but important things. Moderators feel free to close this page it's not needed.
  18. How can I go about creating a custom config file to store values for my script to call onto? And eliminate variable definitions completely from outside the script, instead just plug and play? e e.g could I do this? class RSSysParams { class InitialWeather { title = "Initial weather"; values[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5}; texts[] = {"Clear","Sunny","Cloudy","Foggy","Stormy","Severe"}; default = 2; }; }; _config = configFile "RSSysParams\InitialWeather"; _configEntry = getArray (_config); ? nvm reverse engineering Altis Life showed me how to do it.
  19. Have an account on MediaWiki. Tried logging in on arma 3 no work. it seems like the wiki has been locked. At this time.
  20. Create Account button is missing from: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Special:SpecialPages Login button blank next to it where Create Account would be https://community.bistudio.com/wiki?title=Special:UserLogin&returnto=Main+Page&type=signup You do not have permission to create this user account, for the following reason: The action you have requested is limited to users in the group: Administrators.