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Posts posted by en3x

  1. On 7/3/2022 at 1:16 AM, =jps=sgtrock said:

    I have to admit, I have a hard time understanding why this capability wasn't built right into the game engine from the beginning. It's not like BI hasn't done it before so they already have high level designs that work. It should have been a relatively easy exercise to add it in.


    Still, as others have stated this is a tech demo and not really a full game. It'll be interesting to see what direction they take Arma 4 even if we never see the capability in Reforger.


    We are scratching our heads just as you are.


    Latest change log adds to this:


    "We're also designing a method to run servers with mission rotation. For server admins out there, that basically means providing multiple mission headers inside the server config. This feature will be connected with mission reloading and both should be available in the upcoming months." _ https://reforger.armaplatform.com/news/dev-report-7



    This is not Arma 4 but tech demo as you said. Which gives you unique opportunity to give constructive criticism so that things may change in a future for the better. 

    Slightly worried that console world might influence this decision.


  2. On 6/6/2022 at 3:41 AM, superfish128 said:


    This is actually untrue, Reforger is the first game to be run by the enfusion engine. It's a common misconception though, but Dayz is still run by real virtuality engine, if you don't believe me look it up that's fine. Dayz only uses Enfusion for rendering and a couple minor things, but physics and the such are the same engine as Arma, also just a heads up for anyone else BI didn't develop Dayz standalone either, probably why helicopters are so different. Anyway jsut wanted to clear that up, I hope helicopters are done well as well, but we will see when they get here. I don't think there is anything to really worry about significantly. Arma 3 EA was worse than this


    I feel like it has more parts than just rendering. The animations and movement systems as well - you can jump while running, climb over obstacles stuff like that. Unable to have in Real virtuality engine.

  3. On 1/4/2018 at 5:18 PM, en3x said:

    There 2 notable troubles that I experience. 


    Stopping at low speeds. (makes tanks impossible to move with infantry with M+Keyboard)


    And spinning on the spot on any angled slope makes you move forward or backward without your input. (so staying still and turning right without any throttle on the slope would move tank backwards down the slope)


    Came here to say the same thing. Rhino should be the fastest of all new DLC vehicles. It has wheels. Speed its biggest advantage of wheels over tracks.


    On the other hand tracks offer better offroad capabilities because they distribute weight more evenly on all sides.


    So yeah Rhino should NOT be the slowest out of all of them. 

    • Like 2

  4. Yeah I kept this in a back of my head but I never really used it until now. And I realize problems with "move head up/down" or Ctr + Page up/Page down.


    The difficulty is to drive and keep pressing 2 sets of key to constantly adjust your view. Its like adjusting your seat in a car while you are driving. It doesn't make

    sense because its too innaccurate and too sensitive and all that while you are already holding two to three keys for driving.


    Freelooking in my case don't adjust vertical view. I can look up or down but I will still not able to see ground

    for example for driving uphill.




    One of the options perhaps post launch would be to think about system that lets you arc your view when you look with your mouse. Think of like track IR does

    but you would do that with mouse movement. The higher your mouse moves the higher your view angle is (the more ground you can see) and the lower it is

    the higher you see.

  5. And BIS done have done it! After decade without interiors in Arma franchise we will be getting them and on all armored vehicles.


    Pretty ambitious!


    I wanted to do some constructive topic in terms of current periscopes and placement. Right now is really hard to see anything when you moving up the mountain. As far as we I know

    from my experience I tend to move upwards as much as moving on flat terrain so this is pretty important. So moving uphill I can't see ground, neither can I see front very well.


    One way to solve problem (at least in Slammer) is to implement forward looking PiP camera. The way I would imagine this technically is if vehicle is moving forward - show front

    camera PiP. When vehicle starts backing switch to back Picture in picture camera. This would partially help with the issue at hand.

  6. 7 hours ago, Pickles0311 said:

    To answer your last question: Yes, not only does it make sense for standard vanilla ARMA, it is a must. No real world military operation is planned without precisely understanding relations between units and terrain via a map. This is most often done via the MGRS map, and the 8 digit grid system.  Speaking in terms of the game, this level of precision would allow individual players as well as units to realistically navigate the world using the map, use terrain features, without the use of the unrealistic and fake "blue moving unit marker."  They should get rid of that; it's childish and "arcadey."  Also, if you understand certain weapons, say a certain machine gun has a max effective range of 1500 meters, and you know enemy positions on your map , you then know if they are within your max effective range, etc. 


    I think if this would be implemented the singleplayer mission showcasing and explaining this would be a must. Before courses I had no idea about navigation and I doubt average player does too!


    In regards of editing I think they changed the way topographic looks like. Its clearer and more readable but I forgot technical changes. As I mentioned its only 2 digit grid so you need to subdivide 

    to get your location. I would have to find thread on the forum on UO (united operations) about it to tell you more. You can try to find it too ; )

  7. I wonder if that is possible since rotation point of roamer is on the circle cutout on the romer. (Is called romer not raomer. In another word Grid finder. I called it wrong name).


    So if you would align on the red line your rotation would not be precise. Interesting to hear that protractors work similarly. I tend to hear and see this tools (protractors) a 

    lot more then romers.


    I agree on map reading skills. Bit unfortunate Arma 3 leadership deviated from older Arma 2 military simulator to a something called "sandbox". Their concept is to have

    giant playground for all different player types from RP to KotH to mil sim so they tend to simplicate some things. Still provided good gameplay value and challenge this

    is still doable if presented correctly to Bohemia.


    The functions that you saw are available in mod called ACE (advanced combat environment 3). Note that map grid system was editing by United Operations which

    is community (not like a clan or mil sim with mandatory training schedule or ranks) which play Arma 3 as close as possible to a real thing within reason.


    Why isn't in a game? I don't think people requested this to get noticed, it may be one the thing that is not noticable right away but adds depth with time spent learning it.

    There wasn't any good case or thread explaining pros and cons, how to implement in a game, why do it and what would it add to the game. But for sure interesting aspect of the game.

    The closest to Land nav from BiS is one really crude example of Locating area (triangulation?) in Arma 3 Singleplayer mode "BootCamp". Try playing it, I already forgot the details.

  8. Almost missed this thread. For now I will comment on the map tools first.


    So the first time I realized importance of MGRS system (military grid reference system) is with United Operations at Land Nav courses.

    Community used ACE as basis of advanced system and one of those are map tools. Here is example of "Roamer tool"


    How does that compare with protractor Pickles?


    Another interesting thing is subdividing grids. In this particular example we have map that have 2 digit grids labeled like real life counterpart.

    Essentially no simplified Arma auto labeled grids/6 digit grids. Video reference is over here.


    How could that tie in in Arma and does it make sense for current Vannila Arma sandbox concept?

  9. On 2/10/2018 at 11:49 AM, bis_iceman said:


    Sometimes we indeed are preparing some package to hit the Dev-Branch, but most of the time it’s an issue caused by internal circumstances. For example, yesterday our data packing server woke up to a not so splendid morning and decided to pack vehicle data without any collisions applied. Due to this, QA spent the day testing a fix deployed by our mastering heroes, but unfortunately still found some cases of corrupted data. QA applied a red flag on the build and we did not release it.


    Pure example of technical issues, without quotation marks. :elfbash:


  10. 3 hours ago, scavenjer said:

    I think it's pretty much too late at this point, I was lobbying for damage overhaul and APS back when they were asking people what they wanted to see in tanks DLC.

    The vast majority of people seem to prefer aesthetics (interiors) over functionality (proper damage and armour simulation, APS warning systems...).


    Nevertheless, I remain excited for the DLC.



    Functionality and interiors are 2 different topics and 2 different professions.


    Modeler who model interiors won't code C++ functionality of armor simulation. 

    Lots of people supported and commented on driving phyX simulation that has dedicated thread

    and we have seen progress on that front. There it is functionality.


    But hold on to your hats, they are working on something interesting for sure, that wasn't revealed yet.

    Maybe that error simulation pop up that someone mentioned is a clue. We just have to wait.

    • Like 1

  11. 41 minutes ago, bis_iceman said:


    Sometimes we indeed are preparing some package to hit the Dev-Branch, but most of the time it’s an issue caused by internal circumstances. For example, yesterday our data packing server woke up to a not so splendid morning and decided to pack vehicle data without any collisions applied. Due to this, QA spent the day testing a fix deployed by our mastering heroes, but unfortunately still found some cases of corrupted data. QA applied a red flag on the build and we did not release it.


    Pure example of technical issues, without quotation marks. :elfbash:


    I had no idea before explanation. Curiosity comes out because we have been experiencing this logistical comments more then ever before. I'm sure that won't be the case for a long time thought after DLC 2.0 Enfusion *wink* wink*

  12. This was touched in Tanks - Tracked vehicles driving and handling


    This was my post:


    On 1/4/2018 at 5:18 PM, en3x said:

    There 2 notable troubles that I experience. 


    Stopping at low speeds. (makes tanks impossible to move with infantry with M+Keyboard)


    And spinning on the spot on any angled slope makes you move forward or backward without your input. (so staying still and turning right without any throttle on the slope would move tank backwards down the slope)



    On 1/5/2018 at 2:42 PM, oukej said:

    The "autobrake" can be annoying, but atm we can't remove it in order to prevent vehicles from moving on their own (vehs atm are always "in gear"). You have to ask your dismounts to sweat a bit and run. And then use the limited speed (Ctrl+W) :/


    This one is a bit tricky, the differentials don't seem to simulated well enough so once you release brakes one of the tracks will go loose. I'm afraid we won't be able to solve that.


    Yes, it can - depending on the wheel / track slip.


    For some insight. Source

  13. 3 hours ago, oukej said:

    The "autobrake" can be annoying, but atm we can't remove it in order to prevent vehicles from moving on their own (vehs atm are always "in gear"). You have ask your dismounts to sweat a bit and run. Then use the limited speed :/


    This one is a bit tricky, the differentials don't seem to simulated well enough so once you release brakes one of the tracks will go loose. I'm afraid we won't be able to solve that.


    Yes, it can - depending on the wheel / track slip.


    Yeah I get around autobreak by using controller with analog triggers. Is not perfect (pc users without peripher.) but it works.

    Thanks for elaborating on the issues as to why they are there. 1.0

  14. 2 hours ago, peegee said:

    Just a side note, you can already do that. Go to controls -> view. There is controls for move head forward, back, up etc.

    I suggest binding them to a desired key(s) + mouse movement.


    Indeed I was aware of that in the back of my head but I never used it besides helicopters. Does it reset position everytime you leave vehicle? That might be it.


    I think is Ctr + num keys

  15. 16 hours ago, Alwarren said:


    It's not very complicated actually. It's just not very good. It's high time this gets replaced, and if Arma 4 is based on the Enfusion Engine (which I suppose is a given) it will benefit from the improvements like IK. As it is now, animations are extremely static, since they have no point of reference in what they animate. For example, animating a simple reload for a weapon is a singular horror. Not only must you redo the animation for every weapon variant that has a slightly different configuration (for example, different position of magazine, different position of cocking lever etc), the same "flow" of animation on the weapon (i.e. when the magazine is removed and reinserted) must fit both the standing and prone animation. That leads to pretty awkward animations (also try going prone from third person view, hit reload and stand up...).

    If the animation was able to reference the magazine position and support IK, reload animations could be widely reused. Alas it doesn't.


    Good point, I remember watching Kiory streaming his animation worflow for L85 used in british army, and changing IK with values in text file seemed really arhaic.


    Still the reason I claimed about complicated system is this mention about animation system being like giant spider web right now, its connected to so many things,

    and its really cumbersome to work with. It was in a sitrep from longtime ago I'm sure.

  16. So in regards to feedback, about interiors. Now that I have experienced the feel and look I realized that the most important thing is view on the outside.


    What I mean by this is how much can you actually see through the slit when you driver/command or perhaps even gun.


    So first thought I got from this was ETS or euro truck sim adjustment of the seat. So you can customize how front or back, how high or how low your

    "seat" will be. When I say seat, in their case is basically your view adjustment.


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