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Posts posted by AngelCaptain

  1. Thanks alot people now all its working with spawning a empty helipad but now another problem was found 

    if ((_tree getVariable ["PommesDispo",0]) == 0) then
    	diag_log "La variable es introuvable et va maintenant etre créer.";
       _tree setVariable ["PommesDispo",_RealAvailable,true];
        diag_log format["Nombre de pommes: %1.",(_tree getVariable "PommesDispo")];
    } else {
        _tree getVariable "PommesDispo";
       diag_log format ["Pommes: %1",_tree getVariable ["PommesDispo",0]];

    always i resend the script the variable was not found because the script always go to the _tree setVariable ["PommesDispo",_RealAvailable,true]; @pierremgi

  2. Just now, pierremgi said:

    Arf! trying to place apples in olive tree, That's hard!

    so funny xD.

    1 minute ago, Beldum said:

    Or he could try this


    _trees = nearestObjects [player,["Trees"],15];


        _class = typeof _x;

        _pos = getpos _x;

        _dir = getdir _x;

        hideObject _x;

        _fakeTree = "Land_HelipadEmpty_F" createVehicle _pos;

        _fakeTree setVariable ["appletogetit",_RealAvailable,true];

    }forEach _trees;

    i'll try this and see maybe thats will be working

  3. Just now, das attorney said:

    It's not a proper object.


    Try it:


    _tree = (nearestTerrainObjects [player, ["TREE", "SMALL TREE", "BUSH"], 200]) select 0;
    _tree setVariable ["apple",true];
    diag_log format ["apple: %1",_tree getVariable ["apple",false]];


    Will return "apple: false" 



    True but i dont have any other solution for making a virtual inventory directly into the tree ?

  4. Hey good evening guys, i got a problem when i'm trying to find the solution.


    Sorry for my english i'm french :)


    i'll explain exactly what i'm trying to do.


    Firstable i make a scan of all p3d in a range 15m around the player, when its done i asking for find the p3d i want to use.



    _terrainObjects = nearestTerrainObjects [player, ["TREE", "SMALL TREE", "BUSH"], 15];
    _object = [];
    _DestructionP3D = "t_oleae1s_f.p3d";
    	_counterDestructionP3D = count _DestructionP3D;
    	for "_i" from 0 to (_counterDestructionP3D-1) do
    		_find = str _x find (_DestructionP3D select _i);
    		if (_find > 0) then
    			if(damage _x < 1) then 
    					_object pushBack _x;
    } forEach _terrainObjects;
    _objects = count _object;
    if (_objects < 1) exitWith
    	Hint "Impossible to get the tree";

    after that i select the closer of the player:

    _tree = _object select 0;
    _RealAvailable = 16;

    after that when the tree is select and all is good i want to put on it a specific variable to give it to him a virtual inventory of apple at this moment all is good but when its time to give to him the variable its look like not working.

    if (isNil {_tree getVariable "appletogetit"}) then
    	diag_log "The variable is not create we will create it.";
       _tree setVariable ["appletogetit",_RealAvailable,true];
        diag_log format["Number of apple's into the tree: %1.",(_tree getVariable "appletogetit")];
    } else {
        _tree getVariable "appletogetit";
        diag_log "Retreive the apple into the tree";

    into the dialog for fetch the number of the appl was a add i got Null into the RPT:

    23:16:14 "Number of apple's into the tree: <null>."

    so its someone can find the solution of that problem thats will be magic.



    Thanks for help. 


    Best regards
