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Everything posted by lex__1

  1. lex__1

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Thank you. This way I know. No one can foresee what ammunition is needed next, what threats will be faced. The gun should always be ready to accept any ammunition required to defeat emerging threats. Shoot the ammunition, in order to free the gun, stupid and tactically losing party.
  2. lex__1

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    What's changed in management and I can't find it. But as it works now has no logic. If I see the target tank, I need to charge anti-tank ammunition, and not choose it to the next round.
  3. lex__1

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    When you are the shooter of the T-xx, standard menu (as in the picture) does not work. I can browse the menu, but to perform an action can't. Tanks Abrams this menu is executed. I would be grateful for a link describing how this works now, on tanks T-xx. Several times I made the registration on feedback.rhsmods.org. But have not received an email to activate registration.
  4. lex__1

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    This did not prevent developers RHS block, standard Arma3, changing the type of ammunition in the gun of the tank So It creates some tactical features for the tank T. Abrams Tank tactical features has and can be used without any restrictions. The developers RHS mod as close to realism. But some of the advantages and disadvantages are not taken into account. In the game, this will cause one side to act close to the realism of the environment, or not realistic conditions (lack of good animation). The other side, not facing the obstacles of realism, or realistic problems has not. I without any constraint. But I don't know how to work with animation and code. All these questions not a claim. Good mod RHS. This is a request to the Developers of RHS to pay attention to help in some problems. This problem affects the game. The server creates an imbalance of players. Players do not want to experience problems. The preponderance of players on the side BLUFOR kills the game.
  5. lex__1

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Translator many breaks, I agree. No animator, it's bad, but that's no reason to use a long animation. In Arma3 there is a short animation for the at recharge. In the video, all recharges quickly, but not RPG. The T-90 has the advantage that it can reload the gun in all conditions (moving and parked). In the game, the Abrams tank is not deprived of this advantage. In the game, Abrams as easily recharges the gun at high speed. This acquired characteristic of the Abrams, T-90 tanks, this is not true, and the game gives the tank a Abrams added advantage.
  6. lex__1

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    That is realism: - rocketeer OPFOR RPG, two times slower reloads a missile than a rocket BLUFOR. In 90% of cases the crew of light armored cars BLUFOR remains alive, povsednevnosti start of the second rocket. In the game, +3 seconds more than once created the damage in the form of loss of benefits, loss of position, etc. Is very different from that happens to BLUFOR, fast reload AT almost instantaneous death machines or crew cars OPFOR\RHSGREF. - Abram tank still how to load a gun , he stands in place or coming. Charging psychic, knows what ammunition to hand in the gun, making it without the team commander? At the T-90 autoloader, and loading produces the shooter by the team commander. The supply of ammunition in the gun, must occur at the command of the commander, both in tanks, and OPFOR and BLUFOR. The difference needs to be at the time of loading the gun. BLUFOR tanks in motion on a rough surface will be slower to charge - the cost of manual loading. I served three years on a military ship, can explain how pitching affects charging. This provides a significant advantage to the BLUFOR team in the rapid progress on the map. For all these reasons, the question of the overall balance of the parties. I'm not real imagine? What is the balance I want to break? My opinion. It is a violation of some characteristics that affect the opposition parties BLUFOR and OPFOR.
  7. lex__1

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    All clear. RHS requires an understanding of, and use as is. Any changes are not expected. There are no errors , all is well.
  8. lex__1

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    1. In the parts of the automatic loader requires the command to change the type of ammunition, the rest of the machine handles himself. It's no different from charging Abrams. No matter how much I searched and couldn't find any videos with Abrams, which charges the gun on the go, moving on rough terrain. Comes when shooting at slow driving on a smooth surface. Extract from the Arsenal of the meter charge, 15-20 kg, to put in the gun at full speed on the road. ))) Show me a video where the loader crew member Abrams, extracts from the barrel of a tank loaded with ammunition, for replacement with another type of ammunition. The barrel is not being charged, yet the team about the purpose and type of ammunition. 2. Reload time of the RPG-7
  9. lex__1

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    In RHS mod Russian tanks have more time and actions to reload, which is not true. And if you need to give the command reload, is exactly the fourth crew member Abrams. Any BLUFOR reload AT 3 seconds.
  10. lex__1

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I compare what was the RHS for Arma2, and what is the RHS for Arma3. I played so much with the RHS mod in Arma3, and I see lots of problems on the side of the OPFOR in the mod RHS.
  11. lex__1

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Test shot RPG-7 at the armored glass thickness 40 cm, and results in a two-layer test. - In most cases, all light-armored machines armed BLUFOR require re-shot from a RPG-7. The reason is the crew is alive and continues to shoot. In most cases , all light-armored machines armed OPFOR require re-shot, light-armored machines armed OPFOR not need to be shot AT with missiles. The reason the crew was killed or the car explodes. For what merits such a difference in receiving damage light armored cars armed BLUFOR and OPFOR ? - Cooldown Abrams 7 seconds (does not require additional commands reload), reload time, T-90 is 8 seconds (in some cases requires additional commands reload), For what merits such a difference ? - Reload time of the RPG-7 - 7 seconds. Reload time of the AT BLUFOR - 3 seconds. For what merits such a difference ?
  12. duda123 Your mod is super, thank you very much for the pleasure we got from mods.
  13. lex__1

    Tanks DLC Feedback

    The responsibility for issuing corrections paid for Arma3 is not the place for the phrase "free fixes". Otherwise, As soon as you pay DLC, all corrections will be free and unprofitable))) The purchase of DLC depends on the level of fixes in the current base Arma3 for all DLCs. Please understand me correctly. I'm not trying to discredit anyone. The most significant correction of Arma3 is the release of arma3_x64. I understand that it took a long time. Most likely, this caused a shift in the DLC release schedule. For this reason, I signed up for DLC and most likely will pay for the DLC. Such an approach to the problem and a compromise should be. I'll wait longer for the release of DLC, than getting it on time but with problems.
  14. lex__1

    Tanks DLC Feedback

    These problems are not related to the upcoming DLC. These problems are not related to Arma3, in the first stage. I'm not going to support DLC with a dubious prospect of fixing Arma3 problems. The problems are age since the release of Arma3, and the prospect is expected for another year. The release of DLC does not "color problems in a different color" and give the game the expected perspective of the desired.
  15. lex__1

    Tanks DLC Feedback

    The release of the DLC Tank is scheduled for next year. I hope that the current problems will be solved now.
  16. lex__1

    Tanks DLC Feedback

    This dance is dedicated to the upcoming release of DLC ? ))) When will these tickets receive the proper attention and decision? https://feedback.bistudio.com/T83573 https://feedback.bistudio.com/T117728
  17. lex__1

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Sorry if my comments were offensive to your work. I'm only trying to draw your attention to the RHS content items we are playing on the server, and we see a big difference in the damage balance of machines of the same class, different sides of BLUFOR and OPFOR. This puts players in an unequal playing field, when a 100% shot, for different sides, causes a defeat of 80% of OPFOR to 100% of BLUFOR. All, easily armored cars BLUFOR in 80% of the case can not be destroyed with one blow. I really hope to see in the arsenal OPFOR RPG-42, Metiz, Dragon and other launch AT. Agree, there is definitely an imbalance.
  18. lex__1

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Mod has the latest version and is loaded correctly, other Mod did not include. Therefore, the question arose that this works always in different ways, in the same situation.
  19. lex__1

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    In the game on the server, often 80%, happens so. Video from the editor.
  20. lex__1

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Machines on video, are able to protect personnel from automatic weapons, but not from anti-tank grenade launchers. After getting such a grenade inside, everyone will die. And in the game of this technique still continue to shoot)). Explosion from detonation, maybe it will not work out right away. I tried several times to register on the RHS website, and did not receive confirmation of registration to the post office.
  21. lex__1

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    And where does the aluminum M113 find a scientific approach before the steel BMD, under the onslaught of RPG-7VL?
  22. lex__1

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    All OPFOR machines explode equally, from either side of the attack. BLUFOR does not always easily blow up cars. This is a serious bias in the system of defeat, and violates the balance of power of the parties. Besides this problem, there is one more. AI opponent will not shoot from RPG on BLUFOR machines (machines that are presented on video and others of this class). This is another imbalance, the forces of BLUFOR bear less loss in combat, have more combat advancement. There are many such nuances in the RHS, where the advantage is in varying degrees of obtaining losses. Unbalance can be in the characteristics of machines, maximum speed, ammunition of vehicles, and so on. Mods, in this regard, loses interest in itself.
  23. lex__1

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    It just looks amazing when in a jeep, from a distance of 20 meters, gets a rocket from RPG-7 and nothing happens. Yesterday there was a situation, the year of the two missiles was not enough. ))) I understand that it can be simpler, to imitate the damage system in this way. But impressions of the mods RHS dual - all very seriously but the reliability in the effects there. Most striking is the optics in mods, looks like plastic lenses on toys. Maybe it's time to move away from the past graphics of OFP times.
  24. lex__1

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    The guys from the RHS, tell me how your system of destruction works for planes, cars and tanks. Any attempt to damage aircraft, cars and tanks is simply not counted in the first round? It looks stupid and not natural.
  25. lex__1

    Tanks DLC Feedback

    Recorded video as it occurs, using arma3diag_x64 and team: diag_toggle "EPEVehicle"; In a chat, it is visible my teams to the driver of AI.