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Everything posted by Kingsley1997

  1. Kingsley1997

    Help: Basics of GUI building

    Okay so the basic explanation of the defines.hpp is that it defines your base classes for dialog elements. Using an RscButton on your dialog, the game needs to know some attributes for that class so instead of defining it every time you use it, you just define it in the defines.hpp and include it before your dialog. That way that class is already defined for your dialog to use. When you see the dialog.hpp files they're the files that hold your custom dialog. Like in your posted code you use RscText. That class will be referenced from the defines.hpp. It can be quite confusing to start off with but I suggest working with a very simple dialog for now until you fully understand what each thing does. Just build a dialog with a button, style it nicely and get that button to do something. Here's my defines.hpp which has some nice styling that looks like classic Arma menu's:
  2. Kingsley1997

    Zeus Object Grabber [SCRIPT]

    Ah okay good to know. After testing this script on Altis it's totally useless. It grabs objects that are placed in the Altis map, things like bushes and lamp posts etc. Needs more work :/
  3. Kingsley1997

    Dark Forum Theme

    Yeah I haven't even looked at the profile yet. When I get some time I'll add to it as I go :)
  4. Kingsley1997

    Dark Forum Theme

    I've made a very rough theme for this forum since I can't stand the ugly box shadows and dark grey on white... I've tried to resemble Windows 10 in its dark look. It's very rough at the moment as I've only spent like 30 minutes on it but if you want to improve it please post back here with the CSS. I'm using Styler to load the CSS (Chrome app). CSS:
  5. Kingsley1997

    Dark Forum Theme

    Thanks, I've updated the CSS in my post.
  6. Kingsley1997

    The Username Change/Merge Thread

    I'd like to just be called Kingsley without the 1997. The original Kingsley account is mine but it uses an email address that I no longer use and forgotten everything about because of spam. As far as I recall the account has like near to no posts.
  7. One big problem I can see is with search engines. Since the URL's have changed any links already indexed on Google will not work. Perhaps add something to the URL re-writer to redirect to the correct URL?
  8. I also tested the mission on Reshmaan (community map) and it works perfectly. I'm planning on having a modded server running PRKZ and some present-day mod packs. As for those who would want to run this mission on their own server, I will also be making a PHP control panel for managing player profiles and perhaps some other stuff. I've found that editing the DB files directly can be dangerous if done wrong so a CP would be better.
  9. I'm changing the FOB system to a more player-driven approach. Instead of having X amount of FOBs already setup on mission start, there will only be a few FOBs that will contain a decent amount of vehicles and supplies. Players can then go on deployment at these FOBs and move out and setup their own OP (observation post). This will require repair specialists to deploy a fortification tower and will then get the option to name their OP. OPs and FOBs are similar except a FOB will contain more assets. Both are persistent so players can actually create bases that other players can be deployed on.
  10. Kingsley1997

    Mission Objectives

    Do the tasks rely on the addons you've removed?
  11. Kingsley1997


    Not sure that's even possible. You might be better off creating your own display overlay because you'd get control over the indexing.
  12. Kingsley1997


    Does the same happen if you run the mission multiplayer?
  13. When I get my server up I'm going to have a Reshmaan version with British vs Taliban
  14. Yes it is entirely editable for mods. All you'll have to do is copy the editor objects to a new map and then change some class names in the config file and you're done!
  15. Kingsley1997

    Save result for each player

    [[_unit,_newFace], "setFace", true, false] call BIS_fnc_MP; _unit setVariable ["playerFace", _newFace, true]; _unit addEventhandler ["Respawn", { [[_this select 0, (_this select 0 getVariable ["playerFace", ""])], "setFace", true, false] call BIS_fnc_MP; }];
  16. So basically I'm building a mission where blufor own the main airbase on altis, and players can request deployments, which they're persistently tied to and must complete their tour. On tour they clear towns, where both civilians and enemies will be. The blufor objective is simple, but for the opfor I want to make it feel like they're insurgents and not just soldiers, perhaps more like the Taliban. What mission features / objectives would you give the opfor to achieve this?
  17. This is starting to really annoy me. It seems wherever I try and put this code it just doesn't work yet everytime I output the variables they all show the right stuff so it will clearly go into the IF's and stuff, and I've also tried multiple ways at editing the dialog controls and tried disableSerialization. Please someone figure this out. I just want a very simple system where when the dialog loads it will call a script. In that script it will load some variables from the players namespace (the player that opened the dialog) and then if those variables are equal to something then disable a button and set the buttons text to something. Here's the addAction script to open the dialog Here's my dialog.hpp Here's the ui\jobs\init.sqf
  18. Something like this? player addAction ["Surrender", { _this select 0 setCaptive true; // add animate code }];
  19. Kingsley1997

    Dialog onLoad Not Working

    I'm using findDisplay instead now. Much better...
  20. Well since the player can turn it back on using the ST interface, you could put this in a while loop in the init.sqf although I'm not certain. while {true} do { (uiNamespace getVariable "ST_STHud_Map") ctrlShow false; (uiNamespace getVariable "ST_STHud_Text") ctrlShow false; (uiNamespace getVariable "ST_STHud_Text2") ctrlShow false; sleep 5; };
  21. I'm using the RscMapControl and I have defined the onMouseButtonClick to this: onMouseButtonClick: onMouseButtonClick = "_this call ui_clickMap"; When it enters the function the _this gives me the following data. How do I get the position of where the player has clicked on the map? I've tried modelToWorld but nothing works - seems to either put me in the sea or a foot in front of me. /* [ Control #1200, 0, 0.607258, 0.282828, false, false, false ] */ Also here's my Map defines if anyone wants them, copied straight out of the config viewer: ---------- Post added at 13:07 ---------- Previous post was at 13:01 ---------- God dammit, every time I post a thread I always figure out the solution :/ Turns out you have to use ctrlMapScreenToWorld like so: _position = _this select 0 ctrlMapScreenToWorld [ (_this select 2), (_this select 3) ];
  22. Kingsley1997

    Dialog onLoad Not Working

    Where would you say is the best place to store it?
  23. Well out of curiosity I looked in the Pbo myself and there isn't any .hpp files so I assume it doesn't use a dialog. Not sure what else really, you could try contacting ShackTac about it, maybe there's a command they've got for it.