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Everything posted by _.Dardo._

  1. I haven't still played with the new update,but i think this is just an object for esthetic purposes.
  2. _.Dardo._

    Enhanced Movement

    You have to make sure that you added the correct parameter. (-mod = ......) Otherwise the mod won't be loaded by the server. But this is a client side mod so I'm not getting why it isn't working for you.
  3. _.Dardo._

    ASL - Arma Scripting Language (Compiler)

    Ahh,i didn't get it,sorry for my stupid question
  4. _.Dardo._

    ASL - Arma Scripting Language (Compiler)

    But has the whole mission to be written in ASL or ASL scripts can coexists with sqf ? Inviato da Chernarus usando Tapatalk
  5. _.Dardo._

    FSM Tutorial

    Thanks for the awesome guide
  6. _.Dardo._

    ArmA 3 Custom Buildings

    Awesome!! Inviato da Chernarus usando Tapatalk
  7. Got it,hope for a future updateInviato dal mio LG-D855 utilizzando Tapatalk
  8. Didn't get it,cup working on what? Inviato dal mio LG-D855 utilizzando Tapatalk
  9. I Haven't still found any kind of openable houses in the whole map D:Inviato dal mio LG-D855 utilizzando Tapatalk
  10. And,are there any chernarus versions with houses premises and unlocked doors?Inviato dal mio LG-D855 utilizzando Tapatalk
  11. Is it normal that in Chernarus all doors are locked?
  12. Hello,I'm wondering if it was possible to record 360° videos during an A3 session gameplay. I know that it will require a lot of power in terms of hardware,but I think that I'd able to record it(FHD). Inviato dal mio LG-D855 utilizzando Tapatalk
  13. That's great!Thank you for your answer! And for the first one? Is it even possible? And of these two methods,which one would be compatible with YouTube 360° videos? Inviato dal mio LG-D855 utilizzando Tapatalk
  14. The 2nd one,but I think that both are not possible...Inviato dal mio LG-D855 utilizzando Tapatalk
  15. Hi, I'm trying to animate a NPC without letting players to push him around with vehicles (For example a player run over him with a car) Is there a way to do this?
  16. I searched before posting D: I'm looking his thread thank you
  17. Hello guys, I'm getting these messages spamming my logs and I don't even know what actually they mean Could someone tell me the mean of those messages ? And maybe how to fix them?​ Thank you. ​
  18. _.Dardo._

    Messages spamming my rpts

    So,I'm using an Altis Life mission,modded. (Those messages are appearing Server side)
  19. I know this is considered as necropost,But i'm having the same problem with the same mod,and even the same file...What's wrong with that pbo? I've done some modification and now I'm unable to correctly sign it and nothing seems to work (Wrong signature for file ) I've correctly signed all my PBO's but I can't figure out how to sign this one​...
  20. _.Dardo._

    U.C.S.V. Cargo & Support Drone

    ssss You are right,Drones based on FFOW would be awesome Btw,how can i switch to A3 Sling load ?
  21. _.Dardo._

    What are the new helicopter DLC Class names

    Thankyou,i've used the config viewer method But now,another question, after found the classname,how can I know it's category? (I want to use it with a KindOf function)
  22. _.Dardo._

    What are the new helicopter DLC Class names

    Sorry for the necropost,but actually some classnames are missing (The cargo box for the huron) from the cfgvehicles,does anyone know how to obtain the classname of this container named Huron cargo box? I've searched for a long time but didn't find anything.