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Everything posted by odkupiciel375

  1. Hi. My problem is that my game freezes after a "random" time. I was playing on "HostileTakeover.co - King Of The Hill - EU#2 Infantry" server and game was running normally (around 40-50fps, around 110 people on that server) and then it just froze right when i died and that's not first time today. When it happened for the first time i've checked file integrity on steam and there were 3 corrupted files (1.2GB) but downloading them didn't help. After another crash i've went to game directory and repaired all programs that were located in _CommonRedist (using installers that were located there, i've rebooted my pc after that) and that didn't help either. Before writing this i've made another test run and same results* but this time i had HWMonitor running in the background and i've closed GeForce Experience (both services and process). *The only difference is that this time game detected crash that when i close it (with taskmgr) and created crash report. Here is the link to Dropbox folder with crash report, arma3 log.rpt, dxdiag and HWMonitor https://www.dropbox.com/sh/w3kmghlbst5ik5m/AACVWRv_Zc_IzRH2GVEPHleva?dl=0 Thank you in advance for help.
  2. odkupiciel375

    [FIXED] Arma 3 freezing after a while

    i think that the problem is gone and i suspect that its due to "reinstalation" of M$ .Net Frame 4.7.1 (cuz when i swaped to gt640 ive read ur post @oldbear and automaticly tried that (rebooted after ive "uninstalled" and again rebooted after "installed"). suprisingly gt640 was able to handle 110 server (with everything at low or disabled (2km/1,5km,50m) at about 25-45fps and when i switched back to gtx960 everything was fine - no freezes so it either something magical happened when i switched gpu or ur idea of reinstalling M$ .Net Frame 4.7.1 was right (i bet that ur idea was right). Thank You all for Your support. Case closed!!!
  3. odkupiciel375

    [FIXED] Arma 3 freezing after a while

    no problem, any help is well appreciated as it gives hope and from WH40k we know that: i think that log files would only cause to clog up hdd read/write and that would be dangerous if i would hit full ram or had to load something "new" but still Thanks for trying to help. im currently downloading drivers for my gt640 to test that gpu 10<-- ill try that in a minute 11<-- yes it was fresh install not "upgrade"
  4. odkupiciel375

    [FIXED] Arma 3 freezing after a while

    6<- done - restored to default (selected nosplash) - but it didn't helped 7<- done but it didn't helped 8<- done - all was fine but just to make sure i've unplugged and plugged everything back together 9<- thats gonna take some time ("up to" 10Mb/s down and "up to"... 1Mb/s up [yes b not B]) - should be done tomorrow morning About hdd: i've played after APEX was released with same hdd that i have now and there were no such freezes but it's possible that either BI butchered something (cuz i had quite a long break) or my hdd was damaged in transport (had to move my pc few times) :/ i'll try to find some soft to check for bad sectors - i doubt that cuz my memory never got full. i've also increased page file from 8GB to 14.something GB (15 120 MB) but i dont think that the problem would be running out of memory cuz in those screenshots u can see that before "The Freez" i had about 1,5GB (~1524MB) left and i would noticed when RAM would get full cuz pagefile - hdd - aint that fast to keep up. I might try tomorrow some other games just to make sure that nothing bad happens there and try different GPU (GT640 - fps will probably die "a bit" but if that will fix freezes than w r gtg)
  5. odkupiciel375

    [FIXED] Arma 3 freezing after a while

    -checkSignatures -netlog <- disabled -nologs <- selected (game created rpt file but it ends at dlc stuff - just 42 lines) game still froze :/ i even deleted *Cache folders so game can create them once again but u know...
  6. odkupiciel375

    [FIXED] Arma 3 freezing after a while

    1 <- i bought my copy of the game long time ago in retail store (new) (heres my steam profile where u can see that i owe a copy of the game http://steamcommunity.com/id/odkupiciel375/ ) and in the past there were no such issues so idk if that would be possible 2<- disabled from the beginning 4<- i don't have any mods as i unsubscribed and removed mods "5"<- SSD is not an option since i don't own one :/ and i don't plan to buy one in near future ( i might buy another 8GB of RAM next week) Im testing game on HostileTakeover.co - King Of The Hill - EU#2 Infantry server but i've tested it in campaign and game freezes as well And theres one more option... Format C:/ and i think that if ill buy that extra ram and game will still have those issues ill reinstall whole system as it takes 1/2h (maybe a bit more due to drivers)
  7. odkupiciel375

    [FIXED] Arma 3 freezing after a while

    1<- tried that but still freezing 2<- idk what that is if that is something with that xbox app that comes by default with win 10 then i don't have that (removed) 3<- tried that but still freezing i've also reinstalled drivers for pretty much everything and my game still freezes i've did memtest and 0 errors through 4 passes
  8. odkupiciel375

    [FIXED] Arma 3 freezing after a while

    so with that curve and temp at CPU max 53C and GPU max at 69C game still froze (not for long but still) i've added screenshots to the dropbox link (and here - temps and other stuff) and i've added last rpt log Some warnings, errors and other stuff: Screenshots:
  9. odkupiciel375

    [FIXED] Arma 3 freezing after a while

    not sure when did i hit that 80c with gpu cuz atm have no more than 65c i had 73c but that was during loading screen 0.o and then it seems that curve started working and went for 65c or lower (in game for 20min now)
  10. odkupiciel375

    [FIXED] Arma 3 freezing after a while

    i thought about temps but then other games would cause same or something similar CPU never more than 52C, GPU never more than 80C (as far i can tell this card should work up to ~90C) other stuff not sure cuz i didnt paid too much attention but max temps were lower or the same as CPU (i used HWMonitor - monitoring files included in dropbox link) as for PSU i bought it like 6 months ago so he "should" be fine i'll try some soft to crank up the fans my most concerns is that the problem is only with arma soo... :/ idk cuz there are other demanding/not well optimised games that run smooth i can definitely tell that my gpu nearly immediately goes from high rpm to low when game freezes (i might take my gt640(2GB) for a spin just to check if it ll cause same problems) but all that will have to wait till tomorrow
  11. odkupiciel375

    [FIXED] Arma 3 freezing after a while

    the thing is that im pretty sure that my hardware can run Arma 3 with "no problem" since i've used fx-4130 with 8GB (ddr3 some slow MHz) with that gtx960 and game was running (low fps but it worked and there were no freezes like i have now - i was even playing BF1 with that fx4130 with some low fps while now it runs smooth as butter) so it would be either some super rare hardware incompatibility or some driver/software issue and i bet its something with win 10 as this shit can cause a lot of problems... (like for no reason installing new drivers when i had last version straight from the vendor) i'll probably order another set of ram just to have that safe ~16GB and tonight i'll run memtest just to make sure that my memory is fine
  12. odkupiciel375

    [FIXED] Arma 3 freezing after a while

    I thought it might be RAM related but when i start 32 bit (game works like crap - fps might be normal but it drops all the time) but after awhile same thing happens. I've tried to completely reinstall entire game (removed mods [unsubrscribed], %appdata%/local/Arma3, Documents/Arma3 and uninstalled game on steam + removed folder where it was located) and no help either. I've tried different settings both in game and launcher but that had no effect.