Just a quick question.
I use Taskforce radio and CBA_A3 on my dedicated server running the latest Bleeding Edge version of co10_Escape_Vanilla_Apex.Tanoa.pbo,
Prior to updating to CBA_A3 v3.2.1.170227 everything was working fine.
Since then I now get Debug messages telling me that the server has started, Garbage cleanup as started, units are spawning in and I can also see where the enemy vehicles are when looking at the map.
No other changes were made to any of my configs. All I did was update CBA_A3, copy the new mission PBO to the mpmissions folder and start the server.
Has anyone else experienced this and know how to turn off the messages?
Update, this even happens with no Mods are installed.
I am at a loss why I get the debug messages in the Side chat.
Many thanks,