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Everything posted by grandbravo

  1. Hello, I got a mission where multiple ellipse markers are spawned in by script, but noticed that in Zeus you can edit, move and delete these markers. This is undesirable as these markers are not allowed to change by zeus but only by the script it self. Q: Is there a way to disable any zeus / curator interactions with particular markers? The possible solutions I currently have in mind are: Infinite loop that checks the marker properties (not disirable) missionEventHandler: MarkerUpdated (BIS wiki mentioned it's broken) eventHander: CuratorMarkerEdited (currently best possible solution but hoping for a simpeler command) Keep in mind that I don't want to remove any marker powers from zeus it self but only specific markers that I spawn in by script. Thank you in advance. GB
  2. Hello everyone, I got a technical question about the command setVariable and hope someone could help me a bit. The command setVariable has a third param (public) for namespace, object and group to make the variable public or not. Now I would like to understand what this actually means in relation of traffic over the network as I've entered the optimalization phase of my code. It has to do with code combination of allPlayers and getVariable of each player. If I can undestand the traffic of setVariable with its public param, I might be able to reduce the load somewhere as each FPS in arma is a blessing. I've thought about the following cases but don't know which one is correct in the case a variable is added (and public) to a client side object: 1) The variable of client will stay client side untill called upon by the server or second client (so: second client request will be sent to the server and the server will request it from the client) 2) The variable of client will be sent to the server and called upon when called by second client (so: client sent and store variable to server. Second client will request from server and server provides the variable) 3) The variable of client will be sent to the server and all clients (so: client sent variable to server, server sent to all players. Variable of the client is allready stored on second clients computer) 4) You are an idiot! Its: ... (none above) Could one of the BIS Devs (or someone who knows) enlighten me a bit more? Thank you!
  3. So, a while ago I've stumble across a bug with attachTo and static AI weapons (.50 cal, launchers, Preatorian 1C etc). If you attachTo a MG .50 cal (or any other static MG, launcher, etc) to the H-barrier Watchtower, house, bunker or a Praetorian 1C to the freedom carrier / destoryer, the AI starting to glitch. The turret rotates without reason in a shocky way. This however, doesn't seems to happen if you attach the weapon to a sandbag barrier of some sort. First I thought this glitch appears when a static weapon is placed inside the object virtual box (boundingBox) but that seems not to be the case when I attach it far outside the object. Using workarounds like a VR Cube as a sort of attachTo bridge between the two doesn't seem to do the trick eighter. Detach object is a fix, but most cases you dont want that for a good reason. Its a shame though, using attachTo for the carrier and destroyer is impossible and buggy but very necessary. I’m out of options and hope someone here has a simple solution.
  4. grandbravo

    AttachTo static AI weapon glitch/bug

    Found the solution! https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/219251-setposing-the-liberty-and-its-turrets/?tab=comments#comment-3313614 attach the static MG to a game logic seems to do the trick. Tnx for the help!
  5. grandbravo

    AttachTo static AI weapon glitch/bug

    Hmm... I don't see the solution here.. You attach the gun to the barrel ("Land_MetalBarrel_F") or barrel to the gun? Try this little code in the editor Debug Console: _bunker = createVehicle ["Land_HBarrierTower_F", [0,0,0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _bunker setPos ((getPos player) vectorAdd [0, 10, 0]); _MG = createVehicle ["O_G_HMG_02_high_F", [0,0,0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; createVehicleCrew _MG; _MG attachTo [_bunker, [0,-2,1.9]]; _MG setDir 180; You'll see my issue with the AI static MG. If you have a different/working way of attaching a MG to a bunker while using code and no Eden editor or zeus powers, I would love to see a code example!
  6. grandbravo

    AttachTo static AI weapon glitch/bug

    Turret attachTo [carrier, [x,y,z], "staticWeapon"] doesn't seem to work. That function is only usefull if you have 2 objects in the editor/zeus that you want to attach with each other without actual x, y, z coords. Anyhow I bet I found the issue: If you attach 1 object to 2 objects, it will detach from the first attachment and then attach to the second object. Example: obj1 attachTo [obj2, [pos]]; obj1 attachTo [obj3, [pos]]; (this will cause obj1 to detach from obj2) doing it reverse: obj2 attachTo [obj1, [pos]]; obj3 attachTo [obj1, [pos]]; (no issue, but obj2 and obj3 have no vehicle collision, aka simpleObject) with static MG (and other turrets) I bet that the game use attachTo as for AI manning these static weapons but in reverse order: StaticMG attachTo [AI, [pos]]; If you want to attach the StaticMG to a bunker: StaticMG attachTo [bunker, [pos]]; causes the issue This limits the option for me to weaponize the freedom carrier or destroyer and have to place them losely. If someone has a working way to weaponize these ships, I'm happy to hear all about it!
  7. grandbravo

    =BTC= Revive

    Hi guys, I'm working on a new map and got stuck on a part of BTC revive script! I'm looking for a way to spawn infantry players in the mobile spawn vehicles instead of spawning them outside. Any one that can help me with this??? Would be great! Greets GB