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About abelian

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  1. For those rare few who want to edit SQF scripts, but cannot part from their beloved emacs, I have created a very simple emacs major mode for editing ARMA sqf files. It does syntax highlighting, rudimentary indentation, and a few other basic things. Download: Find the latest release here: https://bitbucket.org/bobmoretti/sqf-mode/downloads Installation: Check out the readme at https://bitbucket.org/bobmoretti/sqf-mode/overview Source code: https://bitbucket.org/bobmoretti/sqf-mode/src Acknowlegements: I stole some of the keywords from TittErS' excellent notepad++ package. All of major mode work is based off of ScottAndrewBorton's Mode Tutorial: http://emacswiki.org/emacs/ModeTutorial This is the first time I've created a major mode, or even written anything significant in elisp. Feedback and suggestions are greatly appreciated.
  2. abelian

    co10 Escape

    Thanks for the info. We noticed that in the RHS mod, the crash sites contain a weapons crate full of vanilla weapons. I traced this to fn_CrashSite.sqf, where createVehicle "Box_NATO_Wpns_F" was being called twice with the same position. Only the second box is being cleared and repopulated with a3e_arr_CrashSiteWeapons. Would you mind sharing your mission compiler framework? My friend and I were thinking of making some tweaks to the mission, and if we wanted to easily manage and apply these changes to multiple map/mod targets, we would need to roll our own version of this mission generator.
  3. abelian

    co10 Escape

    Thanks so much for all your hard work keeping this going. With RHS support and the reduced arty option, this is now a better experience than the original Arma 2 version, even with a small number of players. My friends and I have been having a blast. In one of our three-player games, the backpack spawned about a meter outside the main gate. And because of the bug where the guards shoot you on sight, it was impossible to retrieve. (btw, as a workaround for that bug, would it be possible to spawn a loop that sets captive to true every second until the escape has started?) Also, I'm curious about the scripts and licensing of this mission. Obviously, the original mission work was by Enigma. What's the current license status? I noticed you have a github repo, but it hasn't been updated in 9 months. Do you plan to put up the source? And how do you manage the multiple map and mod ports? Do you have a build script for generating all of the variants from one common repository?