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Everything posted by j_johnson

  1. j_johnson

    3CB BAF Weapons

    Just to expand on the issue, the elevation change was having completely different effects depending on which charge I was using. On charge 1 the rounds completely ignored elevation change, so even if the target was over 200m below the gun, I had to do nothing with that column for rounds to land on target. For charges 2 and 3 the rounds fired at targets at lower elevations landed closer than the range table would suggest, so I actually had to adjust by an amount to make the lands further, which is the opposite of how it should be. It also should be noted that the amount I had to adjust was not at all related to the numbers on the table. I can't confirm if this was actually related to the charges or if something else was going on, this was just what I observed with several targets from different charges.
  2. j_johnson

    3CB BAF Weapons

    The compass issues happen whenever the mortar is not placed on completely even terrain. It seems that even the smallest of inclines throws off the reading on the compass fairly noticeably. As for the elevation change, is it meant to be applied in the same way as ACE3's 82mm range table? Because it does not seem to be working in the way I would have expected if so. The compass issue was with just 3CB Weapons, ACE 3.7.0, and CBA 3.1.0.
  3. j_johnson

    3CB BAF Weapons

    Not sure if these are known issues at this point, but the enlarged compass for the M6 added by the hotfix seems to now be inaccurate. It is off to the right by about 10-15 degrees almost. Also is the elevation difference calculation currently implemented? The rounds seem to land accurately without calculating for elevation differences.
  4. j_johnson

    Turtle's Armory

    Sounds great, can't wait for the CH-53 to be released.