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About falagor

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    Localization Producer

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  1. falagor

    Localized versions

    Hi. As said, the game is no longer in development, this includes localization. We do not plan any future updates or fixes. Sorry.
  2. Regarding this one - although we appreciate your feedback, we will be keeping the term as it is. Here is the reasoning of our translation team: Yes, this is a new military term for Chinese audience. The commonly used one is NBC (核生化) but the meaning for R (radiation) is missing in this term. Anyway, I had done some research on the Internet and found that 核生化辐 (CBRN) were adopted among Chinese audience. I think there is no need to update the translation to 化生放核 as this word does not read so naturally than 核生化辐.
  3. Ok, thank you very much everybody, much appreciated. Most of the above (if not all) mentioned reports will be fixed in 1.96 (as long as it was only a text change, cannot do anything about the audio), with the exception of the CBRN issue in Chinese simplified reported by pavel volonsky, which is something I have to dig deeper on. Thank you again, you guys are great!
  4. Valid feedback, however as per design we call these as "mags" (not "drums"), even in English, so the translation is actually correct.
  5. Also please note we have now newly created a dedicated localization/translation feedback at:
  6. Thanks for the feedback. There already exists a color setting named "Tropic" - it was introduced for Apex (or maybe Malden DLC?), and there is no point to change it now I believe : Tropique is indeed already in use and any other translation of Lush is even further from the idea of vegetation. So if we leave it as it is, we got two OK translations for two color variants, and the translations are consistent, therefore we have the best we can make of it, this is consistent and a non-issue.
  7. To our knowledge this translation uses a correct term - 大容量弹鼓装弹后可维持长时间射击 - if we are indeed talking about this sentence. Thanks for your feedback!
  8. Thanks, we will fix this one.
  9. Hello and thank you for all the reports. I have fixed everything reported here, please expect it in one of the future development branch updates. Now I will proceed with the issues reported on the Feedback Tracker. Again, thank you! And if you find something else, please report.
  10. Excellent catch, this is now fixed, unfortunately along some our internal localization issues this is the only community-reported bug I had time to fix until the hot-fix. I will fix the rest in the following weeks. Thanks a lot!
  11. Hello and thank you! Having released the Tanks DLC, I am planning on fixing many issues reported by the community very soon. Thanks and keep it coming!
  12. Thanks, I will do my best to fix what I can in my spare time.
  13. falagor

    Localized versions

    Ahoj. Jasné, mod vydej dle libosti. Pošli mi do soukromé zprávy tady na fóru odkaz na úložiště (např. Dropbox), kde máš překlady uložené. Mrknu se na ně, zda bychom je nemohli použít. Zatím díky.
  14. Hello. Sure, this thread is monitored by myself, but there is not always time to implement the community fixes right away. Now after releasing Laws of War, I have bit more time and I will try and fix anything I can reported by you guys. So thank you for this and keep this coming!
  15. falagor

    Localized versions

    Ahoj pe_pe1431. Odvedl jsi skvělý kus práce, to je jasně vidět. Díky za to! Nicméně na české verzi se na naší interní fanouškovské lokalizaci v CrowdIn vystřídalo spousta českých komunitních překladatelů (mohl jsi být jedním z nich, veřejně jsme možnost připojit se avizovali, škoda, že jsi informaci nezaznamenal). Máme tedy komunitní češtinu už hotovou, ale ještě není ve hře. Tvoje verze je jaksi navíc. Naši vývojáři TKOM momentálně pracují na něčem jiném, ale v dohledné době zapracují na přidání překladů do hry. Já osobně mám nyní plné ruce práce s Arma 3 Laws of War, ale až budu mít volněji, podívám se na stav tvé práce a když tak bychom to nějak udělali, že bysme ještě přidali i tvou práci (pokud budou některé části např. přeloženy lépe). Zatím nemůžu slíbit kdy, ale pokusím se. Zatím děkujeme a měj se pěkně, ozvu se.