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About flexgrip

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    Lance Corporal

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  1. flexgrip

    Ragdoll Physics Plus+ v1.0

    Does this mod need to be run on client and server or can it be specified as a -serverMod and be optional?
  2. Buuurn I'm fairly familiar with the VTN damage event handlers. The code is written to try and accommodate all carriers and backpacks and stuff; however, it is geared to really only consider their gear. Basically, if VTN, if not. I'm assuming the one of the two mods is missing a parameter in the gear that the VTN scripts need. So the script is getting a string instead of an int.
  3. Does this actually change the number of hits needed to take out a vanilla AI? We always have to do things to make the bullet hit values more realistic. Otherwise, arma 3 AI just wiggle 7 times before dropping from the 8 round out of a 5.56.
  4. Oh and one more thing. Our server is currently able to run 30 separate mods. Now that I have it working, I almost like having that limit, so the modpack doesn't get out of control. It forces me to make decisions about removing and adding stuff.
  5. So yeah, I've been through the ringer with this one. It seems to all come down to the server's UDP packet size and the steamquery api. Basically, the more mods you add, the larger the packet. And I've been told there is an upper limit to the packet size. The only workaround for now, if you want to use the steam workshop and get by this limit seems to be to combine insignificant stuff into one mod. Which is against some service's ToS. I think I've seen another bug report on this, and it's doubtful it will be fixed any time soon.
  6. flexgrip

    Ragdoll Physics Plus+ v1.0

    Hello! We love this mod in our group. Great job! Would you mind putting this on the workshop and giving it a proper meta.cpp and mod.cpp so launcher tools can properly name and attribute this mod in server lists? I would be super greatful :) Thanks!
  7. Is there a license for this? All I want to do is extend the medical system to keep people from being instantly killed. So they have a chance at being revived. I've looked through the scripts in the pbo. Looks like I could modify them. But I don't want to make anybody angry. If there's an easier way, please let me know.
  8. Are any of your custom user action keys bound to `?
  9. Weird, ` doesn't do that for me. Are you sure you don't have a different mod that does that?
  10. Dude made a mod to fix the zoom thing. What do you mean "shouldering"? Does VTN have a button to "shoulder" your weapon other than the normal arma right-click?
  11. I will test it, but I haven't seen that behavior. -serverMods are the mods that are not published to the client. I think the reason you are seeing the mods under "Suggested and additional mods" is because you have the keys in the keys folder. But hell, if it still works by putting some mods in -mods and some mods in -serverMods, then I can stop packing a bunch of mods together just to make shit work. I'll test it some more!
  12. Actually, I finally found the sqf inside the vtn_wounds.pbo. Trying to read through it all now. I noticed godmode :) Any quick tricks on getting "prevent instant death" working?
  13. Also, does VETERAN add eventHandlers for damage at all? I would like to keep players from going down on the first shot. Since we can't use ACE with your med system, we don't have a prevent instant death option. Wondering if you have any ideas on how we could prevent death using the VETERAN mod. If not, I'll get to scripting I guess. I looked through the _core_ pbo's in VETERAN and didn't see much regarding the HandleDamage event handler.
  14. Thank you thank you thank you... sooo much. I'm going to make a shit load of factions for this.
  15. Thanks for the release... But please... give us some documentation. How do we use earplugs? What cfgs do we need to make a custom faction work with VTN? Love your work so far :)