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Everything posted by veles-zv

  1. Hello Everyone, I would like to show case some content that I'm creating for Arma Reforger and Arma 4. Here is the list of Unguided AT launchers I'm planning (please note the Unguided part) What I have complete so Far as June 2022. M-72 Law M20 and M141 RPG-76 Komar Rpg -18 and 22 RPG 26 and MPO
  2. veles-zv

    Veles RPG / AT pack

    Type 70 Type 70-1
  3. veles-zv

    Veles RPG / AT pack

    Wasp 58 SARPAC If anyone has info on these sights, please post them in this forum. also if anyone has any info on how the SARPAC is reloaded.
  4. veles-zv

    Veles RPG / AT pack

    RPG-32 what do you guys think? Should I add in the GS-R2 scope in addition to the 1P81 Scope already in place? Id rather just stick with the 1P81 Since it has backwards combability with the RPG-29, SPG-9 and RPG-7.
  5. veles-zv

    Veles RPG / AT pack

    PF-11 (western Taiwan Shmel updated)
  6. veles-zv

    Veles RPG / AT pack

    RGW. im not too happy with the results will have to do a rework on them, primarily with the end caps. there are many sub variants let me know what you would like to see. also eye cup or no eye cup? and lastly I will not be making them with red dots that you might find with some countries.
  7. veles-zv

    Veles RPG / AT pack

  8. veles-zv

    Veles RPG / AT pack

    RPO-A šmel
  9. veles-zv


    looks very promising. its nice to see how user friendly the sdk is with nodes which leads to great mods like this being more accessible in the future.
  10. veles-zv

    Veles RPG / AT pack

    RPO Ris ( Update ) hey everyone I want to show you the next model I'm working on. I would like some help with research so please feel free to provided any info, it has been very difficult finding adequate reference material on the RPO. the most concerning issues are the Bipod and the rear sight.
  11. veles-zv

    Veles RPG / AT pack

    RPG-16 Grom/Udar
  12. veles-zv

    Arma Reforger my thoughts...

    If they add in mouse and keyboard support with the ability to use custom key binds like on a PC game, I don't see much of problem with them, the consoles are just gimped computers on the high/mid low end of performance. however console players on crossplay games seem to have horrible latencies, I dont know if this is due to netcode issues communicating to each user on different os or they all use wifi.